Saint Row 2

How To : Do a multiplayer glitch in Saints Row 2

xFL1PPYx has found a cool and fun way to your stomp your online opponents in "Saints Row 2". In this video he shows a cool and easy glitch. The glitch allows you to become hidden behind a wall where your enemies cannot go. All you need to do is hit the corner with your bike an ...more

How To : Beat Saint's Row for XBox 360

Here's a complete video walkthrough guide for Saint's Row for Xbox 360 from Part 1 of 34 - How to Beat Saint's Row for XBox 360. Part 2 of 34 - How to Beat Saint's Row for XBox 360. Part 3 of 34 - How to Beat Saint's Row for XBox 360. Part 4 of 34 - How to ...more

Nintendo E3 : 3DS, Kid Icarus!

It's been almost a century since we've last seen Kid Icarus start in his own game! The result of Project Sora, Kid Icarus will be released for the Nintendo 3DS! The 3DS was unveiled at the conference: Analog Stick Sensors Graphic update 3D Slider (decide how much 3D you want ...more

News : Minecraft, Meet Terraria

Minecraft was first released just a few years ago, but when a paradigm-shifting piece of media comes along the rest of the world is quick to take inspiration from it. The absolutely terrible XBLA knock-off FortressCraft was the first, and last month a much more interesting gam ...more

How To : Fly and walk on air in Saints Row

What if you could jump so high in Saints Row, that you could fly? Well, with this tutorial, you can! After following the steps in this video, you should be able to make your Saints Row character fly into the air and even walk on air. Saints Row is an open world sandbox, simila ...more

How To : Dominate the New York Times Crossword Puzzle

First off, don't be frustrated. YOU CAN DO IT! Contrary to the message in the image above, it's NOT over. It's just beginning. And when it comes to solving the New York Times crossword puzzle, the old cliche does apply: practice makes perfect. I've read quite a few books and ...more

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