Make Homemade Itching Powder

DIY Snow Cream : Ice Cream Recipes with Fresh Winter Snow

A lot of you are enjoying a nice winter snowfall right now. Some of you aren't enjoying the snow at all, especially if your car's stuck in it or you have to grab the snow shovel, yet again. But perhaps you'll change your distaste for snow when you try out some tasty homemade s ...more

How To : Make kala channa or black chick peas curry

In this video, we learn how to make homemade Kala Channa. Ingredients you will need are: 2 c Kala Channa, 5 c water, 1 tbsp oil, 1/8 tsp asafoetida, 1/4 tsp haldi, 1 tsp minced ginger, 1 tsp minced garlic, 14 oz pureed tomato, 2 tsp salt, 1 tsp garam masala, 1/2 tsp red chili ...more

How To : Make a homemade butter pie crust

Chef John from Food Wishes has created this video tutorial on how to make a butter pie dough from scratch. First, chop up two sticks of unsalted butter and put it in the freezer. Next, weigh out you flour. It should be exactly 12 ounces. Add a half teaspoon of salt. Put the fl ...more

How To : Make homemade donuts and donut holes

Every now and then we all have carvings for sweet delicious donuts, and we all know they are best when they are fresh! With this simple guide, learn how to make your very own fluffy donuts and donut wholes. Lets face it; sometimes we just get a craving for doughnuts. Avoid th ...more

How to Make Indian food : Dahi vada

This is a video demonstration of an easy way to make dahi vada. She uses urad powder, adds cumin seed, baking powder, crushed chili pepper, salt, and garlic. She then shows how to make chutney. She uses tamarind paste and palm sugar. She goes back and mixes the dry ingredients ...more

How To : Slow cook pulled pork with BBQ sauce

Pulled pork is a buffet table favorite. This how to video demonstrates how to make pulled pork with homemade barbecue sauce from your slow cooker or crock-pot. Ingredients for pulled pork: 3-1/2 lb (1.75 kg) pork shoulder blade roast 3/4 tsp (4 mL) each salt and pepper 2 tbsp ...more

How To : Clone Taco Bell's Meat (AKA 'Taco Meat Filling')

Taco Bell's in the news for umpteenth time, and today the controversy is over their infamous beef taco meat. Gizmodo leaked a picture of Taco Bell's "Taco Meat Filling" and surprise, surprise— it's missing a lot of the "meat" that it claims in its advertisements. Taco Meat Fil ...more

How To : Make homemade icing

In this video you will learn how to create a homemade vanilla icing from scratch. To begin with you want to put about a cup and a half of powdered sugar into a bowl and then add a good amount of vanilla flavoring and then mix it up. Now, you want to add a little bit of squeeze ...more

How To : Make papier-mâché

In elementary school, we all experienced the wonders of papier mâché, that wonderfully malleable mixture of paper and glue (or maybe paper, flour, and water). Once it hardens, it's a homemade work of art. And homemade papier mâché is art on the cheap, allowing your imagination ...more

How To : Make a homemade key lime pie

Craving key lime pie? Make one at home! Who knew those tiny little limes could make a pie with so much flavor? Your friends will love this easy to make, tart treat. Learn how to make a homemade key lime pie with help from this instructional video. What you will need: • 1 1/2 ...more

How To : Make homemade ice cream in a plastic bag

No ice cream? No problem! You probably have the ingredients at home to whip some up. Watch this video to learn how to make homemade ice cream in a plastic bag. You Will Need * Two resealable plastic bags, one gallon-sized and one quart-sized * 1/2 c reduced-fat or whole milk ...more

How To : Make yummy guacamole

Follow these easy steps to make a delicious homemade guacamole from scratch. Follow these easy steps for a delicious guacamole: Scoop out the insides of a large avocado into a medium sized bowl. Add one diced tomato, a small amount of jalapeno if desired, cilantro, garlic, abo ...more

How To : Make homemade dessert icing

While topping your cake or cupcake with icing is easiest done using storebought icing, we're sorry to inform you that most grocery store icing has high amounts of saturated fat and even trans fat, both of which clog your arteries and contribute to heart disease. Not so appetiz ...more

