
How To : Make a Cheap Cut of Steak Taste Like Filet Mignon

Living on a budget often means compromising what you want for what you need—or at least, for what's affordable. But that doesn't necessarily mean you have to compromise on flavor, especially if you know the right tips and tricks to make something spectacular out of the ordinar ...more

How To : Pan roast filet mignon

Filet mignon is always a treat. This delicious cut of beef is so tender, you can often cut the filet with a fork. This how to video shows you how to cook a pan roasted filet mignon. Start the filet mignon in a skillet to sear in the flavor and then move it to the oven for abou ...more

How To : Make filet mignon steak sandwich

Why put a steak on a plate when you could make it into an amazing sandwich? Betty shows you her special filet mignon steak sandwich recipe. Ingredients: (for 2 sandwiches) (2) filet mignon steaks, trimmed of fat and about a quarter-pound each (You may use any boneless steak ...more

How To : Make filet mignon with Paula Deen

Paula Dean shows us how to make Filet Mignon for a romantic dinner for two in this video. Marinate your steak meat in the refrigerator using a plain Italian salad dressing. You can use a bottled dressing or make your own, if you prefer. Marinate for about 4 hours, 2 hours on ...more

How To : Make beef stroganoff with filet mignon

Chef Billy Perisi of fixmyrecipe.com takes us through how to make beef stroganoff without curdling the sauce. Get pan nice and hot with oil. Slice up filet mignon instead of sirloin steak. Lay slices into pan of oil and then season them. After about a minute, flip the slices ...more

How To : Make oyster stuffed filet mignon

In this video from foxprovidence we learn how to make a oyster stuffed filet mignon. Make an incision against the grain of the meat in the center of the meat. Stuff with two to three oysters. With a medium hot pan with oil, salt the steak. Fingerling potatoes and Brussels spro ...more

How To : Grill Argentine filet mignon

In this video, Steven Raichen demonstrates how to make a quick and delicious meal of Argentine "gaucho grilled" filet mignon with grilled eggplant and peppers. In his travels around the world, Raichen became fascinated with the rich, slightly smoky flavor of steak cooked in th ...more

How To : Make foolproof filet mignon

In this video, Chris Kimball of America's Test Kitchen appears on CBS to show us how to make full proof pepper-crusted fillet mignon. America's Test Kitchen made this recipe 40 or 50 times to make sure it's the perfect recipe. You can start with an entire tenderloin and cut ou ...more

How To : Make filet mignon and roasted potatoes

Amelia Ceja prepares delicious filet mignon with roasted potatoes. She starts by placing the sliced potatoes on a baking sheet. Then she adds some garlic cloves and sprinkles with olive oil, then some fresh cracked pepper, cayenne pepper, kosher salt and fresh rosemary and thy ...more

How To : Prepare Don Henley's favorite fillet mignon

In these cooking videos you'll learn step-by-step how to prepare this gourmet dish in the privacy of your own kitchen. In this recipe the steak is served with a delicious au Poivre, or peppercorn sauce, and Chef Blondie shows you how to get a perfectly seasoned and cooked stea ...more

How To : Grill a simple fillet mignon in a unique way

In this video Dave shows his unique way to grill fillet mignon. Dave begins the video with a brief history of fillet mignon. Dave says his unique way is easy as long as you follow his simple steps: 1) Allow steak to come to room temperature before putting it on the grill. This ...more

How To : 10 Herbs You Can Buy Once & Regrow Forever

Fresh herbs are a surefire way to enhance a dish, but buying them at the store each time you need them is costly. Luckily, growing your own herbs is a lot easier than it seems: You can even using cuttings from the herbs you already buy to start your own little herb garden. An ...more

How To : Shuck an Oyster Without an Oyster Knife

There are few kitchen tools as elusive as the oyster knife. Many people—even seafood lovers—don't own one. If you do own one, it probably gets used so infrequently that it gets sent to the very back of the shelf where it proceeds to get lost. Then you accidentally find the kni ...more

