Remove Camry Front Bumper

How To : Remove the front bumper on a Saturn S-Series car

One day, your car may break down and you won't be able to afford to hire a mechanic, so what do you do... you look on the web for some how-to vehicle repair videos and become your own car mechanic, that's what. You don't need any advanced training to perform repairs and simple ...more

How To : Remove the front bumper on a Chrysler 300C

There may come a time when you need to fix your car and you may not have the money needed to do all the maintenance. So the next best choice? Do it yourself of course! In this three part video tutorial you'll find out what it takes to remove the front bumper and grill to a Chr ...more

How To : Install a chin spoiler on a Ford Mustang

In this tutorial, we learn how to install a chin spoiler on a Ford Mustang. First, you will need to remove the four screws below the front bumper of the car. Now, remove the underneath section that is located just below the license plate. Drill holes inside the new spoiler, th ...more

How To : Change the fog lights on a Chrysler 300C

In this video we learn how to change the fog lights on a Chrysler 300C. First, take ff the front bumper of the car and set it down on somewhere safe. Remove the bracket that is around the light and use the plastic of the bumper as a bracket. Once you remove the light, replace ...more

How To : Clean and detail an engine

Learn how to clean your auto engine with these great tips. • Apply spray wax to fenders to prevent spotting on the paint, from engine degreaser. • An alternator is a crucial electrical device which must be protected from water and other chemicals. as a precaution, cover it wit ...more

How To : Fix Plastic Car Bumpers

If you are wanting to learn how to perform small repairs to your car, then plastic repair is something you need to learn how to do. Cars are using more plastic now than ever before. With car required to increase fuel mileage, I don't see the use of plastic going away. In this ...more

How To : Replace bObsweep's Bumper

The bumper for bObsweep Pethair and Standard are installed the same way. It holds the sensors that allow Bob to see any obstacles in his path. If a repair of the wall detection sensors is needed, the steps for replacing the whole bumper are the same when working on either bObs ...more

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