Palm Reading Tutorial

How To : Succeed in palm reading

Check out this introductory lesson in the art of palm reading. Enjoy the lengthy (though extensive) how to tutorial that will teach you to understand what the lines on your hand say about you, your future, and your past. Succeed in palm reading - Part 1 of 23. Click through to ...more

How To : Determine the active hand for a palm reading

Palmist and astrologer Peeter John explains the right, left, and active hand for palm-reading in this how-to video. The active hand is the dominant hand which is more important to be interpreted for palmistry. This video also suggests a method for determining which is the acti ...more

How To : Analyze the right hand in palm reading

In this video, Peter John analyzes the right hand in palm reading. Once you have the hand turned over, you will see lines that are underneath the middle finger. The half line means that someone is emotional because the line arcs more than usual. The person also likes to show t ...more

How To : Learn palm reading secrets

Do you want to learn what your hands can tell you about your personality with the ancient art of palmistry? Take a look inside palm reading with Per Hogseth the acclaimed psychic palm reader from Norway as he explains how to explore the universe residing within your own hands.

How To : Give a good palm reading

Peter John, an expert in palmistry, walks you through a sample reading of someone's hand. He explains how to interpret the various parts of the palm, such as the life line, head line and heart line, to give a full and accurate palm reading.

How To : Create a great quality handprint for palm-reading

Jim Winter shows you how to make a great quality handprint for your records or for palm-reading purposes. Sometimes you can read palms better with a handprint because a handprint will capture a lot of fine lines that you can't easily see with your eyes. Watch this video to lea ...more

How To : Read the left hand in palm reading

Sugarray844 teaches you how to read the left hand in palm reading. The left hand can tell you what that person inherits from his or her family. You look at the lines, the size of the fingers and the strength of the thumb. If the thumb is strong, this means that person has stro ...more

How To : Give a palm reading when the hand lines are connected

Many beginning students of palmistry erroneously believe that when the hand lines meet on the palm, it indicates death for the reading. Peter John rejects this notion and explains what connected lines really mean, and how to interpret each line individually.

How To : Give someone career advice by reading their palm

Peter John shows palmistry students how to give the subject of your palm reading career advice. Know what to look for on the head, heart, fate and life lines to be able to tell what career your subject is ideally suited for, or if they should make a career change.

How To : Palm read Michael Jackson

Want to know what secrets are hidden in the palm of the late Michael Jackson? In this twelve-part video series by Palmistry expert & professor, Peter John, go inside the lines and creases present in the King of Pop's ever-telling hand. You'll be surprised by what Peter John fi ...more

How To : Read life lines on palms

Check out this video palmistry tutorial to learn how to read the life lines on your or someone else's palms. There are lots of interesting and good tips that you can do right now while sitting at your computer. No need to go to a psychic, read the life line on your palm by fol ...more

How To : Read the Fate Line on Your Palms

Check out this how-to video to improve your palm reading skills. Watch a few tips on how to read the fate line of your or someone else's palms. This video palmistry tutorial will help you divine the future or discover hidden meanings in your hands. Video: .

How To : Read the head line on palms

Check out this video to learn how to read the head line on your or someone else's palm. This video is cool because it is very easy to do while watching. (I tried it--apparently, I have more creative ability than writing ability, can you tell by this description?)

How To : Read someone's palm

Peggy Erbison shares her knowledge of palmistry in this video. The heart line starts under the pinky and moves across and up towards the middle and index finger. The next line she talks about is the head line. This line is the center line that explains how your thinking is. Th ...more

How To : Palm read the back of the hand

Well, everyone knows about palm-reading from the front. How about a switch then? In this video, you'll learn how to palm-read the back of the hand. Would that still count as "palm" reading? You'll actually be reading the fingers and knuckles of your hands. This can give you so ...more

How To : Read palms for intuitiveness and psychic ability

This video provides a diagram and explanation of the some of the more common mysteries in palm reading. Although the video does not provide much instruction for the actual act of palm reading, the diagrams are very helpful in determining which lines on the palm of the hand wou ...more

