
How To : Make Fried Bake and Saltfish

Bake and Saltfish is a popular breakfast dish in Trinidad and the rest of the West Indies. My stepfather showed me how to make this delicious recipe. I could eat this all day! And believe me when I say it's SALTY. That's why you must boil it at least twice. It's called salt f ...more

How To : Make Jamaican style ackee and saltfish

Tracy shows you how to cook the traditional Jamaican breakfast dish. Follow along in this Jamaican cooking lesson to learn how to make ackee and saltfish. Ackee and saltfish is a very simple dish to prepare. Ingredients: 1/2 lb Saltfish (dried, salted codfish) 12 fresh ackees ...more

How To : Make Jamaican style okra and saltfish

Watch this cooking how-to video as Tracy cooks some authentic okra and saltfish. This veggie and seafood dish is very popular in Jamaica. Follow along this Jamaican cooking lesson and learn how to make okra and saltfish. Ingredients for okra and saltfish: 1/2 lb Saltfish (dri ...more

How To : Prepare Jamaican saltfish fritters

Prepare typical Jamaican saltfish fritters. It a simply and easy recipe to make, watch this video to learn how. Prepare Jamaican saltfish fritters. Click through to watch this video on

How To : Make Jamaican codfish and onions with Johnny Cakes

Making cod fish and onions is easy, fast and a delicious breakfast dish. It is a worthy substitute of the Jamaican traditional breakfast dish of ackee and saltfish. The Johnny cake recipe shown here is an exact duplicate of the recipe used in Jamaica. Enjoy.

How To : Cook Jamaican callaloo and codfish

Watch this cooking how-to video as Tracy cooks some authentic Jamaican callaloo and codfish. In this cooking how to video Tracy shows you how to make a traditional Jamaican seafood dish. Follow along with the Jamaican cooking video lesson to learn how to make callaloo and codf ...more

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