How To : Make Homemade Jerky Without a Dehydrator

Jerky is one of the tastiest snacks in existence. It's packed with richness, saltiness, and spiciness, and it's one of those things that you can't stop eating once you start. It's also fairly expensive, unless you're opting for the gas station variety which is… er… jerky in th ...more

How To : 15 Mind-Blowing Ways to Use Leftover Pickle Juice

Pickles come in all shapes, sizes, and names (gherkins in the UK, cornichons in France). There are even crazy flavors such as koolickles—dill pickles soaked in a mixture of Kool-Aid and brine, an American South favorite. Whatever sort of pickle tickles your fancy, you can coun ...more

How To : Julienne cut vegetables

Julienne-cut vegetables is just a fancy way of saying very skinnily-cut vegetables. But chefs use the term to sound cool and professional (or at least we think so). Either way, when it comes down to food, presentation is definitely half the battle. So make your next filet mig ...more

How To : Three Cheap Meat Cuts That You Need to Utilize

Cooking on a budget isn't always easy, but there's a silver lining: it can be really fun. Ever since I started supporting myself I've enjoyed going shopping, finding the most affordable items, and learning how to make the most of them. Sure, sometimes I wish I could afford to ...more

News : MSG Is the Ultimate Healthy Flavor Hack

Hear me out. No, really. Before you sharpen your pitchforks and give me anecdotal evidence of your Chinese restaurant syndrome, I think you need to know a few things about monosodium glutamate. First of all, it's a naturally-occurring chemical compound that can be found in any ...more

How To : Make less expensive cuts of meat tender

You don't need to pay filet mignon prices to get melt-in-your-mouth tenderness. You just need to know a few tricks. Learn how to make less expensive cuts of meat tender. No need to spend the big bucks on fancy steak. Step 1: Rub with papaya Briskly rub the inside skin of a fr ...more

How To : Plate Food Like a Pro

We are visual animals. So when it comes to food, presentation is everything. In deciding what to eat, certain colors and textures instantly turn us off or on. Think of runny sautéed spinach versus a salad of fresh vibrant spinach. Which one would you reach for first? Restaura ...more

How To : Cook kangaroo meat as steaks on a grill

Johnny O the Barbecue Hobo demonstrates how to cook kangaroo on the grill--Delicious! Kangaroo meat needs to be prepared in a similar fashion to filet mignon. Learn how to grill up an unusual but great tasting steak.

How To : Barbecue a porterhouse steak on the grill

Looking for a real special steak for your next BBQ? Check out the Porterhouse cut of meat. It's actually two steaks in one, a New York strip and a tenderloin (Fillet Mignon). Watch this how to video as one of the BBQ Pit boys demonstrates what to look for when purchasing a qu ...more

How To : Make an extraodinary philly cheese steak

This excellent video will teach you how to turn an ordinary philly cheese steak to something extraordinary. You'll impress all your guest if you follow each step on how to accomplish this delicious dish. You'll never settle for ordinary again. Blackened Filet Mignon Cheese St ...more

How To : Make a hollandaise sauce

Hollandaise sauce is the perfect topping for poached eggs, asparagus, or filet mignon. This recipe is very easy, made in a blender instead of a double boiler. Check out this video tutorial from Holiday Kitchen TV and Summer Kitchen TV to learn the rest about how to make a hol ...more

How To : Make grilled steak with teriyaki balsamic glaze

In this clip, Jaden Hair, shows you how to make yummy grilled beef steak with teriyaki balsamic glaze for any meal. In this episode, presented by the experts at Betty Crocker, you will grill a sumptious filet mignon into this mouth watering Asian style. Enjoy!

How To : Make the perfect steak in 20 minutes

Interested in grilling a filet mignon to perfection (i.e., à point)? With the proper technique, it's easier than you'd think! So easy, in fact, that this free video cooking lesson can present a complete overview of the cooking process in about five minutes. For more informatio ...more

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