Move Hips Like Shakira

How To : Do Usher's famous hip hop slide glide dance move

Want to have the ladies come to YOU in the club, rather than waiting around staring at them creepily and coming in from behind hoping to get some action? Then boy, you need to learn some dance moves. And what better person to learn the ways of the suave player than Usher? Tak ...more

How To : Do three different hip hop dance moves

This video demonstrates three different hip hop streetdance moves. If you like Chris Brown, you might like this dance tutorial video. The dancer demonstrates and provides text explaining each hip hop dance move.

How To : Choreograph hip hop moves in a box

If you want to start choreographing hip hop moves to children, then this hip hop tutorial is for you. In this how to video, Tricia Gomez shows off her teaching tool, Dance in a Box to help you teach hip hop to children. These are easy dance moves to do and teach. Watch this ho ...more

How To : Do the hip toss pro wrestling move

First of all you have to understand that these stunts are dangerous and they need supervision of trained professionals while performing them. 'Hip toss' is a very basic move of wrestling. Your opponent goes to the ropes and then takes a thrust towards you with full force. You ...more

How To : Do Beyonce's crunk hip hop dance move

If you've watched any of Beyonce's music videos, then you know the girl likes shaking her ample bootay. A move she's done in several videos is the crunk, which is a basic thrusting of the pelvis with the knees bent and the arms bent inwards at the elbows. The move is super se ...more

How To : Dance hip-hop house moves

Fitforafeast has uploaded a video of Rebecca teaching girls a basic hip hop routine. The video begins with the two child hosts, Sloan and Katrina, introducing Rebecca. Rebecca instructs the children how to dance House (a specialized version of hip hop dancing). House dancing i ...more

How To : Do a hip hop knee spin dance move

Want to turn your blah breakdance routine into a stunning, pro-level flip fest? Then take a look at this breakdancing video to learn how to do a hip hop knee spin. This knee spin can be incorporated into your breakdancing for an extra special twist that will definitely leave a ...more

How To : Do a Vglide or ticking float hip-hop dance move

C-walking and ticking are great ways to lead into a breakdance or just get down with your bad self, and there are always new steps to add to your walk. This video will show you how to do a Vglide or ticking float (there seems to be some disagreement on the title).

How To : Perform the hip hop "head toss with roll" move

You have some hip hop dancing experience but now you are ready to develop some new moves and routines. Learn advanced hip hop funk choreography from a professional instructor in this free dance video series. Perform the hip hop "head toss with roll" move - Part 1 of 15. Click ...more

How To : Do basic hip-hop dance moves

This four part tutorial teaches you how to dance basic hip hop moves. Learn popping, and gliding moves. These moves are easy to do and are the basis for more advanced hip hop moves. Watch this how to video and you'll be dancing hip hop in no time. Part 1 of 4 - How to Do basic ...more

How To : Do a hip hop twist move

Learn a hip hop twist move with this dance how to video. Follow the moves in this tutorial and you'll be droppin' it low in the clup in no time.

How To : Dance Jamaican dancehall swing hip moves

Here is a lesson of how to swing the hips and butt like a Jamaican girl from the Dancehall. This is a sort of hip-hop line dance hybrid. This takes lots of looseness in your waist to let all the movement in your hips resonate throughout your body.

How To : Perform Hip Hop dance moves

Trying to find a hip hop choreographer? Look no further. Get moves from a professional in this free video clip about easy hip hop dance moves. Perform Hip Hop dance moves - Part 1 of 15. Click through to watch this video on Perform Hip Hop dance moves - Part ...more

How To : Incorporate floor work into your belly dancing

If you thought belly dancing was all about wiggling your hips, you were wrong. Expand your horizons and learn some belly dancing floor moves. It's important to wear knee pads in the beginning until you master the moves. Learn about the various ways to incorporate floor work in ...more

How To : Do a belly dancing routine

Learn an entire belly routine with help from a pro! In this video, learn belly dancing moves, such as the chest circle, hip slides, undulations, figure-eights and belly rolls, which can be combined into complete dancing routine, taught here, by an expert: Sahira began her care ...more

How To : Perform a general neurological exam on a patient

As a doctor, sometimes it will be necessary to perform a neurological examination of your patient to rule out any neurological disorders. Your objective is to identify abnormalities in the nervous system, to differentiate peripheral from central nervous system lesions, and to ...more

How To : Use isolation to improve your hip-hop dancing

Isolation is an important part of hip-hop dancing. It involves moving individual parts of your body without moving the rest, either quickly or slowly depending on the dance. This video will show you some ways that you can use isolation to improve your dancing and get better mo ...more

How To : Dance glides from Michael Jackson's Moonwalk

Learn Michael Jackson Moonwalking! A how to dance tutorial showing you how to glide, float, and slide similar to Michael Jackson. Learn Gliding and Floating which are basic hip hop and popping dance moves. It is a fun, easy, and cool club dance move or just a move to get your ...more

How To : Do the X-Hop

An old school Hip-Hop dance move. The X-Hop has also become a basic move in the C-Walk style of Hip-Hop and urban dance.

How to C Walk the Shuffle : basic, spin, step, stomp, kick

This tutorial will teach you a basic move of the c walk: the shuffle and shuffle moves. The moves are: shuffle, shuffle kick, shuffle step, shuffle stomp, and the shuffle spin. C Walking or Crip walking / Clow walking is the smooth movement of one's feet to hip hop or rap. Thi ...more

How To : Dance V & V variations in C Walk

This video will teach you the basic move of the C walk: the V. It will also teach you lots of cool variations and how to put them together. This is a step by step on how to move your feet properly to keep flow and look fresh dancing to hip hop and rap. This is a great street d ...more

How To : C-Walk the heel toe

Learn how to do the heel toe step - move in the C-Walk style of Hip-Hop and urban dance. This move is recommended for intermediate level dancers.

