Say Good Night

How To : Keep warm sleeping in the forest

You know your going to have to sleep outside and you don’t know how to stave off the chill of the night. With the right equipment, some layering techniques and a full belly you be sure to get a good nights sleep even if it’s cold out. Don’t let the cold keep you indoors – lea ...more

How To : Hit a cut in golf

Kevin Batters gives tips for how to hit a cut shot in golf. When use to turn club we are implying for a right handed golfer a left to right spin and for left handed golfer a right to left spin. If Nicholson is cutting the ball he will going from right to left and any other pla ...more

How To : Seek Comfort In A New Country

Feeling comfortable or at home means living in an atmosphere where you are accepted. Some people moving abroad worry about getting adjusted to the new social environment or the western culture. You may have left your home to make big business, excel in your career, get married ...more

How To : Play Halo the Interactive Strategy Game

This is a Halo Interactive Strategy Game 'Tabletop' tutorial. We've seen this before. It's like Warhammer, but for Halo. With an accompanying DVD that's more Nightmare than Bungie. So, is this a good idea? With Halo Wars on the way and better board games on the market we'd hav ...more

How To : Fold a clean fitted sheet like a pro

Take the sheet and fold one corner into the other corner. Now spread the sheet flatly on the floor with its corner in the other corner. Take one side and put it inside the other side. It should give the direction like a square. Then fold it in to two and then into two again. T ...more

How To : Eat for maximum energy

Candy bars are tasty but all they do is spike your blood-sugar momentarily leaving you with and energy crash. For high, sustained energy you will need a balanced diet full of complex carbohydrate and protein. Skip the energy drinks and extra large lattes and follow these simp ...more

How To : Not say the wrong thing to a police officer

Seems self explanatory right? This quick video tutorial is for all of you big mouths out there. Well, check out what not to say to cops with thanks from former NYPD Detective Scott Androvic on Playbook, hosted by Matt Bean. Things you definitely don't want to say to a police ...more

News : Caught Brown Handed

Have some of the Jackass crew poop in a purse. Or use elephant poop....and fill the bottom of the purse. Cover the poop with makeup, tissues, personal items, etc. that you'd normally find in a purse. Then set in on a semi-busy sidewalk.(Making it a Coach purse would attract mo ...more

News : The Shitty massage

A massage worker calls a jackass memeber and says you just won a free 2 hour massage and we would like you to come [this day] and he will be there he will lay down on his tummy with nose plugs and the massager would open a little can with shit in it and say this is a cream tha ...more

News : Werewolf Prank Gone Bad

So... This is a prank on a prank. The first prank involves everyone getting drunk one night and drugging the "victim" (say a friend of a friend, because any jackass member would know it's a prank) to the point of unconsciousness, tearing portions of their clothes and leaving t ...more

News : Electric Urinal

Much like when Rabb pee'd on the Electric Fence you Rigg a Urinal, or a Toilet to have a slight Electric charge. Not enough to cause damage but enough that they'll feel it and get a good shock. Someone goes to the bathroom in middle of the night, or whenever they're jolted. ...more

News : "Superglue Wake-Up"

Find two people that dislike each other the most (inevitably someone and Brandon Novak). These will need to be two people that are likely to drink enough to be manipulated without their knowledge. While sleeping, superglue one part of one to the other. It can be a hand to a ba ...more

News : glue bam to a seat abd blow it it up

i really think good prink would be have bam go the bath room and not telling him that there is supper glue on the seat and then have johny go to the bathroomdoor and ask bam if he is all right and bam will say no because he glued to a toilt seat and can not get up so blow up t ...more

News : The ol' ex-lax trick

Set up a double date with one of your good friends and a couple ladies. Once you are ready you, tell your friend to come on over and have a drink before we go out just to loosen up and get out any possible nerves that could over take the night. Ask him what he wants in advance ...more

News : The Fart Drink

To prepare for the prank eat some dairy products or beans. Anything that will make you fart. Invite over a group of friends to have some drinks. Have someone be the designated camrea man. This prank is the most funniest when you pick the person the with the worst temper of t ...more

How To : 12 Valuable Tips to Avoid Catching a Cold

If you want to avoid catching the cold this season, act like a complete germaphobic nut and wash your hands frequently. Wear gloves to avoid directly touching frequently-touched public surfaces that may carry germs, such as doorknobs and handrails. Use sanitation wipes to wip ...more

How To : 10 Weird Ways to De-Stress

We've all heard that deep breathing exercises, calming music and a good night's sleep help relieve stress, but what are some other unconventional tips to help you feel more calm and relaxed during hectic times? Drink orange juice. Listen to some white noise. Massage your ear ...more

Expert Advice : Four Ways Doctors Keep Themselves Healthy

Staying healthy is a progressive challenge we all face throughout our lives, and figuring out just how to do that can be a challenge when it's not your job. For doctors, however, it is. Here's how they keep themselves healthy day to day. While it won't surprise you to learn t ...more

How To : Recognize a Rabbit's Nest?

