Are you really into making your own greeting cards? Then you should definitely introduce quilling into your craft oeuvre. Quilling creates a rococo 3D effect that makes every design you adhere to a card more interesting. Check out this video to learn how to make quilled Chris ...more
Send an owl to mum carrying a term update letter handwritten with on a parchment with a quill using this wizard style ink pot and quill. While the quill pot is just for show and you shouldn't actually pour any ink into it, the pot looks very authentic and is a cool prop for th ...more
We know you probably haven't quilled anything since fifth grade, but that doesn't mean you should leave this paper curling skill to your tender elementary school years. In fact, quilling adds quite a lovely feminine touch to any project. Check out this paper crafting tutorial ...more
Greeting cards are getting more and more expensive these days, costing as much as $15 for four if you're getting the top quality ones from online boutiques. Stop spending precious moolah you could be using to purchase presents for your friends and family by making your own Chr ...more
Save money on your Christmas decor this year by making your own Christmas ornaments! Create elegant decorations for almost no money at all by quilling Christmas snowflakes. All you need is a little bit of glue and plain printer paper. Attach a string to hang it up on your tre ...more
This is a fun and easy craft you can do with your children, by making a replica of the old feather quill pens - with none of the mess! You'll need some white construction paper, a regular ball point pen, some scissors and a stapler.
Corinne Bradd shows Kristy Clark how to create fab two-toned rose embellishments using clever quilling techniques and vibrant papers.
Instructional video on how to make a quill pen. Learn how to go from goose feather to versatile drawing instrument.
When it comes to presents, take it from us: Homemade and coming from the heart is nice, but there's very little that can beat a brand new iPad sitting beneath the Christmas tree. While we do prefer our presents nice and shiny, homemade cards are another matter. Make your Chri ...more
In this tutorial, we learn how to craft quilled Christmas decorations. First, you will need to take paper and cut it into thin strips that are all the same size. After you do this, you will need to take a think stick and wrap the paper around it all in the same place. Once fin ...more
Discussing the technique of cutting a turkey quill pen, with reference to the bamboo pen. These quills can be used to write calligraphy. Part of the Tools and Techniques of Calligraphy series. Part 1 of 3 - How to Cut a quill pen. Part 2 of 3 - How to Cut a quill pen. Part 3 ...more
Corinne Bradd helps Kristy Clarke get to grips with the tricky art of quilling. Using thin strips of brightly coloured paper and a quilling tool, she shows how simple it is to coil gorgeous, dimensional floral motifs.
Quilling is one crafting skill you probably picked up in fourth grade and then never touched again. But it's time to bring out those long paper strips once again. Quilling is one of the easiest ways to add complex and beautiful decorations to greeting cards and other paper pro ...more
Video: . DIY How to make Quilling Candle Holder It's a good idea to make a candle holder with quilling paper . lt look so nice :) Welcome to our Quilling for beginners series where we show you how to use Paper Art to do some cool things that you can sell them, give them like ...more
Watch this demonstration of how to make a medieval quill pen by Jennifer Smith of Ferrers Household at an English Heritage Living History event at Kenilworth Castle. In the Medieval era you may have had to make your own ink to write with in addition to making your own pens. To ...more
If you're studying human anatomy (or have ever visited a doctor's office), you're no doubt familiar with those plastic anatomical models with removable pieces meant to teach the different parts of the body. Before those, there were illustrated pop-up books. If you need to know ...more
In this tutorial, I will show you how to make an Origami flower ball. Welcome to our Origami and Quilling for beginners series :) In this videos we use Paper Art to do some cool things that you can sell them, give them like a gift and more :)Enjoy! Video: .
Artist Sarah Yakawonis uses a technique called quilling to craft complex anatomy art with paper. Quilling, as defined by Wikipedia: "The use of strips of paper that are rolled, shaped, and glued together to create decorative designs. The paper is wound around a quill to creat ...more
Video: . Welcome to our Origami and Quilling for beginners series where we show you how to use Paper Art to do some cool things that you can sell them, give them like a gift and more.Enjoy:) In this tutorial, I will show you how to make an origami bookmark.
Video: . In this tutorial, I will show you how to make a necklace - Quilling necklace ! Welcome to our Quilling for beginners series where we show you how to use Paper Art to do some cool things that you can sell them, give them like a gift and more.Enjoy:) Beginner Quilling ...more
This card is so easy to make and very eyecatching with its sparkle, not to much but just enough to give it a good twinkle. This cardmaking tutorial shows you how to make a gorgeous Sparkly Poinsettia Christmas Lattice Card, ideal for someone special. This card looks like it is ...more
If you bike a lot and live in a small room or apartment, it can be tough to find the space to store your wheels. There are tons of bicycle racks and mounts you can buy, but where's the fun in that when they're so easy to DIY? Here are some of the best inexpensive solutions for ...more
Watch to learn how to say the names of things that have to do with school, like books, paper airplanes, and soccer balls, in French. un abecedaire - alphabet book un avion en papier - paper airplane un ballon de foot - soccer ball une boite a compare - pencil box un cahier - w ...more
Looks like Minecraft is getting some cool new features, including editable books and colorful wooden half slabs. Check out the video below to see the newest Minecraft Snapshot 12w17a in action. Warning: This release is for experienced users only! It may corrupt your world or m ...more
Over the past decade, Marvel Studios has been a dominant force at the box office, raking in more than $21 billion dollars. Averaged out over that span of time, the yearly earnings of those movies outweigh the gross domestic product of some countries. And while those films hav ...more
Shopping online can be as easy as buying cigars in Mexico. You find what you like, ask for the price, and walk away. "My friend! Come back! I give you 10% off. Just for you." Online retailers have discovered that out of the 67% of customers who abandon their online shopping c ...more
The 280-character limit for tweets on Twitter is double what it used to be back in the day, but it's still not enough to express in-depth thoughts, ideas, commentary, rants, blogs, stories, and the like. These tweetstorms, as they're called, are the reason why Twitter created ...more
The Guardians of the Galaxy have to be the most fun superhero team to have at a Halloween party. They dance, they break the rules, and they definitely have the grooviest music. So the Guardians are a great bunch to pick from for your Halloween costume — or even for a themed gr ...more
Here is a way you can make your own jewelry for little money and have fun doing it. In this video we are shown how we can add feathers to existing earrings and necklaces. For this project we need some feathers, a pair of earrings, some silver plated copper wire, needle nose pl ...more
This ten-part series on machining skills for prototype development comes straight from MIT & Erik Vaaler. It's one of the most extensive video tutorials available on the web for machining. MIT's artificial intelligence laboratory's primary work is done for their robotics group ...more
It seems that every major social media platform is adding a "Go live" feature to their apps lately. Twitter, in particular, has been at the forefront of the live broadcasting craze for quite some time now. The company has previously only allowed those with a Periscope account ...more
Cool treats for the whole gang! You'll be the hit of any summer event with this adorable porcupine-shaped fruit centerpiece. A watermelon, lemon, cantaloupe and grapes make the shape of this cute critter's body and the quills are brightly-colored Sour Power Bomb Pops. Watch th ...more
Microsoft recently released "Seeing AI," an app aimed to help the blind understand their surroundings. As Microsoft puts it, "the app narrates the world around you by turning the visual world into an audible experience." We asked Matthew Chao, the brother of one of our founde ...more