How To : Prepare homemade lentil soup

A hearty and filling soup, lentil soup is a delicious dish that's perfect for a chilly day. Learn how to give it a smoky flavor with freshly roasted cumin seeds. lentils, olive oil, vegetable stock, dry cooking sherry, red wine vinegar, chopped tomatoes, fresh or frozen corn, ...more

How To : Make homemade chicken & dumplings from scratch

In this video, we learn how to make homemade chicken and dumplings from scratch. Cook your chicken the night before so it's ready to go the next day and is already torn apart. Next, make your dough by mixing in eggs, milk, flour, pepper, and salt. Mix this together until dough ...more

How To : Make homemade carnival style funnel cakes

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to make funnel cakes. Users will need some cream puff dough. Place the dough into a disposable plastic bag and snip off one of the corners of the bag. This will allow the user to squeeze the dough out. Then heat some oil at medium heat ...more

How To : Make easy homemade chicken noodle soup

In this tutorial, we learn how to make homemade chicken noodle soup. First, grab a large pot and add in 2 large chicken breasts. After this, add in 1/2 onion, 2 celery stalks, 2 carrots, and 2 sprigs of fresh parsley. Next, pour in water and add in garlic powder, black pepper, ...more

How To : Make chocolate truffles with peanut butter ganache

In this video, Cedric Begiun shows us how to make peanute butter truffle ganache. First, put cream and powdered sugar into a sauce pan and simmer it. Once it comes to a simmer you will pour peanut butter chips into it. Next, mix this together with a whisk or spatula. A whisk w ...more

How To : Make homemade cooked dog food

This video shows how to make a nutritious homemade cooked dog food using a product called UStew, which contains all the essential ingredients for a balanced homemade food for your dog. Start with two pounds of lean ground beef with no more than 20 percent fat. You can also us ...more

How To : Make delicious, homemade peach cobbler

USA Fire and Rescue Favorite Recipes demonstrates how to make peach cobbler. First, preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Then, add 3/4 of a cup of sugar, 1 cup of flour, 2 teaspoons of baking powder, a pinch of salt, 2 tablespoons of melted butter and 1/2 of a cup of milk to a mix ...more

How To : Make cole saw

This video from The Rookie Cooks is a demonstration of how to make cole slaw. He uses bagged cole slaw mix with cabbage and carrots already shredded. He adds six tablespoons of sugar and a tablespoon of onion powder and mixes it. He then adds a quarter cup of vinegar and mixes ...more

How To : Cook homemade chili

FIn this video Tony D'Angelo shows you how to make home made chili. The perfect chili for your hot dogs, burgers, or even your fries all made at home and on a budget. So forget those Johnny Rockets, or Carl's Jr. chili fries, its all about this home made delicious chili. Ingr ...more

How To : Make homemade chocolate frosting

Angie shows how to make chocolate frosting for cakes or cupcakes in this video tutorial. The first step is melting one stick of butter. Add 2/3 of unsweetened cocoa to the butter and mix thoroughly. Add 1 teaspoon of vanilla to bring out the flavor of the chocolate. Then, add ...more

How To : Make a chocolate self-saucing pudding dessert

Ready for another delicious homemade recipe from the One Pot Chef? Check out this tutorial for a Chocolate Self Saucing Pudding. This delicious dessert is a cake so gooey that it creates its own sauce topping! You can serve it with ice cream or even on its own. But, remember t ...more

How To : Make homemade marshmallow fondant

Amber takes you through making a Marshmallow Fondant using Crisco, powdered sugar, mini marshmallows, a spoon or spatula, water, plastic cling wrap, a mixing bowl, and a microwave. These step-by-step instructions are simple to follow, and because of the ingredients, it is inex ...more

How To : Make homemade ranch dressing

If you love topping your salads with ranch dressing, then try making it at home! This make-ahead seasoning mixture allows you to stir some together in a snap. You will need saltine crackers, garlic salt, onion powder, dry minced parsley flakes, minced dry onion, dry dill weed, ...more