How To : Do the C-Walk Shuffle Hop

Learn the Shuffle Hop a basic move in the C-Walk style of Hip-Hop and urban dance. The shuffle hop is essentially the Shuffle except you can you move in different directions.

How To : Hip Hop dance the Heel-Toe Flick and Gliding

Another video for true beginners of hip hop dancing. Here are two hip hop footwork moves that you should practice. Knowing how to glide is important because your body needs to learn how to transfer weight smoothly from one foot to the other. The heel-toe flick is a move that ...more

How To : Do down dog waves to open up the shoulder and back

The Down Dog yoga pose is so popular that people who have never done yoga before generally know what it entails. But despite how classic the move is and its practice in every yoga studio, lots of people still get the move wrong, over extending the shoulders backward. So how d ...more

How To : Tone abs with the Swiss ball cable Russian twist

You'll need a stability ball for this "Swiss-ball cable Russian-twist" abs exercise from Men's Health. To progress in this particular exercise, simply increase the weight and use a fuller stability ball. Attach a handle to a high pulley-cable and place a Swiss ball in front o ...more

How To : Strengthen back muscles with tube pull downs

Learn how to do tube pull downs. Presented by Real Jock Gay Fitness Health & Life. Benefits Get a quality warm up and workout for your lats, traps, and rhomboids with the resistance of tube pull-downs. Muscles Worked Back (lats, traps, rhomboids) Starting Position Take one ...more

How To : Glide as part of your hip-hop dance

Gliding is one of the most important parts of hip-hop dance. It basically means sliding around the dance floor in a rhythmic, stylish way, and this video will show you how to do it like a pro. You don't have to be advanced already, it breaks it down real slow so you can make s ...more

How To : Do downhill ski series exercises

Learn how to do downhill ski series exercises. Presented by Real Jock Gay Fitness Health & Life. Benefits Some of the strongest legs in the world belong to skiers. Alternate sets of squat bounces, center and side, and finish up with giant squat jumps, to give you that downhill ...more

How To : Do dumbbell squat thrust with speed presses

Learn how to do dumbbell squat thrust with speed alternate neutral presses. Presented by Real Jock Gay Fitness Health & Life. Benefits Combine two power moves for an intense leg and shoulder muscle workout. Start with a squat thrust, popping out of a squat to a plank position; ...more

How To : C-Walk the snake heel toe combo

Learn the snake heel toe combo, an advanced step used in the C-Walk style of Hip-Hop and urban dance. This move is like the heel toe combo but with snake movements added.

How To : C-Walk the hop heel toe

Learn the hop heel toe, an advanced step used in the C-Walk style of Hip-Hop and urban dance. This move is a heel toe with a hop thrown in.

How To : C-Walk the V Split

A basic move in the C-Walk style of Hip-Hop and urban dance. The V split or Double V requires you to do the V step with each foot in opposite directions.

How To : C-Walk the heel toe combo

Learn the heel toe combo, an advanced used in the C-Walk style of Hip-Hop and urban dance. This move involves the heel toe position, heel hop position, a v stepback, and a hop.

How To : C-Walk the V Snake

Learn the v snake, an advanced step used in the C-Walk style of Hip-Hop and urban dance. This move is a combination of the snake step and the v stepback. Part 1 of 2 - How to C-Walk the V Snake. C-Walk the V Snake - Part 2 of 2. Click through to watch this video on

How To : C-Walk the shuffle stepback

Learn the shuffle stepback, an advanced step used in the C-Walk style of Hip-Hop and urban dance. This moves involves doing a shuffle and adding in a stepback.

How To : Draft a Basic Pant Pattern

Written Instructions with accompanying video for anyone who wants to make a basic pant exactly to your measurements! Please get your correct measurements before you begin from How to Take Your Measurements. Video: . Note: Solid lines are the final cutting lines. Dotted lines a ...more

How To : Sculpt your chest with the hip dumbbell press

If you've ever injured your shoulder before, then you know that it takes a lot of time and rehabilitation before you can move it around again, let alone lift weights. If you need a safe and effective chest press to complete, check out this video for how to do a hip dumbbell p ...more

How To : Glide as part of your hip-hop dancing

Michael Jackson showed the world just how cool it was to slide across the floor as part of your dancing, and the world will never be the same. Glides and gliding are a ubiquitous part of hip-hop dance now, and are a great move to add to your arsenal. This two-part video will t ...more

How To : Properly perform the triangle pose with Yogatic

In this tutorial, we learn how to properly perform the triangle pose. Start off on your hands and knees, then place your knees further back behind your hips. Next, bring your shoulders back and go into a downward facing dog position. From here, lift your arms away from the flo ...more

How To : Do yoga warm-up moves to prepare for backbends

We love yoga: it prepares us for the day ahead and stretches out any residual tension in our shoulders and back. But waking up at 6 AM in the morning and doing that first down dog can be...rough. That's why it's so important to stretch before you start your morning yoga routin ...more

How To : Perform tutting, fingertutting and digital combos

In hip-hop dance, or any dance for that matter, there are so many different types of techniques and moves it can be hard to keep track of them all. Most importantly, it can be hard to figure out what you like and how to do it. Well, if you're interested in things like tutting, ...more

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