How To : Read Your Own Palm Lines

Palmistry is the art of characterizing or foretelling the future through the reading of palm lines. Though there are certainly many variations and techniques when it comes to interpreting the meaning of palm lines, you can brush up on Palmistry 101 by getting acquainted with y ...more

How To : Simply read palms

In this video the instructor shows how to do a ice breaker by offering to palm read. He shows you the figure of a palm with various curves and labels them with different names. He claims that these various lines relates to the facts of our life and we can easily read them. He ...more

How To : Palm read your subject's left hand

The left hand indicates what your subject has inherited from their family. Giving a reading on the left hand is different than the right, even for the same person. Peter John lays out a few palmistry principles if you want to give someone a palm reading on their left hand.

How to Palm read : Explaining the broken heart line

In this tutorial, we learn how to explain the broken heart line in palm reading. When a hand has a heart shape going towards the heart, but is broken this shows someone will be sympathetic and have a heartbreaking change in their life. There will be a break in the heart and th ...more

How to Palm read : Understand the triangles on the lines

In this video, we learn how to understand the triangles on the lines while palm reading. The triangle on the lifeline shows that any obstacles the person goes through will be in their thirties. It will also say that they can get back onto their feet quite easily. Any set backs ...more

How to Palm read : Explaining the right hand

This short lesson in palm reading explains the heart line on the right hand. You'll learn how to separate the life line from the heart line and see where it intersects. You'll learn that a broken heart line denotes a significant emotional change. You'll see how to determine wh ...more

How To : Palm read the right hand

To read the right palm, look at the left side of the hand. This gives an indication of the affection lines and the travel lines. The deep lines means travel outside the country and if they're straight it means the journey will be successful. Locate the curved heart line. Below ...more

How To : Read your palm with a Japanese astrologist

This palmistry how-to video from a Japanese astrologist introduces the basics of reading the lines of your hand. He covers the life, head, and heart lines. Discover the hidden meanings written in the palm of your hand. Follow along with this palmistry how-to video and uncover ...more

How To : Palm read and interpret your right hand

In this video, Peter John teaches us how to palm read the right hand and changes. The square hand is usually the practical side of the person. Where the thumb comes out from the side of the hand shows a person of extravagance. When the thumb is closer to the hand it shows a pe ...more

How To : Palm read with Peter John

In this Spirituality video tutorial you will learn how to palm read with Peter John. If the heart line, the first line on top of the palm, is well formed and curves around towards the center of the first finger, the person is quite good and balanced. If the head line is quite ...more

How To : Palm read Madonna

In this tutorial, we learn how to palm read Madonna. Her hand shows she has a practical mind and her fingers are the same length. This gives a sign that someone is ambitious. The ring on her first finger gives the person a manner of difficulties and problems connected with the ...more

How to Palm read : The heart line & affection line

In this tutorial, we learn how to palm read the hart line and affection line. When we get two affection lines close together, it's a sign of a marriage or common law relationship is in your life, and that there is an affair happening outside the marriage. If there are three li ...more

How To : Read a palm for heart and head

This video illustrate us to read a palm for heart and head. Here are the following steps: step 1: First of all take the hand of the person and view it under a hand lens so that you get a clear view. Step 2: Now the line most prominent next to the thumb is the heart line and ...more

How to Read palms : The affection lines or marriage lines

Learn to read palms with this video tutorial! The affection lines in the hand are explained. These lines are on the side of the hand below the small finger and are also sometimes called the marriage lines. These lines appear right above the heart line and are usually a straigh ...more

How To : Read palms in the art of plamistry

Learn how to read a person just by looking at their hand using the ancient art of palmistry. Step 1 Read the dominant hand – the one a person uses to write with; it reveals what’s going on now. The passive hand represents a person’s inherited characteristics. Markedly differ ...more

How To : Read the "Sun" or "Apollo" line on your palm

Not everyone has the "Sun" or "Apollo" line on their palm. For those lucky enough to have it, such a line indicates many potential gifts and popularity! Watch this video as Jim Winters explains how to identify the Sun line and what it indicates for the individuals who have them.

