Make Woman

How To : Make a woman feel instantly comfortable with you

Observe the woman you're interacting with and listen to the woman to inform your conversation. Using these techniques will help women feel open and comfortable with you. Women are just people so don't objectify them. Making a connection enables you to view a woman as a real pe ...more

How To : Turn a male voice to female voice with Audacity

If you're a user of digital editing software Audacity, you already know you can do a ton of cool things. One of the cooler things you can do is changing a guy's voice to sound like a woman's. This is done with pitch control, or autotune, and will like you modify the voice by a ...more

How To : Make clothing see through in Photoshop

In this video tutorial, learn how to make any piece of clothing on a man or woman invisible. No perverts: This does not undress a woman to reveal what's underneath. Instead, it merely makes a piece of clothing transparent. A slight xray effect, great for switching out clothin ...more

How To : Do the Land O'Lakes Indian Butter (Boob) Trick

The artwork for Minnesota's Land O' Lakes butter packaging is classic, dating back to 1928 when it was first created by Brown & Bigelow illustrator Arthur C. Hanson. The logo was updated ("modernized") once in 1939, again in the '50s, and has undergone minor modifications here ...more

How To : Make Crappy Cheap Vodka Taste Like the Good Stuff

Let's be honest, most of us buy the bottom-shelf vodka either because we're broke or because we're going to disguise the gag-inducing taste of it with juice or something fizzy. If you're cooking or baking with vodka (ice-cold vodka works wonders in pie crust), what's the point ...more

How To : Shave Pubic Hair for Women

Many women may be curious about removing their pubic hair. Taking it all off can make you feel more confident and open. You will need either razors or wax; this video uses razors and shaving cream and gives you tips on selecting the perfect razor. It is worth it to spend the m ...more

How To : Insert a Foley catheter in a woman

This how to video demonstrates how to do a female Foley catheter insertion. Before beginning any catheterization procedure make sure to properly identify the patient, wash your hands, and that all the supplies are handy. Watch and learn how to properly insert a Foley catheter ...more

How To : Make a sexy looking toga out of a sheet for women

Watch this video to learn how to make a sexy toga for women! First, take a sheet and wrap it around from back to front, twisting it in the middle of your chest. (Wear a strapless bra.) Pin it there with safety pins. Take the bottom ends, tie them once in front and pin the tail ...more

Last-Minute Halloween Quickie : 100+ Free Printable Masks

If you've run out of time for all of our more time-consuming Halloween costume ideas, here are some places on the web for free, downloadable paper masks. There must be at least 100 options among these links to satisfy your last-minute costume needs! Just download, print, and c ...more

How To : Make yourself irresistible to girls or women

How To Make Yourself Irresistible to Girls. You don't have to be tall, dark, handsome, and rich to be a ladies' man. Just learn to recognize what women want. Female friends can provide some insight. Watch this video dating tutorial and learn how to make yourself appealing to w ...more

Advice from a Real Hacker : The Top 10 Best Hacker Movies

In recent years, Hollywood has taken a shine to hackers, with hackers appearing in almost every heist or mystery movie now. This can be both good and bad for our profession. As we know, whichever way Hollywood decides to depict our profession is how most people will perceive i ...more

How To : Do a urinary catheterization procedure on a female

In many situations, learning proper medical procedures is difficult due to the urgency involved in patient care, so this video aims to prepare nurses so they can learn and stay fluent with the proper urinary catheterization of a female patient. As with all procedures, washing ...more

How To : Work out your lower abs and eliminate that FUPA

Eliminate the FUPA from your body! This fitness video will show you the cure to that nasty "Fat Upper Pubic Area" that most woman have trouble with. That belly flab is a no-go, so start using this abs workout to begin exercising your abdominal area and feeling great again. You ...more

How To : Draw a back view of a nude woman

Learn how to draw from a professional artist! This drawing video tutorial will teach you how to draw a back view of a nude woman. This drawing demonstration will help you in the art of sketching and drawing naked women for your art projects. This is the Reilly technique for a ...more

How To : Dominate the New York Times Crossword Puzzle

First off, don't be frustrated. YOU CAN DO IT! Contrary to the message in the image above, it's NOT over. It's just beginning. And when it comes to solving the New York Times crossword puzzle, the old cliche does apply: practice makes perfect. I've read quite a few books and ...more

