Nasa Astronaut

News : Google+ Pro Tips Weekly Round Up: Google Integration

This week has been pretty exciting for both Facebook and Google. Facebook announced a slew of features that seem on the surface to copy Google+. For Google+ users, a lot of improvements, updates and features were implemented, and they're seeing a lot more overall integration w ...more

News : Would You Go on a One-Way Trip to Mars?

Missions to Mars are far and few between because the fuel is so costly. Solution? A pair of scientists are proposing that elderly astronauts are sent on one-way missions to Mars, to boldly go... and not come back: "'The main point is to get Mars exploration moving,' said Dirk ...more

How To : Make silly putty at home, just like NASA

NASA has invented the T-RAD Device, a.k.a. Goo Gun. Astronauts aboard the STS-120 will test the effectiveness of the pre-ceramic polymer in its ability to repair damaged shuttle tiles. To make connections to the mission, in this video tutorial, Dr. Diana teaches you how to mak ...more

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