Shocking Fish

How To : Tie a slim beauty shock leader knot for fishing

The slim beauty shock leader knot connects monofilament line to a heavier leader, that retains most of the original line's breaking strain. This knot was created to be strong, but cast to put together. Watch this video knot-tying tutorial and learn how to tie a slim beauty sho ...more

How To : Perform various first aid methods as a Boy Scout

Second Class Boy Scouts work on building their outdoor survival and camping skills. Compass work, nature observation, camp tools, and swimming are areas where new skills are mastered and demonstrated. A second class scout, having completed all the requirements, should be able ...more

How To : Tie the slim beauty knot for fly fishing

Tie a double overhand knot 4" from the end of the shock tippet or other material to which you want to connect your class tippet. Gently tighten the double overhand knot, but only until it turns over and forms a figure-eight. This leaves two gaps through which you can pass the ...more

TED TALKS : "How We Wrecked the Ocean"

Coral Reef Ecologist Jeremy Jackson exposes our Dying Oceans TED TALKS: "How We Wrecked the Ocean" This is incredible video from a TED lecture explains the current dire state of our oceans and how they directly effect our well being. Jeremy Jackson has enlightened me to the ...more

News : Abnormal Behavior

Ok, so all you need is some paintball guns, some marshmallows, some fishing line and someone that is an unnaturally heavy sleeper. Since you guys got money, attach the paintball guns to individual stands aimed at the targets crotch or stomach. You take the fishing line, loop o ...more

Weird Ingredient Wednesday : The Magic of Pork Dust

A no-carb, gluten-free substitute for breadcrumbs. Sounds and probably tastes like cardboard, right? Unless you're talking about Pork Dust. Yes, you read that right. Pork. DUST. Don't Miss: Caul Fat—Is It Better than Bacon? These savory and rich ground-up pork rinds have abs ...more

News : The Buzz on Bee Pollen Benefits

While honey is one of the most popular ingredients on kitchen shelves the world over, honeybee pollen is still a relatively rare find in most households. It's not hard to guess why: eating pollen just sounds weird... it would probably sell a lot better if it had a more appetiz ...more

Ingredients 101 : How & Why You Should Always Brown Butter

Butter can be even more delicious than it already is. While that may be a shocking claim, it's most definitely true. Many new cooks and even seasoned chefs don't realize this, but the few minutes it takes to do these things will pay you back exponentially when it comes to that ...more

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