Make Your Own Magic Props

News : Make hot ice

Why? Tricks the eye into thinking the impossible is as simple a single chemical reaction. Categorizing this tutorial is one of the great challenges for an internet librarian: magic trick or science experiment? Our crew made our own hot ice lab, which in effect ruined the ki ...more

News : Man Walks On Half a Million Volts of Electricity

Michael Faraday was an English chemist and physicist - a bona fide electromagnetism and electrochemistry genius. Without him, men couldn't walk on live electrical wires. Wait, what? In the Smithsonian IMAX documentary Straight Up: Helicopters in Action, helicopter pilots perf ...more

Ranked : The 5 Best Gaming Phones in 2019

Mobile gaming has exploded in recent years, with experts predicting 2.4 billion global mobile players by the end of 2019. It already accounts for 47% of the worldwide gaming market, besting console and PC. No wonder we've seen the rise of gaming smartphones, a class of phones ...more

How To : So, You're a Steampunk… Now What?

Let's say that you've got the look down, and you have your Steampunk props all ready to go. Congratulations! You're a Steampunk! But now what do you do with yourself? You can sit there, patting yourself on the back, but that gets lonely after awhile. Your props will look nic ...more

News : Why Steampunks Shouldn't Buy iPhones

This may seem like an odd subject, because what do Steampunks and iPhones even have to do with each other? Actually, more than you might think! With the recent release of iOS 6 and the iPhone 5, I thought it was time to show how they relate to Steampunk. Photo by Robert S. Do ...more

News : Google Skips ARCore to Add AR to Motion Stills App

If you're an Android user, you're very likely jealous of your iPhone friends who have access to the wide, wonderful world of augmented reality thanks to ARKit. But while ARCore is still in developer preview and AR Stickers remain an exclusive feature of Pixel smartphones, the ...more

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