
How To : Mince Garlic Without Dirtying a Cutting Board

Some nights, I'm a lazy cook and only want to chop one clove of garlic for my immediate needs instead of prepping a giant batch and freezing it the way I normally do. The only problem is if I'm already feeling that lazy, I really don't feel like dirtying a whole cutting board. ...more

How To : Easily Peel Garlic Using the Twist & Snap Method

Peeling garlic is one kitchen task that every cook, from the newbie to the experienced, is always trying to make easier. Methods vary, from shaking heads of garlic inside a container to using the microwave to help peels slide right off. I love all these techniques, which work ...more

How To : Produce a resonant sound with the flute

Many young players have a too tight, smile embouchure with the flute high on their lip and the hole almost entirely covered. Some were initially taught the coke-bottle method of blowing straight across the hole. This video addresses these common problems that many flutists hav ...more

HowTo : Hack Your Guitar Hero To Shoot Gigantic Flames

Chris Marion's Guitar Hero hack is nothing short of genius. The pyro-gamer-maniac interfaced his guitar with a microcontroller hooked up to five flame shooters (translation: every time he presses a button, a giant flame is propelled into the sky). Click through for full instru ...more

How To : Practice active breathing for flute

Check out this flute lesson on breathing techniques by Nina Perlove who teaches at Northern Kentucky University. This unconventional breathing method was taught by Alain Marion in Paris. The end goal is to allow your lungs and chest cavity to expand. You will have more breath ...more

How To : Make new lace look old

Marion teaches us how to use a technique involving lace and glitter mist to make the lace look vintage. The lace can be placed in a bucket to spray the glitter mist from Tattered Angels onto the lace. Doing this in the spray bucket allows you to avoid spraying anything else in ...more

How To : Make an expandable keepsake photo box

Looking to make a homemade keepsake box for someone special? In this two-part scrapbooking tutorial, learn how to make an adorable expandable keepsake box with help from A Piece of Craft. Marion shares a super girly version of this box she made for her young daughter and goes ...more

How To : Make eggs with the Joy of Cooking

Seventy-five years ago, a St. Louis widow named Irma Rombauer took her life savings and self-published a book called The Joy of Cooking. Her daughter Marion tested recipes and made the illustrations, and they sold their mother-daughter project from Irma's apartment. Today, nin ...more

How To : Wash cloth diapers

Cloth diapers are a little bit more work than the disposable kind. No need to worry, with some regular laundry detergent and vinegar your baby will be happy as a clam in his clean and irritant free diapers. It’s a dirty job but someone’s got to do it! Keeping your baby’s diap ...more

How To : Make custom buttons out of paper & clear buttons

In this video, Marion shows you how make your own custom buttons. She first picks-out a piece of scratch paper, a clear button, and glue (glassy accents). You then apply some of the glue onto the button and lay the button onto the paper and let it dry. Next you would cut the p ...more

How To : Legally change your name

Archie Leach. It just doesn't have the same ring as Cary Grant, does it? Marriage, divorce, or just dislike of the name your parents gave you – all are reasons to follow these steps toward a new name. You Will Need *Your birth certificate *Your social security card *A petiti ...more

News : All Good Things (2010)

Lots of white on white posters these days. The simplicity really strikes me with this poster design for "All Good Things" Lots of clever things in this design, including the interlocking OO to represent their marriage. Here is the movie trailer for "All Good Things" Here ar ...more

News : Why politicians lie and why we want to believe them

From Richard Nixon -- "I'm not a crook" -- to Bill Clinton -- "I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky" -- to Marion Barry -- "It's all made up... I don't know what happened" -- to John Edwards --"The story is false... It's completely untrue, ridiculous" ...more

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