
How To : Overcome shyness when talking to girls

This is a great video with a response from "" dealing with one of the most challenging topics, how to overcome shyness and ask a girl out. The video is really helpful because it offers what to do and what NOT to do strategies. It also provides feedback fro ...more

How To : Overcome shyness quickly

In this tutorial, Peter Murphy tells us how to overcome shyness. The first step to do this is to build an unstoppable self-confidence in ourselves. The second skill is to develop excellent communication skills. This isn't just being good at talking to other people, it's by lea ...more

How To : Overcome shyness and social awkwardness with tips

Most everyone has a fear of public speaking. Even the most seasoned politicians can't get through a speech without sweaty palms, butterflies in his/her stomach, or general nervousness. But for those who are shy, these symptoms occur every time they're in a social situation. S ...more

How To : Get over shyness

In this video, we learn how to get over shyness. You need to make sure that you are really accomplished at what you are doing, which will give you confidence. You need to excel in your field, which will create a situation that makes you happy and will attract the type of peopl ...more

How To : Earn Someone's Trust Without Ever Saying a Word

There's more to earning someone's trust than simply shaking their hand, especially if you're not particularly trustworthy. Your body language doesn't reveal your thoughts, it reveals your intentions, and sometimes intentions are better left unrevealed. Psychopaths, take note.. ...more

News : Watch the Smartest Mouse In the World Kick Maze Ass

Meet YouTube user kittenandtiger, the mysterious Austrian mouse whisperer. Master of mouse training site Mouse Agility, kittenandtiger has had a love for rodents since a very young age: "When I was a child I discovered a small mouse population in our barn, and since then I sa ...more

How To : Succeed in Group Settings by Shutting Your Mouth

What type of person are you in group settings? Are you the social butterfly, eager to get to know everyone and interested in the people more than the setting? Or are you a wallflower, afraid to catch anyone's eye out of fear? No matter what type of group you're in—a project a ...more

News : The Value and Worth of Daily Positive Affirmations

I've been dealing with emotional difficulty for many years. It started when I had surgery for the epilepsy I was dealing, and quite literally, dying with. Since the surgery on March 28, 1990 I have had no seizures, but I have had plenty of emotional difficulty. Along with that ...more

How To : Look good in pictures with Carson Kressley

Many people suffer from camera-shyness, or a reluctance to have their pictures taken. The reasons vary; some people are generally insecure about their appearance, others feel that their pictures don't match the way they want to be shown. Carson Kressley, from Queer Eye for the ...more

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