How To : Read palms

This video palmistry lesson brought to you by two amateur enthusiasts goes over the basics of reading your own palm. Unlock the secrets of written in the lines on your hand! Follow along with the diagram to find your own heart, head, and life line, and find out what these thin ...more

How To : Sing a song to help remember how to read palms

In this how-to video, you will learn how to use a song to read palms. Memorize these lines to music to help you. First, if you have a rich line, you are the rich and you get much money. If you have a sun line, you are popular. Everyone likes you because you are the sunshine. C ...more

How To : Read palms for ambition and success

Read palms for success in the hand. To focus mainly on business or workplace look to the mound of Jupiter, which should be prominent. Additionally, the first finger should be longer. A longer first finger is as long as the third finger. This shows someone who is ambitious, con ...more

How To : Find the secret palmistry meaning in the fingers

Just because it's called palm reading doesn't mean it's only "palm" reading. Palmistry involves more than mere palms — it looks at all parts of the grasping side of the hand, including the fingers. And in this two-part video from Jim Winter, a professional palmist, tarot reade ...more

How To : Easily and Quickly Peel Garlic

Garlic is a great addition to many delicious recipes but it can often be a very time consuming process even just to peel. This article will show you a great trick that will make peeling garlic fast and easy. If you're new to cooking or haven't yet learned the trick that's des ...more

How To : Split an Apple in Half with Your Bare Hands

Have you ever looked at a piece of fruit and thought to yourself, "you suck, fruit, sitting there all smug and happy, I wish I could just destroy you here and now?" If so, read on—your favorite Fat-man is going to show you how you can get your revenge on that happy smug fruit ...more

How To : Assemble a Survival Kit

I am writing this quick post in response to the recent earthquakes and tsunamis that are affecting Japan. As soon as the news broke, and we began to hear of tsunami warning for our area, I immediately realized how under prepared I was for a natural disaster. The thing that dro ...more

How To : Read the meaning of the thumb in palmistry

Palm reading can be complicated because chirognomy, the study of the mounts of the hand, sometimes contradicts chiromancy, the study of the lines of the hand. For that reason, it's best to do a reading as a whole. In this particular video palmistry tutorial, Peter John explain ...more

How To : Read the meaning of the space between the fingers

Astrologist and palmist Peter John demonstrates some of the basics of palm-reading in this how-to video. Everything from the lines in the hand to way the hands are held can reveal deeper meanings about a personality. This lesson covers the significance of the space between the ...more

How To : Read the meaning of dots on the lines in palmistry

Palm reading can be complicated because chirognomy, the study of the mounts of the hand, sometimes contradicts chiromancy, the study of the lines of the hand. For that reason, it's best to do a reading as a whole. In this particular video palmistry tutorial, Peter John explain ...more

How To : Read the fate line on the hand for palmistry

Palm reading can be complicated because chirognomy, the study of the mounts of the hand, sometimes contradicts chiromancy, the study of the lines of the hand. For that reason, it's best to do a reading as a whole. In this particular video palmistry tutorial, Peter John explain ...more

How To : Read the meaning of forks in lines in palmistry

Palm reading can be complicated because chirognomy, the study of the mounts of the hand, sometimes contradicts chiromancy, the study of the lines of the hand. For that reason, it's best to do a reading as a whole. In this particular video palmistry tutorial, Peter John explain ...more

How To : Read the heart, head, and life line in palmistry

Palm reading can be complicated because chirognomy, the study of the mounts of the hand, sometimes contradicts chiromancy, the study of the lines of the hand. For that reason, it's best to do a reading as a whole. In this particular video palmistry tutorial, Peter John explain ...more

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