News : Möbius Pasta + Jell-O Jigglin' at 6200 FPS

Food is the meeting place of left and right brainers: Culinary arts call for creativity, but is also deeply rooted in the What, Why and How of basic science—baking powder vs. baking soda, the rising of dough, the falling of a cake, etc. Below, two plays on left brain principle ...more

How To : Make Homemade Microwaveable Foot Warmers

Well, Ol' Man Winter is upon us yet again, blasting us with his icy breath. When I was a kid, I loved wintertime because it meant the prospect of sledding, snowball fights & missed school days in which to enjoy both. Now that I'm 45, however, my attitude toward the season has ...more

How To : Prepare a spiced apple chutney with brown sugar

Within a matter of weeks, the foodie holidays will impinge upon our dining room tables and wallets. Thanksgiving, quickly followed by Christmas, means lots and lots of savory meats like turkey, ham, and chicken. While you could purchase pre-canned cranberry sauce and serve th ...more

How To : Make Homemade Vanilla Frosting from Scratch

This is a great quick and easy recipe and a great healthy alternative to store-bought frosting. My husband and children love this frosting, and it's also a hit at my PTA meetings. It goes great on cakes, cupcakes, cookies, or anything you desire to put frosting on. I made thi ...more

How To : Make Homemade Simple Mask for Face and Hair

Ingredients 1 egg white 1 tbsp of full cream powdered milk 1 tbsp of pea flour Directions Mix & combine. Take egg white, powdered milk, and pea flour and mix in a small bowl; stir until it looks like a smooth paste. Now slowly add powdered milk in and stir continuously mak ...more

How To : Make a homemade cinnamon swirl bread loaf

Don't you just love cinnamon swirl bread? Especially the kind with raisins? Well, you don't have to buy it at the grocery store anymore, always worrying about that freshness date, you can make it yourself, right in your own home! This video recipe will show you both the regula ...more

How To : Make creamy blue cheese dressing from scratch

There's nothing better than homemade dressing, and this blue cheese dressing recipe is sure to stay in your recipe box. Watch and learn how to make this dressing from scratch, in just minutes, with Kevin Carey of Verrill Farm. He'll show you how to make this tangy, creamy yet ...more

How To : Make a lemon cream squares with Sandra Lee

Sandra Lee from Every Day Homemade demonstrates making lemon cream squares. She starts with a whole stick of butter, softened to room temperature. Add a box of yellow cake mix to the butter, and also one egg. Mix the batter with a hand mixer. It will be very thick. Clean off t ...more

How To : Make simple homemade toffee crunch crepe cake

Simply Made demonstrates how to make a toffee crunch crepe cake. First, assemble the ingredients for the crepes including 1 1/2 cups of flour, 1/4 of a cup of granulated sugar, 1/4 of a teaspoon of salt, one can of evaporated milk, 1/2 cup of water, four eggs, 1/4 cup of melte ...more

How To : Make homemade liquid laundry detergent

In order to make Homemade Liquid Laundry Detergent, you will need the following materials: A dutch oven or a large pot, a grater, a spoon, ¬O cup of Borax, ¬O cup of Arm & Hammer Washing Soda, a bowl, a measuring cup, 3-5 gallon cleaning bucket, empty plastic detergent bottles ...more

How To : Make homemade kimchi

Kimchi can be spelled in a variety of ways (gimchi, kimchee, kim tee), but what is it exactly? It's a Korean pickled dish made with vegetables and varied seasonings, and it's the most common side dish in South Korea. In this video tutorial, you'll gain the recipe for making ki ...more

How To : Make homemade meatloaf

If your mom didn’t make meatloaf as a kid then you can borrow this guy’s mom’s holiday meatloaf recipe. Meatloaf is easy to make and a great dish to serve to a large family. This tutorial will show you how you can work together in the kitchen to make a great meatloaf. Step 1 ...more

