Season Fajitas

How To : Make delicious shrimp fajitas

In this video, Jennifer teaches us how to make Latin heat shrimp fajitas. Ingredients are: onions, peppers, shrimp, olive oil, butter, lemon juice, Latin heat rub, salt and pepper. First, place sliced peppers and onions along with Latin seasoning and olive oil into a bowl. Sti ...more

How To : Cook low fat Mexican style turkey fajitas

Turkey meat is not only healthy but it is very versatile. You can turn an old Mexican recipe into a new one by adding a little turkey meat. This how to video shows you how to cook Mexican style turkey fajitas. It is a great way to cook all gaming meat this season. Everyone is ...more

How To : Make delicious pork tenderloin fajitas

Beryl Stokes from Cajun Cooking shows us how to make delicious fajitas using some leftover pork tenderloin. Chicken or steak can also be used to make these. Slice some red bell peppers, sweet onions and mushrooms. Heat some olive oil in the pan, add the vegetables and sauté th ...more

How To : Prepare sizzling steak fajitas

In this video, Betty, from Betty's Kitchen, demonstrates how to cook her steak fajitas. The ingredients for this recipe are: 1 1/4 pounds sirloin steak, cut into strips; 1 onion, cut in lengthwise wedges; 1 green bell pepper, cut lengthwise, 1 red bell pepper, also cut lengthw ...more

How To : Make delicious chicken fajitas

This explains how to make an easy Latino dinner for 2 people. Place chopped garlic in a large Ziploc bag. Take McCormick fajita seasoning and red pepper and place them in the bag with the garlic. Prepare a chicken breast by removing the fat and cutting the meat into strips. Me ...more

News : Jaccard Tenderizer - A Must Have Tool

This is a tool I wouldn't want to do without in my kitchen. It's full name is the Jaccard Super Tendermatic Meat Tenderizer but if you refer to the "Jaccard", most food folks will know what you are talking about. Jaccard makes lots of food prep products but this is probably th ...more

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