
News : 10 Things Android Users Hate About iPhones

I'm an Android user. Over the course of the past seven years, I've owned ten different smartphones—all of them powered by Android. This isn't due to some blind trust in Google or some unfounded hate for Apple, either, because I've always made sure to get my hands on each iPhon ...more

How To : Practice the continuous defense drill in rugby

Continuous Defense drill keeps your body squared to the offense. It's a point exchange drill that emphasizes positioning in defense for Australian rugby. Ford Australia has been a passionate supporter of Australian rugby for the past 15 years. In partnership with the ARU, thi ...more

Food Tool Friday : Why Pros Use Carbon Steel Knives

A good, sharp knife is a cook's best friend, which is why there's so much passionate debate about what kind you should get. Most enthusiastic home cooks opt for a stainless steel knife, but it turns out there's a different option that the pros favor, and that's carbon steel. T ...more

How To : Kiss creatively in multiple ways

Want some more adventurous alternatives to the French kiss? This tutorial teaches you many other passionate ways of kissing your partner. Learn the butterfly kiss, the reverse or upside down kiss, the facial kiss, and the dominant kiss. You will be exciting your partner with n ...more

SCRABBLE, Sex & Wine : How One Man Gets the Girls in Bed

SCRABBLE may seem like a board game for word nerds only, but believe it or not, SCRABBLE can be used to lure thousands of hot women into your bed... at least that's what Clive Worth claims. Now, I wouldn't put much faith in his "words", but somewhere in this world of lonely b ...more

Not Your Ordinary Gamer : Yahtzee Croshaw Does It All

Most employed in the game industry have two-word job titles that start with “game”—game designer, game producer, game critic, game tester, etc. Usually, they’re one or the other, even though some can be both a game designer and a game tester or game critic and game tester. And ...more

How To : Get 500 free points on WeeWorld (04/12/09)

Want to know how to get free green points in WeeWorld? Sure you do. They're free! And there's 500 of them. No hacking involved, just a little trick, but you can't do it over and over again. WeeWorld is a virtual hangout full of self expression, friends, and fun. It's a thrivi ...more

News : The Smokeless Grill That Makes Indoor Grilling Fun

Indoor electric grills are nothing new; George Foreman grills have been around for over 20 years now, providing healthy, smokeless grilling options for indoor use. Yet as nifty and fun as George Foreman grills are, indoor grills have never been considered a hot item for passio ...more

How To : Install and run Star Trek Online on a Mac Computer

Are you passionate about both Star Trek and Apple products? It's indeed possible to run Star Trek Online on an Apple Mac! This shows you how to download two separate mods that will allow you to play Star Trek Online on your Mac. Go where no man has gone before in Star Trek On ...more

How To : Skate the forward pivot to backwards move

Ice skating is a fundamental skill in playing ice hockey. Learn ice hockey skills and moves in this sports video on how to ice skate. Take action: transfer weight from one leg to other, keep knees bent, and pivot as you shift your weight. Angie, the instructor in this how-to v ...more

How To : Build a French cleat storage system

The Wood Whisperer is Marc J. Spagnuolo, a professional and passionate furniture maker, who also contributes to Fine Woodworking and Popular Woodworking. In this video, Spagnuolo shows us how to build a French cleat storage system. It's a very versatile unit, and gives you ple ...more

News : This Is Why All Augmented Reality Startups Suck

People fundamentally distrust magicians. And they should. The illusions they proffer are just that, illusions meant to astound rather than tangible interactions and results that have weight and meaning in our real world. Our lizard brains know this, and, no matter what the out ...more

How To : Tango (for beginners)

As one of the sexiest, most passionate things you can do while still standing upright, the tango takes romance. It takes drama. And it definitely takes two. You will need a dance partner, patience and melodrama! Did you know? Buenos Aires is credited as the birthplace of tango ...more

News : Themed Scrabble

Scrabble Cooking Scrabble Gardening John Deere Scrabble I saw the cooking and gardening editions of Scrabble at my bookstore yesterday. It seems like a great way to introduce Scrabble to friends who are really passionate about cooking or gardening. Have you tried playing them?

News : Pokemon + Jabbawockeez + YouTube = Kusarine Project

Japan has a tendency to produce things that boggle the Western mind. Its citizens are already responsible for without a question the weirdest music video in the history of the medium. With that said, here is a video reenactment of several Pokemon (Pocket Monster in Japan) game ...more

How to Aladdin : Jafar Inspired Disney Tutorial

Not just the Disney princesses have enviable style. This how-to video shows a makeup look based on the villain from Aladdin, Jafar. The cosmetic products used to create this look are MAC's Face and Body foundation, Select mMisturecover concealer, Brunetter brow finisher, Myste ...more

How To : Style funky, chunky hair

Funky is for the free spirited, passionate and confident person. Looking funky is not something that just anyone can pull off. Learn to express yourself through your grooming and clothing choices by pairing the unexpected with bold and colorful. Exude confidence as you master ...more

2014's Hottest How-Tos : Hacks, Mods, and...Veggies?

This past year was a big one for WonderHowTo. Our biggest yet. In 2014 our writers, curators, and community members helped over 100 million people learn over 270 million new things. That's 40% more people than the total number of students enrolled in every single school from e ...more

News : Let's Wreck Stuff! Cap'n Video, the Original Jackass

We love all things Jackass at WonderHowTo, but before Johnny Knoxville and his pals were sticking fireworks up their butts, snorting wasabi, and taking a shock to the gonads (à la the childhood game, Operation), in the far off land of Ontario, Canada reigned another daredevil— ...more

Gift Guide : Must-Have Phone Accessories for Photographers

With smartphone cameras and software getting better and better every year, more and more users are getting passionate about photography. So when you're shopping for a gift to get someone, if they have a smartphone, chances are they'll more than appreciate some tools and access ...more

NR30 : The AR Software Development Leaders of 2018

One could argue that, at least for the moment, software development is more important to the augmented reality experience than hardware. Since a viable augmented reality headset has yet to emerge for the broader, mainstream consumer market, currently, the same devices that mak ...more

DIY Bacon Rose Bouquet : Who Says Bacon Can't Be Romantic?

Show your significant other just how much you love them by surprising him or her with one of life's most precious, romantic gifts—bacon! Best thing is, this passionate treat works for any day of the year (Valentine's Day, a first date, anniversary, etc.), since love and bacon ...more

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