Make Oobleck Without Cornstarch

How To : Make Quicksand at Home Using Cornstarch & Water

Creating awesomely messy slops of DIY slime and curdled fake blood isn't something new—we even have guides on making Dr. Seuss-friendly Oobleck and the radioactive green ooze that created my childhood favorite Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (minus the radioactive part, of course ...more

How To : Make slime without using borax

This video shows you how to make slime, or goo, without using borax which can be harsh on some people's skin. Rather than spending money on buying slime for your children in the toy store, simply mix water and cornstarch. You can even make it any color you want just by adding ...more

How To : Make a no-bake blueberry pie

What?!? A pie without baking? That's right, and you'll learn the recipe for this no-bake blueberry pie in this video. You'll need 3/4 cup of water, 3/4 cups of sugar, 3 tbsp of cornstarch and a pinch of salt. Mix it all together and put it on the stove. When the mixture dissol ...more

How To : Mix Oobleck

In this tutorial, we learn how to mix Oobleck. First, place some cornstarch into a large plastic bowl, then add in some water. After this, mix the ingredients together with a straw until you have a paste that forms from both of them. Don't add too much water, you want this to ...more

How To : Make Cheese Fondue Without a Fondue Pot

Fall is the time for comfort foods—and what is more comforting than crusty bread slathered in melted cheese? Owning a fondue pot is both convenient and wonderful, but not all of us have the luxury of space for nonessential kitchen appliances. However, there are plenty of ways ...more

How To : Cook Without Measuring Tools

What would you say if I told you it was entirely possible—even desirable—to cook anything from a simple dinner to a great loaf of bread without using measuring cups, spoons, or a scale? "Lies," I can hear you say, "Cheap internet lies!" But it's true. Experienced cooks are a ...more

How To : Walk on non-Newtonian fluid

You may remember the recipe for a basic non-Newtonian fluid from grade school science experiments (one part water to one and one third part corn flour or cornstarch), but those trials probably stopped at squeezing the mixture in your hands. While a regular fluid's viscosity wo ...more

How To : Make spring rolls with ground pork

Spring rolls are great, but do you know how to make your own homemade spring rolls? You will after watching this video recipe on how to make simple spring rolls, in celebration of the Chinese new year. They're super easy to make at home, and they don't need to be greasy and fu ...more

News : DIY Pop Tart on a Stick

Pie on a stick has been good to us, so why not Pop Tarts? (Admit it, Pop Tarts are good- and these are more like yummy pastries without preservatives.) As a tribute to Bakerella, Brooke of Family Kitchen has created a recipe for the latest addition to the lollipop dessert craz ...more

How To : Cook a honey-baked ham

Honey-baked ham is delicious, but it can be expensive and challenging to prepare. Fortunately, it doesn't have to be. If you want to cook a delicious ham without paying for the pre-made honey glaze and the preparation, here’s an easy way to do it yourself. You Will Need *1 h ...more

How To : The Absolute Best Way to Clarify Butter... Period

Ah, butter—the (literally) heart-stopping star of the dairy world. Everything tastes better with it, from pie crusts and cookies to veggies and steaks. Hell, you can even fry things in butter if you want the best-tasting fried foods of your (short) life. Don't Miss: Compound ...more

Velveting Meat : The Best-Kept Chinese Restaurant Secret

One of my favorite things about American Chinese food is how easy it is to eat: the pieces are bite-sized, the flavors are addictive, and the meat is always tender and easy to chew. But if you've ever tried to replicate any of your favorite takeout in the kitchen, you've likel ...more

News : DIY Christmas Gift Ideas!

Video: . Here there are some DIY gift ideas perfect for the Christmas season. They are really easy to personalize depending on what your likes are. For the first idea you will have to make a little plushie first. I've chosen a one up Mario mushroom. Pattern here: http://shai ...more

News : The Only Cat Litter Scoop You'll Ever Need

If you have a cat, trying to get all of the little clumps out of the litter probably feels like an impossible task. It pretty much is, but we've found the best cat litter scoop that gets more of those tiny pieces out than any other scoop. Plus, it's sturdy, degradable, and eth ...more

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