Pulley Machine

How To : Do cable crunches

This video shows the proper way to do cable crunches with a high pulley machine. This exercise works the upper and middle abdominals and the lower back. You need to attach a rope to the high pulley. Do cable crunches. Click through to watch this video on global-fitness.com

How To : Do a tricep rope push-down

This video shows how to do a tricep rope push-down with a pulley machine. If you have to rock your body or use momentum to complete the exercise then the weight is to heavy. Do a tricep rope push-down. Click through to watch this video on global-fitness.com

How To : Do a cable curl

This video demonstrates how to do a cable curl with a cable pulley machine. This exercise works the biceps. You curl the bar up to your chest and slowly lower in a controled manner. Do a cable curl. Click through to watch this video on global-fitness.com

How To : Do a cable crossover exercise

Cable crossovers are great for building and shaping the chest muscles. This exercise is performed using a cable pulley machine. First, ensure that the cable pulley is mounted above shoulder height. Adjust the weight (usually a weight stack) as needed. Grasp the handles of eac ...more

How To : Do cable crossovers

Make sure to get a complete upper body workout and add cable crossovers to your exercise routine. These crossovers can be done at varying angles to work a variety of chest and arm muscles without changing machines. Your pecs will thank you. If you only do bench presses, you’r ...more

How To : Build an Exercise Machine

I am a runner and have been running with a group of US Marines. They have convinced me to start working out my upper body, along with my running legs. I also like to build things. I have a three and a half foot by seven foot room in my basement, and turned it into a weight mac ...more

How To : Understand winches, pulleys and jeeps

Pulleys are simple machines. A knowledge of pulleys can be very useful. This short video shows how to use a pulley to increase the pulling power of a winch. Supports the Force, Work and Energy component of any science curriculum.

How To : Do one arm lat pulldowns to work the back

The largest muscle in the back is scientifically known as the latissimus dorsi. You might see it referred to as the "lats" or "wings." The lats are used any time you pull something. For example, when you open a refrigerator or a car door, you are primarily using your lat muscl ...more

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