How To : Make a tomato-based barbecue sauce

Learn how to make a mouth-watering BBQ sauce from BBQTalk in just four easy steps! BBQTalk shows us how to make an easy, homemade BBQ sauce from scratch. You will need: 2 cups of ketchup ; cup white vinegar (apple cider vinegar can be used) ; cup of your favorite premium brand ...more

How To : Make hand-rolled chocolate truffles

You will be sure to win over anyone with some decadent homemade chocolate truffles. These are so impressive and rich and the best part is they’re surprisingly easy. Chef Alex will show you a few professional tricks to make this a sensational dessert. Things You'll Need: * 1 ...more

How To : Make homemade biscuits

What's better than a biscuit hot from the oven? Make a batch tonight with this easy recipe. You Will Need * 3 c. all-purpose flour * 1½ tbsp. sugar * 1 tbsp. plus 1 tsp. baking powder * ½ tbsp. salt * ½ tsp. baking soda * 1½ sticks chilled unsalted butter, cut into ¼-inch piec ...more

How To : Make your own dog treats

Show your four-legged friend you care by cooking up some homemade treats. This video will show you how to make your own dog treats. You Will Need * 4 bacon slices * 2 lb whole wheat flour * 1/2 c cold water * 1 egg * 1/2 c milk * 1 tsp garlic powder * 1/4 c bacon fat * A fry ...more

How To : Make your own oil paints

Learn how to make your own oil paints. Making your own oil paints is a lot like growing your own vegetables – homemade is always better than store-bought. You Will Need * Pigments * Linseed oil * Rubber gloves * A safety respirator or mask * Safety glasses or goggles * A sh ...more

How To : Cook a tangy Indian paneer with bell peppers

There aren’t too many people who don’t like paneer, an Indian homemade cheese. You won’t be able to resist this colorful and simply delicious way to enjoy paneer. The combination of cumin, fennel, onion and mustard seeds puts a whole new twist on this protein packed dish! Watc ...more

How To : Make homemade pizza with your favorite toppings

Watch this video to learn how to make a very easy recipe for homemade pizza. This homemade dough gives great results.   Ingredients:  -  2 1/2 cups all purpose flour -  1 teaspoon salt -  1 package active dry yeast -  2 teaspoon sugar -  1 1/4 cup water (more or less) -  1 tab ...more

How To : Make homemade donuts

In this video series, our expert will demonstrate how to make homemade donuts. You will learn how to make a variety of donuts, including an easy glazed donut, traditional jelly donuts and powdered sugar donuts. Part 1 of 18 - How to Make homemade donuts. Make homemade donuts - ...more

How To : Colonel Sanders' KFC Recipe Revealed!

The Holy Grail of chicken has just been found by an unsuspecting reporter of the Chicago Tribune. Yes, that's right: The secret 11 herbs and spices in Colonel Sanders' Original Recipe chicken has finally been revealed, and it looks legit as hell. While a copy of the Original ...more

How To : Things to Do on WonderHowTo (01/11 - 01/17)

WonderHowTo is made up of niche communities called Worlds. If you've yet to join one (or create your own), get a taste below of what's going on in the community. Check in every Wednesday for a roundup of new activities and projects. This week has been an exciting one. The com ...more

HowTo : Eliminate Pit Stains, B.O. and Excessive Sweating

Jezebel's back with another Beauty 101 (1, 2, 3), and this time the issue at hand is body odor. Everybody gets a little stinky from time to time (some more than others), but have no fear- there are solutions. Jezebel readers also address problems such as pit stains, excessive ...more

How To : Make Better Beef Jerky with Better Meat

The better the meat you use, the better your homemade beef jerky will turn out. You will want to go to your butcher and get as good a quality meat as you can afford and have the meat sliced really thin. Beef jerky is a great way to preserve your protein for a snack. This video ...more

How To : Make homemade Italian dressing seasoning mix

Italian dressing is so tasty, but did you know it's easy to make on your own? In this tutorial, learn how to make the seasoning mix, which can be used for dressing, salad and pasta toppings, or even marinades. You Will Need: * 1 tbsp. garlic salt * 1 tbsp. onion powder * 1 tbs ...more

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