
How To : Throw a football like a quarterback

This video explains how to throw a football like a quarterback. With your elbows bent at a 90-degree angle, hold the ball in front of your chest with the fingers of your throwing hand across the laces of the football. A ball held lazily runs the risk of being fumbled; too low ...more

How To : Sell stuff at a flea market

Selling stuff at the local flea market sounds easy enough, but it isn't anything like having a yard sale. There's a lot more to it that just getting rid of your junk, and the biggest things are being licensed and having a sales tax number. Flea market vendor may not be your fi ...more

How To : Use hand saw tips

One rusty old traditional hand saw can sideline any beginner. Just say no to exasperation. Get the winning saw.

News : Opening game in 3D. First impressions.

I've been curious to watch one of these famed '3D' games for a while now. Last April at NAB, I attended several 3D panels and folks from ESPN suggested that one of the strongest experiences that would bring 3D into the home would be live sports. I've missed opportunities to wa ...more

Minecraft : The Little Things Can Be Amazing, Too

Is that House? Built in Minecraft? Well, time to cross out one more item off my bucket list! As inspiration for this week's Minecraft-themed Tuesday Giveaway (enter here to win an awesome Minecraft Pickaxe!), I present a roundup of amazing things found in Minecraft. The great ...more

See Jane Pwn : A Primer for Internet Slang

Making your way into an online community can be really exciting. Some life-long friendships and lasting romances begin in humble chat rooms and message boards. But for the novice internet user, one of the biggest hurdles can be trying to figure out just what people are saying ...more

News : Samsung's Galaxy S9 & S9+ Finally Get ARCore Support

Google's Pixel smartphone had a decent head start as one of the first devices to offer ARCore, but that early exclusivity has been frustrating for some Android device owners. Some of that frustration was relieved when Google added more Android devices to the ARCore list in Feb ...more

How To : Be confident and popular at school

Sick of living life on the sidelines? Ready to make more friends? This tutorial will give you a few key tips to help you achieve popularity. Being popular begins by being happy with who you are. Follow these steps, and people will be begging to be a part of your “in” crowd. Yo ...more

How To : Recognize Crowd Control - Part 2

In the first part we differentiated the two types of control, mental and physical. In part 2 we will dig deeper into Physical crowd control and analyze examples that are present today. Physical Crowd Control This is the easy one. Wikipedia says: Crowd control is the controll ...more

How To : Beat a cold

It’s the cold and flu season – and anyone who has been sidelined by fever, achy joints, swollen nasal passages and sore throats knows first hand the value of prevention. Beat a cold. Click through to watch this video on

How To : Pull off the best touchdown celebration

This is probably not the best touchdown celebration but certainly would be the most annoying. Touchdown celebrations are notoriously egotistical so if you want to keep with the tradition you can try out some of these your next touchdown. You’ve built a reputation for the dept ...more

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