
How To : Trick Your Brain into Not Feeling Any Pain

Pain is, for the most part, unavoidable when you stub your toe, break your arm, or cut your finger open. It's instantaneous and, in some cases, long-lasting, but it only feels as bad as you want it to. Yes, that's right—that pain is all in your head. Now I'm not saying that p ...more

How To : Improve Your Mood to Increase Brain Power

We've all heard the cliches: always look at the glass as half full; a smile can change your entire day; and there's always a silver lining. Whether you're someone who is constantly complimented on their rosy outlook or can't seem to stop frowning at everything around you, you ...more

Forget Advil : Cold, Hard Cash Is the Best Pain Relief

You know you've had a long day when you head home with a headache, back pain, and eyes so sore they feel like they might roll out of your head. Turns out your medicine cabinet isn't the only place you can find help—instead of popping painkillers, just open up your wallet for i ...more

How To : Avoid the Negative Energy of Other People

Nothing like one bad apple in human form to put a damper on the rest of your day. Thankfully, you have the power to implement a number of strategies to keep the Negative Nancys and Debbie Downers of the world from completely ruining your good mood and high spirits. Below are ...more

How To : Change Negative Thoughts into Positive Ones

When we are dealing with something as abstract as your thought process, visualization is the best way to improve the way you think your thoughts. So what is the easiest way to change your negative thoughts? Literally imagine flipping them around to its optimistic counterpart. ...more

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