Shooting Times

How To : Make Amazing Affogato with Ice Cream Cubes

In Italian, the word affogato means "drowned." Kind of a morbid name for such a delicious goodie, right? But there's a reason it's called that. For those of you not in the know, affogato is a coffee-based treat usually consisting of a scoop of vanilla gelato or ice cream "dro ...more

News : Watch This Woman Freak the Hell Out in Horror VR

Virtual reality and horror were meant for each other. You'll get all the positive aspects of experiencing a terrifying situation such as excitement and an adrenaline rush, without any of the real-life consequences, like being ripped to shreds by a herd of flesh-eating monsters ...more

Return of the 4-Inch iPhone : Apple Announces iPhone SE

While it's been rumored for a few months, Apple finally unveiled its new 4-inch iPhone SE at the Apple Special Event on March 21st. Apple sold 30 million 4-inch iPhones in 2015, many of which by first-time Apple buyers. With Apple's flagships getting bigger and bigger, the co ...more

How To : Mimic the iPhone's Status Bar on Your Android

As an Android user, there aren't many elements of my friend's iPhone that I find myself envious of, because anything he can do on iOS, I can surely find a way to do on Android...often better. That being said, I have to admit that one feature I do like is the minimal style and ...more

How To : Take Ultra-Slow Motion Video with Your Galaxy S5

The Galaxy S5's camera is amongst the most capable smartphone shooters on the market. With a 16-megapixel sensor that is capable of recording 1080p video at 120 frames per second, the stat sheet was officially stuffed when Samsung brought this device to market. But it's not a ...more

Horizon : The Solution to Crappy Vertical Videos on Android

If you hold your phone upright while taking a video, you've surely seen the horrific end results. When you try to play the video back on any other display, roughly 70 percent of the screen is occupied by black bars. I normally scold people for this behavior, as it makes for t ...more

How To : Play Sports Like a Geeky Girl

The stereotypical geek is not good at sports. Think about it, we’re known for spending time in dark basements doing weird stuff that has nothing to do with running around and being active. So we’re known for our inability to play sports, but I wouldn't call it an inability so ...more

Obama vs Romney : A Useless Battle

Assuming everyone knows of the recent "String of attacks" passed between Obama and Romney, I just want to talk about how useless this entire thing is. I'll try to be as un-biased as possible. Election year is a major phenomenon in any country. The masses pick their candidate ...more

How To : 13 Exciting New Features in Apple Photos for iOS 14

While there are other photo-editing apps to choose from on the App Store, Apple Photos is more than good enough for most needs on the iPhone — and things only get better with age. With each new iteration of iOS, Apple refines and improves Photos for the better, and iOS 14 adds ...more

Gift Guide : Must-Have Phone Accessories for Movie Lovers

There's never been a better time for streaming videos on your phone. With so many options available (including a potential mobile-only Netflix tier) and so many new smartphones having large screens, there's a good chance you know someone who mainly use their phone for videos. ...more

How To : Trigger iMessage Effects with Just a Keyword

One of the coolest aesthetic features of iMessage is its animated message effects. If you're like many users, you might even have discovered them by accident, where wishing your friend a "Happy Birthday!" or congratulating them on a promotion unexpectedly flooded your screen w ...more

Samsung vs. Apple : Galaxy Note 10+ vs iPhone XS Max

Every fall, we can expect a few things: leaves changing colors, cooler temperatures, and Samsung and Apple releasing new phones that fanboys and fangirls will argue about until the following year. This year, Samsung is mixing it up, releasing two phones in the Galaxy Note seri ...more

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