Hello! I would like to share some data about the nests that rabbits and dwarf rabbits build. They represent good shelters for them and their babies. Step 1: Take a Peek into the Nest You will have to know which material rabbits use for building their shelters, in order to re ...more

How To : 9 Poppin' Uses for Bubble Wrap

If you're like me, you have a secret dream of living in a house completely covered wall-to-wall and carpet-to-carpet in bubble wrap. Until you have enough of that pliable transparent plastic with air-filled bubbles, there are some truly practical things you can do with the lit ...more

News : Snapshot Info.

So there have bine added some new stuff into Minecraft. Some new mobs that i will show here and some new blocks. First the new mobs! The Rabbit: They have diffrent skin (can drop food). The food drop isn't 100% drop allways. Friendly The Endermite: It spawns when a Enderman ...more

How To : 10 Handy, but Hidden Features in iOS 6

There's definitely a lot of new things to get used to in iOS 6, with over 200 added features, but which ones stand out about the rest? Well, it all depends on what device you're using. Some features will only work on newer models, but most of the hidden features are accessible ...more

How To : Take Photos at Night

Lighting is one of the most important features of good photography. American photographer Eric Levin has become somewhat of a favorite of mine, especially because his photography tips and tricks are a very helpful tool for all aspiring photographers. This latest installment ...more

News : 13 Ways a Good Smartwatch Can Enhance Your Workout

Thanks to numerous smartwatch deals this holiday season, many people are receiving their first one. But what exactly can they do? In regards to fitness, quite a lot. With a growing list of sensors and software updates, these small devices can be the very thing you need to ulti ...more

News : GoTenna Will Let You Text Even When Service Is Down

You're hiking up a beautiful mountain when all of a sudden you remember it's your mother's birthday. You begin to panic—you forgot her birthday last year, and you know if you don't say something soon, you're as good as dead. But there's a problem—amongst a beautiful landscape ...more

How To : Carve a Tasty Watermelon Brain for Halloween

Brains? If you've ever played Plants vs. Zombies, then you already know that brains are a delightful treat for our undead brethren. For those of us still living, we can still indulge in some brain-related dining for Halloween next week. If you're holding a dinner party or just ...more

NR50 : Next Reality's 50 People to Watch: Amitt Mahajan

From Farmville to selling a company to Google, Amitt Mahajan has been through the startup ringer. Now, as managing partner with Presence Capital, he's funding the future of augmented and mixed reality. With interest in 3D graphics, Mahajan started his career working on game e ...more

How To : Can't Find Night Mode on Your iPhone? Here's Why

Apple might not have been the first to add a night camera mode to its suite of smartphones, but it's pretty impressive nonetheless. With "Night" mode, your iPhone can shoot photos with incredible detail in some horrendously dark lighting conditions. But when you open up your n ...more

How To : Make a Smartphone Projector for Less Than $5

There's nothing better than gathering up all the cushions, pillows, and blankets in your home and having a good ol' fashion movie night. But if you're still rocking the old 19-inch TV your parents gave you in college, you may want to upgrade to something bigger. If you've got ...more

News : Construction on the Star Destroyer

Hey guys, corndog97 here! As most of you know I have been working on an extensive mega build with my friends Knight Skelly, Killer Oliver, and HUD (howcanudothis). I have to say, my mates have done such a good job, and picked up the pattern within an hour. Here's what it looks ...more

How To : Film at Night with Your DSLR

Have you ever tried to film at night with your DLSR in place with no good lightning at all or at places were the lights are flickering? Here its the Solution in 4 simple steps. Always shoot between 1/50 and 1/60 ALWAYS or else the lights will flicker. Never go above 1600 iso ...more

News : Google's Night Sight Camera Is Downright Amazing

The Pixel 3 has an indisputably great camera, but a software update coming soon is going to make it even better. Google will be adding a "Night Sight" shooting mode that's so good with low-light situations that you'll have to see it to believe it. XDA highlighted a port of th ...more

How to Nap Smarter : Just Add Caffeine (Really)

Naps provide some serious mental and physical benefits, but not if they last too long or occur too late in the day. Ideally, you want to awake from a nap feeling alert and refreshed enough to attack the rest of your tasks with renewed zeal, but not energized to the point where ...more

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