Protect Your Health by Avoiding

Kick Ass Review Part 2 : Gameplay and Design

Kick Ass Review Part 2: Gameplay and Design In the game, you can play as Kick Ass, Hit Girl, or Big Daddy. Each charater has a light and heavy attack that can be strung together into small combos. Each character also has three special attacks assigned to the Square, Triangle, ...more

How To : Reduce belly fat with a better diet

This how-to video is about how to reduce belly fat with the help of a better diet. This video mainly focus on reducing the belly fat through proper diet, A good diet is very important to loose stomach fat, but changing the diet suddenly will cause health problems, so its very ...more

How To : Choose foods for a gluten free diet

If you are on a gluten free diet you need to remember to avoid gluten and any of its sources. The main sources of gluten include wheat flour, anything that is whole wheat or says whole wheat on the label, anything with barley flour or rye flour and anything with malt those are ...more

How To : Avoid Frizzy Hat Hair

If you like wearing hats but don't like the frizzy, matted or uneven hair that follows this video is for you. This video and article shares some tips on how to avoid hat hair without abandoning hats and other accessories. Choosing the Right Hat Find a hat that fits your head. ...more

How To : Use makeup for men

If your going to be on stage or filmed on screen you may want to wear a little makeup. Men can use subtle makeup to look young and refreshed while evening out skin uneven tones. Your eyes will really pop with a little liner smudged into the lash line. No longer just for women ...more

How To : Heal faster after surgery

There are a variety of ways to speed up your body’s ability to heal. Things like keeping the incision clean, resting, nutritious foods and physical therapy will get you feeling strong quickly. Avoid negativity, as it may actually slow down your recovery. No one likes to be lai ...more

How To : Stop grinding your teeth at night

Vampires and bad dreams aren't the only enemies of the unwary sleeper. Teeth grinding while asleep is an annoying and possibly painful problem afflicting may people. There are a variety of reasons you may grind your teeth but, luckily, there are also a number of solutions to t ...more

How To : Prevent the common cold

In this video series, our expert will give you the information you need to know to prevent the common cold. Learning how to avoid potentially exposed surfaces, and building your immune system with lots of sleep, exercise and stress reducing tips, could help you prevent colds t ...more

How To : Quit Chewing Tobacco

Chewing tobacco is a dangerous habit with many possibly negative effects on your health. Quitting can be difficult, but give yourself the best chance by having goals, plans, and support to keep you from relapsing. There's no better time than now to quit chewing tobacco, so wh ...more

Expert Advice : Four Ways Doctors Keep Themselves Healthy

Staying healthy is a progressive challenge we all face throughout our lives, and figuring out just how to do that can be a challenge when it's not your job. For doctors, however, it is. Here's how they keep themselves healthy day to day. While it won't surprise you to learn t ...more

News : 3 Reasons to Be Worried About the Coming Flu Season

With the height of the flu season ahead, there are some good reasons to keep a flu vaccination in mind. In the United States, the flu season lasts from autumn through late-winter. As many people know, influenza, or the flu, is a contagious respiratory virus that targets the l ...more

How To : 9 Surprisingly Toxic Foods

Tin cans have resin linings that contain bisphenol-A (BPA), which has been linked in animal lab testings to a number of ailments that include reproductive problems, heart disease, and obesity. Tomatoes are high in acidity, which means that the content of canned tomatoes eats a ...more

How To : Torrent Without Getting Caught

I'm not admitting to anything, but let's be honest, most of us download content on the Web from time to time. With copyright holders laying down the law more and more often, it can't hurt to do so with caution. And even if you aren't downloading copyrighted material, you still ...more

News : What to Do if You Think Your Child Has Lyme Disease

Primarily caused by the bacteria Borrelia burgdorferi, Lyme disease is the most common tickborne disease in the US. By all predictions, 2017 is expected to be a banner tick year in several regions. If you have children, it is important to know what to expect. Ticks can bite a ...more

How To : Lose Weight with Smoothies & Shakes

It should come as no surprise that, according to Details Magazine, nearly half of all people who make New Year's resolutions pledge to lose weight, eat healthier, and/or get fit. There are innumerable companies out there that are ready and willing to take advantage of this mom ...more

How To : Make Your Own All-Natural Tick Repellent Spray

With tick-borne diseases on the rise, it is especially important to protect yourself from the prevalence of ticks in the outdoors, especially if you live in a high-risk region like New England, the mid-Atlantic states, and the upper Midwest. You can make your own all-natural, ...more

How To : Protect Your Child from Whooping Cough

How to protect your child from Whooping cough Pertussis — Famously known as whooping cough is a highly contagious bacterial disease caused by an organism called Bordetella pertussis. To Avoid infection by such dangerous organism, the child must take scheduled vaccination. Inc ...more

How To : 8 Ways to Protect Your Skin from Winter Dryness

Though feeling cold during the winter is pretty unavoidable, you can definitely prevent the torment of having flaky, dry skin during the cold winter months. If you spend a lot of time indoors, use a humidifier if possible and avoid overusing the indoor heater. Take shorter sh ...more

How To : 21 Miraculous Uses for Coconut Oil

What can't coconut oil do? This edible oil, extracted from the copra or meat of a coconut, has done what most other food, beauty, and health trends have not: demonstrated real lasting power. Indeed, the "superfood" continues to make headlines, with its many uses the subject of ...more

News : Kick ass in a wheelchair

Erik at is a rare spirit. He's committed to helping people protect themselves. His non-profit studio in Massachusetts focuses on training at-risk individuals in self-defense. Erik focuses on training women, minorities and disabled individuals to avoid physical aggr ...more

News : Apple Releases iOS 13 Beta 8 to Developers

September is nearly here, which means new iPhones are, too. We're looking forward to iPhone 11 Pro and 11 Pro Max, as well as the more affordable iPhone 11R. All three iPhones will run iOS 13, so Apple's entrusting beta testers to ensure its new OS is ready. The latest update, ...more

How To : 10 Resolution Ruiners & How to Avoid Them

The start of a new year is generally thought of as a chance to start over, a time to improve or "fix" things in your life. Yet most people who set stringent New Year's resolutions find themselves failing within weeks—or even days—of setting their lofty goals. Don't Miss: 6 Al ...more

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