Slow Argenta Tango Steps

How To : Do beginner tango dancing

Want to become a good Ballroom dancer? Libreros step number five of tango dancing is the ouside swivel - a mans step. Start by facing the center of the room in the close position. Take a forward step on the left foot and a side step swinging your right foot to the side. Put yo ...more

How To : Lead in Argentine tango

We are shown a few steps in the passionate dance, the tango. It is emphasized that this erotic dance is 100% lead by the male. It is fueled by aggression and dominance by the male partner. The female is in his lead. There are eight top movements that are divided into two parts ...more

How To : Dance beginner tango with Michael Thomas

This is a video tutorial summarizing a one hour tengo dancing class. It tells its audience the different types of tengo and what each dance does. Primarily though this video focuses on ballroom tengo. First you should bring your partner to your left side and then step forward ...more

How To : Dance the Tango Tap on '3' embellishments

This video illustrates tapping on the '3' or the upbeat (halfway through the beat). Count '1-2-3-4' for each beat. ('1' being the downbeat, '3' being the upbeat or exact middle, and '2' and '4' being the places inbetween or the quarter beats). It is not a synchopated embellish ...more

How to Dance the tango : the Caricias embellishment

This is an instructional video on dancing the Tango, specifically the footwork. This elegant dance instructional goes over the Caricias embellishment. Caricias - 'caressing' your own leg with the free leg before stepping. Common during paradas or slow forward ochos. Early tan ...more

How to Dance the tango : the Cha Cha Cha in 8 cortado

This is an instructional video on dancing the Tango, specifically the footwork. This elegant dance instructional goes over the Cha Cha Cha in eight cortado. A 'cha-cha-cha' triple step added in on the 'slows' of the quick-quick-slow, quick-quick-slow timing of the ocho cortado ...more

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