Making Furniture

How To : Build a wood flag and certificate display case

Eagle Lake Woodworking, hosted by John Nixon, offers great do-it-yourself guides for building your own furniture, especially in the American Arts and Crafts style, and turning your garage into an amateur woodshop. Search Eagle Lake on WonderHowTo for more carpentry tutorial vi ...more

How To : Use a banana in seven unexpected ways

Don’t throw out that banana peel—or that overly ripe banana. Put them to good use around your house instead. Step 1: Shine your shoes Rub the inside of a banana peel on anything made of leather—shoes, pocketbooks, jackets. Then wipe away the residue and buff with a lint-free ...more

News : Carnivorous Furniture Eats Flies and Mice for Energy

PETA wouldn't consider James Auger and Jimmy Loizeau's ingenious flypaper clock very eco-friendly, but I might beg to differ. The clock doesn't require any electricity or batteries. Instead it captures flies and converts the bodies of the dead insects into energy. Eight dead f ...more

How To : Survive an earthquake

Feeling unprepared for the next earthquake? In this tutorial, learn what to do and what not to do to survive "the big one". You'll be surprised to learn that hiding in a doorway is a myth! You Will Need: • A safe place • Sturdy shoes • A fire extinguisher • A flashlight ...more

How To : Make a tribal hemp bracelet

To make a tribal hemp bracelet, first you need to prepare the hemp. Buy a natural colored hemp of 1mm thick(20lb twine). Cut one strand of hemp that is around six times the length. Cut a second strand of hemp that is twice the length of the first, or roughly 12 times the lengt ...more

How To : Remove carpet dents

Don't let heavy furniture ruin your carpet This how to video shows a easy, quick way to remove dents made in your carpet from heavy furniture and other things.

How To : Avoid Static Electricity

Static electrical shock your worst nightmare? The clothes you choose, the shoes you wear, and even the things you touch might encourage this natural phenomenon. If static shock is ruining your day, then take some action. Reduce your chances of getting a nasty shock that's not ...more

How To : 11 Crazy Useful Things You Can Do with a Candle

Originally made using whale fat, candles first appeared over 2,200 years ago as a means of illumination. From the 1st century up until the 19th century, candles were primarily made using beeswax or tallow, and aside from providing light, were used as a method of keeping time. ...more

News : These Beautiful Chairs Are Grown, Not Made

For anyone who has spent an entire afternoon attempting to assemble a set of IKEA chairs, these wooden masterpieces probably seem pretty appealing. British furniture maker Gavin Munro has found a way to create interesting, yet functional pieces by planting tree shoots, guidin ...more

How To : Build a Simple Bench from Reclaimed Wood

How to make a wooden bench from reclaimed wood. Recycled wood projects, whether it's from pallet wood or old fence palings, the end result can be fantastic! In this video l am using reclaimed hardwood fence palings to build a rustic wooden bench seat. Rustic wood furniture has ...more

Apple AR : IKEA Takes the Wraps Off of Its ARKit App

When Apple introduced ARKit earlier this year, they trotted out IKEA as one of the companies it was working with to build an augmented reality app that lets customers see furniture as it would appear in their home. While the Swedish furniture monger did not make an appearance ...more

How To : Build an Awesome Hall Table!

How to build a Hall Table from recycled wood pallets. I love pallet furniture and this wooden pallet project is no exception. It's easy to build and costs very little money. The hall stand is made entirely from old pallets and hardwood fence palings. Hall tables are very pract ...more

News : DIY Gigantic Nintendo Coffee Table Controller

Playing Super Mario Bros 3 with a giant controller on a projection screen = nerd nirvana. Giant NES controller/coffee table/storage box made by Kyle Downes. This piece of furniture actually connects to the system, and works as a real controller. Scroll down for video demonstra ...more

News : The 'Electri-City' Tables by Ben Yates

I have an interest in using recycled materials in sculptures, particularly circuit boards and other wasted electronic and mechanical components with which I put together sprawling cities lit with fairy lights. These cityscapes can conjure an image of a parallel society built f ...more

How To : 8 Ways Google Lens Can Help You Be More Productive

I've covered augmented reality apps for about three years now and the most useful mobile app I've encountered over that time is Google Lens. In brief, Google Lens can recognize and interact with text and identify a wide spectrum of objects, turning your smartphone's camera in ...more

How To : 21 Miraculous Uses for Coconut Oil

What can't coconut oil do? This edible oil, extracted from the copra or meat of a coconut, has done what most other food, beauty, and health trends have not: demonstrated real lasting power. Indeed, the "superfood" continues to make headlines, with its many uses the subject of ...more

How To : 9 Ways to Hack Your Life with Coconut Oil

Coconut oil must be sent from the gods themselves, because this stuff is made of miracles. If you ever wondered why your mother always has it around, it's because she's smart enough to know the countless uses for it. Whether you need a beauty remedy, help with weight loss, or ...more

News : 10 New AR Features in iOS 12 for iPhone & iPad

Apple's iOS 12 has finally landed. The big update appeared for everyone on Monday, Sept. 17, and hiding within are some pretty amazing augmented reality upgrades for iPhones, iPads, and iPod touches. We've been playing with them ever since the iOS 12 beta launched in June, and ...more

News : Top 9 New Safari Features in iOS 12 for iPhone

If there's one strength of Apple's that iOS and Android fans can agree on, it's the company's dedication to user privacy. With each new iteration of iOS, Apple builds upon these foundations, enhancing and increasing each iPhone's ability to protect its user's data. In iOS 12, ...more

News : How to Get Rid of Bed Bugs Using Less Pesticide

Bed bugs are parasites not yet known to spread disease — but they cause plenty of irritation. As scientists and landlords search for new ways to deal with the pests, a new study examines how we can deter bed bugs without so many chemicals. While they don't infect us with anyt ...more

Trash Talk : 5 Food Scraps You Should Not Be Throwing Away

A few years ago I went hog-wild trying to achieve a zero-waste lifestyle. I didn't succeed, but the experiment taught me that we throw away things we could—and should—be using more. In ye olde days of our forefathers, people generally used every part of the animal in cooking. ...more

Green Tea : It Cleans More Than Just Your Body

About ten years ago, Western research figured out that green tea was a nutritional powerhouse. After all, in Asian countries where green tea is consumed throughout the day, cancer rates tend to be much lower, although there are probably other factors contributing to that fact, ...more

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