How to Hack Databases : Hunting for Microsoft's SQL Server

Welcome back, my fledgling hackers! The database is the hacker's "pot-of-gold," as it contains information that is very valuable to both the business and the hacker. In this, the second of my series on hacking databases, we're on the "hunt" for Microsoft's SQL Server. Althoug ...more

How To : Make a Simple Fog Machine to Prank Your Roommates

Like theme music, I always feel that I need more fog in my life. Fog can be useful for many reasons—warding off smaller siblings from your bedroom, keeping curious hands out of your cupboard, and tricking your friends into thinking there's something horribly wrong with their v ...more

How To : Make Greecian toga costume

All hail Caesar, it's costume time! OK, if you're a woman, or a girl and you're looking to make a cool toga costume, look no further as this video will show you what you need. Basically you'll want some white fabric, either cotton or satin or whatever you have in your sewing b ...more

How To : Sound Like a Biological Woman When Speaking

In this tutorial, we learn how to sound like a biological woman while speaking. There are many different techniques to help you speak like a woman, including going into falsetto. This isn't about getting the sound, it's about learning how to not speak with resonance. You want ...more

How To : Fold an origami butterfly with a dollar bill

This video shows the viewer how to fold an origami butterfly using a dollar bill. The woman in the video demonstrates the step-by-step technique used to create the butterfly with the dollar bill. Overall there are seven required steps to take an ordinary dollar bill and fold i ...more

How To : Shower

Learn how to take a shower if you are a woman, and then if you are a man. Personal results may vary. Gender by gender view the step by step of this hygienic staple. This video shows both sides of the shower coin.

How To : Make your voice change on Xbox Live

Are you an Xbox gamer? Like to play on Xbox live? Yeah! Would you like to change your voice to disguise it, or pretend to older or younger or maybe a man instead of a woman or vice versa? Well you can! This how to gives you the info on changing your voice when you're playing X ...more

How To : Create a bigger butt and hips using foam

Seldom does a woman want to increase her butt and waist size, but for those who work in theater, a big butt may just be a requirement for a role. However, faux butts and hips will generally rob your wallet of quite a steep amount of money, so why not make them yourself? All y ...more

How To : Perform a breast self examination to check for lumps

Performing a breast self-exam is important to every woman. Watch this video to learn the simple steps involved in checking for monthly changes in your breast. Perform a breast self examination to check for lumps. Click through to watch this video on

How To : 10 Reasons Why It's Better to Be a Jerk

Nice people finish first—or is it last? Though you may have been told throughout your life that being kind pays off, there are some obvious advantages to getting mean. So whether you're driving towards a goal at work, or need to attack a task in your personal life, acting like ...more

How To : Flirt like a pro

Want to learn how to flirt with a man or woman you have a crush on? Wouldn't you like to feel relaxed around that special someone? Don't you wish you could just outsource flirting? Well, since that service doesn't exist yet, our love-song specialist Evan Brown from Mahalo has ...more

How To : Cover a square cake with sugar paste or fondant

Do you have difficulty covering a square cake? Check out this how-to video to cover a square cake with sugar paste or fondant. Take advice from this Irish woman who knows how to cup her hand "like so." She also knows more about fondant than I do.

How To : Make a pregnant belly cake for a baby shower

Looking to make a pregnant belly cake for a baby shower (and have no qualms about eating a representation of a pregnant woman's belly)? With the proper tools and technique, it's easier than you might think. So easy, in fact, that this free video cake decorating lesson can pres ...more

How To : Deal with being a flat chested girl

With the average woman a 36C, it can suck being the flattest girl in the room. Here’s how to make the most of what you’ve got! You will need better posture, the right clothes, the right bra, exercise and eye shadow. Small breasts age better, so don't feel bad about your flatte ...more

How To : Draw an eye from a side view

Drawing and sketching an eye side view (profile) lesson video free online lesson. Learn how to draw eye side view (female, woman) Step by Step how to video tutorial lesson. Learn from beginning rough sketch to finish drawing online lesson for comics cartoon illustration.

How To : 7 Sweet & Savory Ways to Use Pancake Batter

In my household, we are frugal and somewhat picky eaters, so we have to be a little creative with the things we buy. We like to purchase items that can be used in multiple dishes to reduce cost—and because it's just more practical. Pancake mix is a favorite because it can be u ...more

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