Pop Blackheads

News : Pop blackheads - ewwwwww

In case you missed it, we're in the middle of an election! Move over Obama and McCain, the WonderHowTo Awards have the best candidates! Issue of the day-- healthcare, more specifically zit care. (To explain the order sequence, this first Jackass video grossed us so far out th ...more

How To : Extract whiteheads and blackheads properly

In this how-to video, Kate Somerville shows us a tip on how to extract a whitehead or blackhead the proper way. Don't just go recklessly popping zits and pimples. It'll leave you with a red face and could cause permanent damage. Watch this video tutorial and learn how to extra ...more

News : Here's How Bacteria Causes Acne & Pimples

How do I get rid of these zits?! Whether its pimples, blackheads, or whiteheads, the name is the same, and the name is acne. If you have acne, you are not alone. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, about 50 million people are impacted by acne vulgaris each year. ...more

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