
How To : Mimic Apple's Status Bar Look on Your Nexus 4 or 5

Android is all about the fine details. You can make a little tweak here and a little tweak there and completely customize your experience to be exactly how you want it to be. Sure, you don't need to customize LED colors or screen record, but it's nice to know you can. Today, ...more

How To : Theme Android Apps Any Way You Want Using Resflux

Resflux is an Xposed mod developed by Julian Paolo Dayag, aka WisdomSky, that provides users with a straightforward and functional way to customize and theme almost every aspect of the packages (apps and system components) installed on their Android device. From within an eas ...more

Community Byte : Hack Our IRC Bot to Issue Commands

Last week's Community Byte we got off to a great start! We had a few people build our IRC bot, and all went well. We had some great contributers, ideas, and people willing to learn. So, needless to say, we will be having another. Let's try to get a few more people involved thi ...more

How To : Theme the Navigation & Status Bars on Your Nexus 5

Over the course of covering the Nexus 5 for the last 6 months, I've come to realize that almost every hack out there will work for this device. I also cover the Galaxy S5, and let me tell you—hardly any of the cool mods I come across work for that phone. In this regard, we are ...more

How To : Give Your GRand Unified Bootloader a Custom Theme

GRUB, or the GRand Unified Bootloader, is a program that installs to your Master Boot Record and controls what operating system you load at boot time. Normally, it is used for multi-boot systems. Multi-boots allow you to switch between operating systems installed on seperate d ...more

How To : Improve Wi-Fi Performance on Your Rooted Nexus 4

One of the most common complaints that people have about the Nexus 4 would have to be its intermittently poor Wi-Fi performance, a problem that for many, persists through the installation of updates and even custom ROMs. Many of us have experienced poor video streaming, slow ...more

How To : Perform the binary routine magic card trick

Watch this instructional magic card trick tutorial to learn how to perform the binary routine. This is an original series of user-created moves. There are 9 phases of the Binary Routine, 6 of which are false, and the other 3 are closers that involve a color card change at the ...more

How To : Share Your Smartphone's Screen in Google Meet

Now that Google Meet is free for anyone with a Gmail address, you can expect to see invites from Google's service alongside Zoom calls. Meet is a very streamlined take on video conferencing that manages to provide all of the prerequisites that you'd need to host a video meeti ...more

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