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Market Reality : PTC Stock Rising on Augmented Reality

Every Friday, Next Reality reviews the latest headlines from the financial side of augmented and mixed reality. This weekly Market Reality column covers funding announcements, mergers and acquisitions, market analysis, and the like. This week's column starts with a stock price ...more

Timeline : Uber's Terrible Year Just Keeps Getting Worse

Uber's driverless cabs began picking people up in Arizona in February, after its attempt at a pilot test in San Francisco. Now, one of these cars has been in an accident, and that's just the tip of the iceberg. The pilot, and issues stemming from it, are just the start of a t ...more

How to : Bomb Someone's Whatsapp with VBScript 2.0

Hello guys, I recently made a how to about whatsapp but the problem with that script is that it is way to long and you need to copy and paste it so many times so I made a new one that works just fine and is more easy to use lets get into it (Here Is How The Code Supposed To Lo ...more

How to Java : E5 (For Loops)

Sup? Today, we'll be learning about for loops in Java: What they are, how they work, and how to create them. Lets begin In Java, like many other programming languages, we have Loops, which are functions that repeat the statement(s) within their brackets until something withi ...more

How To : Security-Oriented C Tutorial 0x15 - File I/O

Hello readers, in this tutorial, we will be discussing how to perform file operations such as reading and writing. Types of File Access There are two methods of accessing files: file descriptors and file streams. We will be learning about file streams because it is a higher ...more

How To : Security-Oriented C Tutorial 0x12 - Scope

What's up readers? We have ever so slightly touched upon this concept of scope with variables but still don't really know what it means. In this tutorial we will learn the behaviors of variables existing in our programs and within functions. What Is a Variable Scope? A scope ...more

How To : Execute Remote Commands on a Disconnected Victim

Do you ever thought that you can't control an Internet disconnected system? I saw a funny video in Chema Alonso's youtube channel (A well-known hacker of my country and creator of Fingerprinting Organizations with Collected Archives among other security tools), and decided to ...more

How To : Do a Simple NMAP Scan on Armatige

How to do an NMAP scan on Armitage to find IPs within a certain range. Armitage is a gui interface of Metasploit, and advanced hacking/exploiting program. It can be downloaded from and and you will need NMAP. http://www.nm ...more

How To : Theme Windows with Mac OS X, Ubuntu, & Other Skins

Windows has always been pretty customizable, and there are a ton of ways to change up the way your PC looks—though, it hasn't always been easy. In the past, changing anything other than wallpapers, titlebars, and fonts involved long hours of switching out system files with mod ...more

How To : Create a Bind Shell in Python

Hi guys, I'm gonna keep this short because I got assignments and a lot of notes to study and also other how-tos and forums to reads. lol...Since I'm keeping this story time just scenario. And I want to thank n3stor for giving me the idea to post this. Scenario Let ...more

How To : Bring Desktop Gadgets to Windows 10

The concept of desktop gadgets has been around for quite some time, and Microsoft officially introduced them in Windows Vista to much fanfare. Desktop gadgets offered the ability to view various information at a glance, play mini-games, and more. Unfortunately, Microsoft decid ...more

Exploiting XSS with BeEF : Part 2

Now that we have our vulnerable server, it's time to start up BeEF. Getting Started Step 1: Running BeEF If you have Kali, BeEf comes pre-installed. You can find it in /usr/share/beef-xss/. Once you're there, type ./beef to execute the program. You will need to know both of ...more

How To : Use Metro Apps in Desktop View on Windows 8.1

Metro apps are pretty nice, but they absolutely suck on a Windows desktop with a mouse and keyboard. That's to be expected though, since Metro (also known as Modern UI or Microsoft design language) was created mainly with touch input in mind for Surface Pros and Windows Phones ...more

How To : Reformat Mac OS X Without a Recovery Disc or Drive

As I've said before, slowing down is not an option for me. At one point, I realized that there were plenty of files on my Mac that I didn't need any more, but too many to delete individually. In other cases, your Mac can be experiencing some major malfunctions: constant crashi ...more

How To : Silence Your Mac's Annoying Start-Up Chime

I love my Mac to pieces, but there have been times, so many times, that I wanted to silence that classic Apple start-up chime. I mean, the only thing the sound does is notify everyone around you that you have a Mac, and that you have turned said Mac on, right? Well it's not so ...more

How To : Convert Your LG Optimus G into a Google Nexus 4

Since the introduction of the Nexus 4 to the Google Play Store last November, the phone's been in constant demand thanks to the low price and sleek design. Even today, the phone is still listed as sold out. LG's Nexus 4 is also the only smartphone in circulation that can run a ...more

How To : Keep Hangs and Freezes at Bay in Windows 8

The problem of system freezes is not new to the world of Windows and this has come to light even in the latest Windows 8 release. In the event that your system freezes, you cannot open your desktop files, some controls stop functioning, or you are unable to launch the start sc ...more

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