Making Lego

How To : Make a Rorschach from The Watchmen Lego minifigure

The Watchmen are one of the most intriguing set of characters in the history of comics. If you love both the comics and Legos, then this video is for you. It features detailed instructions for making a custom Lego minifigure of Rorschach using basic hobby tools. Make the whole ...more

How To : Make an Ozymandias from Watchmen Lego minifigure

Ozymandias, the smartest man in the world, is certainly one of the most intriguing of the many intriguing characters from the comic The Watchmen. This video features detailed instructions for making a custom Ozymandias Lego minifigure. Combine with the other Watchmen hero mini ...more

How To : Make Lego figures fly using stop-motion animation

Stop-motion animation is somewhat out of favor in the digital age, but there will always be a demand for its timeless look. This video will teach you one important technique for making stop-motion animation out of Legos: how to make them fly. Or at least appear to by flying in ...more

How To : Make a Lego minifigure of the Terminator

The Terminator is Arnold Schwarzenegger's most famous character, and arguably the most popular cinema cyborg of all time. This two-part video features detailed instructions for making your own very small terminator out of two Lego figures, one skeleton and one normal, and some ...more

How To : Make 2x1x1 Rubik's Cube from Legos

Want to make a Rubik's Cube just like Erno Rubik? Of course you do, but before you start making all of the intrinsic mechanisms of the classic Cube, maybe you should start out a little simpler. This video tutorial will teach you how to make 2x1x1 Rubik's Cube from Legos. Just ...more

How To : Make the X-Men character Wolverine out of Legos

Wolverine is unquestionably the most popular member of the X-Men superhero team created by Marvel. If you like Legos, the chances that you also like the X-Men are pretty good. Combine your two loves by watching this video, which walks you through the process of making a Lego m ...more

How To : Make The X-Men character Gambit out of Legos

Gambit is one of the most popular and underutilized characters in the X-Men pantheon. Now, you can show you appreciation of this iconic anti-hero by making his likeness out of Legos. This video walks you through the process of making a Lego figure look like Gambit. The only no ...more

How To : Make a Clone Sargent Denal custom Lego minifigure

Sargent Denal is one of the most decorated members of the Clone Army, and thus an important player in the Clone Wars saga of the Star Wars series. This video features detailed instructions for making a custom Lego minifigure of the Sargent for use in any Clone Wars scenes you ...more

How To : Make a Lego crossbow

The girl in this video demonstrates the way of making a LEGO crossbow at home. She first shows you what all pieces that you require for the process. Then she asks you pick up the rod-shaped piece and stick it to the back of the spark piece. Then you have to put the two tiny pi ...more

How To : Make a sniper rifle for a Lego minifigure

Making realistic weapons for your Lego minifigures to hold is one of the most important parts of constructing a realistic-looking battleground scene out of Legos. This video features detailed instructions on how to build a Mach 11 sniper rifle out of Lego blocks that is small ...more

How To : Make a Lego Arc Trooper pilot from Star Wars

If you are the type of Lego enthusiast who like to construct full-scale models of famous battles and scenes out of your blocks and minifigures, then accuracy is probably important to you. If making a Star Wars: The Clone Wars scene, the Arc Trooper pilot is an important elemen ...more

How To : Make a Lego minigun

This is a Hobbies and Toys video tutorial where you will learn how to make a LEGO mini gun. For making this toy, you will need the LEGO mini gun kit. The mini gun consists of eight parts. Probably the pieces do not have names. So, the kid who is demonstrating in this video kee ...more

How To : Make the Terran barracks from StarCraft with Legos

When you're building with Lego, you want to try to mix it up a little bit every once in a while. And if you're a big fan of StarCraft wouldn't it be awesome if you could make your own base out of Legos!? Well, let's start with the basics, you're gonna need a barracks if you're ...more

How To : Make a semiautomatic Lego rubber band gun

Semiautomatic fire is practically a necessity for modern firearms. This video features a tutorial on making your own semiautomatic gun, but instead of metal, you will be working in Legos. If you can get past the cheesy music, this is a very cool little gun, and it will allow y ...more

How To : Make Luigi from Mario out of Legos

Luigi is the comic relief / punching bag character in the most popular series of video games of all time, Mario. There are many different models of Luigi that you can make or acquire made from plush and die-cast. This video will teach you how to make a two-dimensional (at leas ...more

How To : Make a LEGO Menorah

This tutorial demonstrates how to make LEGO Menorah which is used for decorative purposes. First a 1/3 angle brick and a transparent red color stud dot are taken. Then three red cans are taken. Now one of the red can is fixed to one side of the angle brick, leaving the middle ...more

News : Star Wars Foosball Table Made Entirely of LEGOs

An incredible LEGO feat: the Rebel vs. Empire Star Wars LEGO Foosball table. Built entirely, in and out, of LEGOs. LEGOs + Star Wars + Foosball = total Nerd-vana. Previously, Play Foosball With LEGOs. Man Spends 2 Years & 30,000 LEGOs Building Star Wars Ship. 16-Year-Old Bui ...more

News : Amazing Star Wars Sand Crawler Made of LEGO

This amazing Star Wars Sand Crawler is built entirely out of legos. Includes lighted eyes of the Jawas and a working crane to life the droids. Youtube User Marshal Banana from Switzerland created it. Here are the details: Minifigscale: 96 cm long, 100.5 cm long (lowered ma ...more

How To : Create and animate a stop motion LEGO brickfilm

Create and animate a stop motion LEGO brickfilm! Yes, that's right... you can make your very own animated brickfilm, but wait... what exactly is a brickfilm? Brickfilms are animated films using LEGO, Mega Bloks, or other plastic construction building block toys. Most are stop ...more

How To : Create blocks in the Lego Mindstorms NXT system

If you find yourself using the same functions over and over again in the Lego Mindstorms NXT robotics system it may be helpful to program your own subroutine or block to save time in making other programs. Learn how to use the my blocks function in the NXT programming environm ...more

How To : Play the constructive board game Rumis

As a kid, you always liked to be constructive, building with Legos and Lincoln Logs, and at one point you even got into playing the strategic, building block, video game Tetris. Why not go back to the gold old days and find a new game of today similar to those of your young ye ...more

How To : Create a 3d lego brick in Illustrator

This video demonstrates how to create a 3D Lego brick using the Illustrator. In this, first a circle is made and then, by using the "transform‚" mode, another circle is made. Then by the 3D command it is converted into a 3D image. Further you can copy these circles and make th ...more

How To : Build a LEGO desk

This video is about making a LEGO desk, which is used for placing computers. The video shows the first step by taking few pieces of wood and making into pieces. Then two of the pieces are placed one over the other and placed in the left side and the other single piece is place ...more

How To : Stack a cake using pillars and dowel rods

Unless you're making a one layer cake, which doesn't seem to exist all that often anymore, putting together double, triple, and even quadruple layered cakes requires that skill we learned by trial in error when we were wee little toddlers playing with legos: stacking. While c ...more

News : Ewok Cake

Via AntVar's deviantART: "This is the birthday cake my wife made for me this year. We have a teddy bear cake pan that hasn't been used much so I suggested making it an ewok from Star Wars for me this year. She did all the work of baking the cake and decorating it, but it was ...more

Star Wars : A New Hope LEGO Chess Set

WonderHowTo World LEGO People points us to an amazing chess set made with LEGO Star Wars characters. LEGO fanatic Brandon Griffith of Hollywood, CA, plans to build three different chess sets, one per each original episode. Pictured below is his first completed set, Star Wars: ...more

How To : Build your K'NEX Pirate Ship Park

K'NEX is one of the most popular construction toys on the market, right next to Lincoln Logs and LEGOs, but what makes K'NEX stand out is the fact that children can build mechanically derived toys. Instead of blocks or little logs, kids use interconnecting plastic rods and con ...more

News : Build Bad A$$ Lego Guns

This video features guns created by a new book called Badass Lego Guns. The book is a guide to how to build guns made of LEGOs that actually fire LEGO bullets. Order book at: http://XUBOR.COM

How To : Build a fridge out of Legos

If you're building a house model, or if you're just looking for a quick and fun model to make, give the refrigerator a try! With a full swinging door, it's made to size so any minifigure will have access to it with a believable scale. In this video you will get a glimpse of ea ...more

How To : Build a bolt action gun out of Legos

Most Lego guns use a simple rubber band action, which don't resemble the action on any real weapons other than a crossbow maybe. This video tutorial on making a gun out of Legos stands out from the pack because it features a bolt action, the same type used on rifles since the ...more

News : Forbidden LEGO Gun Book

In this book you can build all sorts of 'Dangerous Weapons'. I came across this youtube video of a gun made from the directions within the book.

How To : Make a very small gun out of Knex

Most homemade toy guns made from construction toys like Legos and Knex are big, cumbersome affairs. For toy weapon enthusiasts looking for something smaller and sleeker, this video will teach you how to make a very small, maybe even the world's smallest, Knex gun. It only uses ...more

News : 2012 is coming do you have your Bunker?

This amazing bunker, post apocalyptic LEGO creation was made by MAINMAN. The diorama is divided into 3 sections, which connect together into one huge underground base, complete with its own com room, air processor room, and airlock to keep out the zombies.

How To : Program switches in the Lego Mindstorms NXT system

To get some great functionality out of your Lego Mindstorms NXT robot it is important that you know to how program basic decision-making tasks. Learn how to program switches in the Lego Mindstorms NXT programming environment. Program switches in the Lego Mindstorms NXT system. ...more

How To : The Official Google+ Insider's Guide Index

Welcome to the Google+ Insider's Guide to all things Google+. We're dedicated to keeping you updated with all the latest news, tips and tricks on Google+, and this official index will serve as a one-stop catalog of all our How-To articles, as well as all the news & updates we' ...more

News : Flying Pegasus Operated with LEGO Gears & Cranks

Korean MOC Pages user Kyoung-bae Na, aka edulyoung, constructed this beautiful LEGO automaton of a winged Pegasus. Maneuvered with a series of mechanical LEGO gears and cranks, watch below as Pegasus "hovers", flapping her wings. Kyoung-bae Na sells his creations out of his e- ...more

Shortcut : Fix a Wiggly Wall Outlet

Normally the idea of messing with an electrical outlet makes me squirm, but Apartment Therapy's quick fix for a loose wall outlet means skipping out on a costly electrician bill. Not only is a wiggly wall outlet unsightly, but it can also be a fire hazard. The solution is simp ...more

News : LEGO Tron Quorra

"It seems that artist Iain Heath is quite enamored with her as well, as he’s decided to turn her Tron Legacy character Quorra into an awesome LEGO model. At only 12 inches tall and made of blocky LEGO bits, the model doesn’t exactly capture Olivia Wilde’s character in all her ...more

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