Sony Ericsson Jailbreak

How To : Remove the Sony Ericsson W580/W580i LCD screen

Repairs Universe demonstrates how to remove a Sony Ericsson LCD screen. First, remove the battery from the device. Use a safe pry tool and run it along the side of the phone to unclip the clips and release the top cover. Then, slide the phone forward and release the top cover. ...more

How To : Jailbreak a Sony PSP go

This video will show you how to jailbreak Sony's PSP Go. This is a sweet little device that can be all that much sweeter once you unlock all its potential. Follow the video to see what you'll need to do.

How To : Watch the 2011 Super Bowl Commercials Online

It's that time of year again when pizza boxes line the room and buffalo wings stain the couch. When cases of beer sit in the cooler and the big screen TVs are fired up and properly calibrated. When two of the best football teams vie for the championship title and the Vince Lom ...more

How To : Hack a cell phone to make free phone calls

Want to control a friend's cell phone remotely and make "free" calls from it? In this hack how-to video, you'll learn how to hack Bluetooth-enabled cell phones with your Sony Ericsson or Nokia phone and the Super Bluetooth Hack—or "BT Info"—, a free program easily found throug ...more

Toy challenge : Cubes

Older photo form a rather simple phone, a Sony Ericsson W900 (2Mp was as bad as the very first iPhone - except this Sony came a year earlier). This was a modular coffee table that looks pretty much like children's play cubes - and I thought it would fit the 4xcolour concept o ...more

News : PlayStation x Cell Phone (Yes, Please)

Though Sony has yet to officially announce the release of their rumored PlayStation cell phone, images of the device were leaked this morning on Chinese website IT68. Possibly called the Sony Ericsson Xperia, the mystery phone features slide-out PlayStation controls, 4-inch t ...more

News : 10 Photography Tips for Mastering Your Camera Phone

If you're always taking blurry and underexposed pics with your mobile device, try using some of the tips below to turn your phone into a valuable photography asset. It doesn't matter if you have an iPhone, Android smartphone, or even a first-gen camera phone... you can still t ...more

How To : Call internationally from a cellphone

Call internationally from a cell phone This video by demonstrates how to call any international number using a several cell phones, each phone uses a different method to dial an international number. The phone brands Nokia, Motorola, Sony Ericsson, ...more

UPDATE : See the New PlayStation Phone Play Games

We've seen a few snapshots and a handful of blurry videos, but the latest leaked footage of the hyped Sony Ericsson Xperia PlayStation phone demonstrates the playing of Resident Evil 2 and Rage Racer. . On the edge of your seat? Don't worry- looks like the hype will deliver. ...more

News : Jailbreak your PS3!

This might be so '2 weeks ago' but I've been away, oh well. In a few short words: The PS3 has finally been hacked via a USB device! Sure it can be possibly used for piracy, but let's not go into that topic. Instead read this nice intro into what an open PS3 can do for you (v ...more

News : Twilight Moon

The moon playing peek-a-boo between coconut trees. Natural lighting. No filters or effects. Taken with Sony Ericsson U1 Satio.

How To : Do cool mods for GTA IV on PS3

GTA 4 is a sweet game, and now you can get into the guts of it and create some sweet mods for yourself. Cars, weapons, perspectives, and many, many, many more mods can be created. Follow the steps and open the doors to new cools things with this great game on Sony PS3. This vi ...more

How To : Record Phone Calls on Your iPhone

Unruly customers. Crazy exes. Horrible bosses. When you need proof of insanity or just want it for your records, recording a phone call is a must. Problem is, it's not the easiest thing to do on an iPhone — but it's completely possible. Even though there are plenty of legit r ...more

2014's Hottest How-Tos : Hacks, Mods, and...Veggies?

This past year was a big one for WonderHowTo. Our biggest yet. In 2014 our writers, curators, and community members helped over 100 million people learn over 270 million new things. That's 40% more people than the total number of students enrolled in every single school from e ...more

How To : Control Your PS3 with Your iPhone (And Vice Versa)

While it's not a highlight of the PlayStation 3, you can actually control the video game console with your smartphone. However, only certain aspects of the PS3 can be controlled from your iPhone, and it's not very obvious what you can and can't do — but that's where we come in ...more

Ranked : The 5 Best Gaming Phones in 2019

Mobile gaming has exploded in recent years, with experts predicting 2.4 billion global mobile players by the end of 2019. It already accounts for 47% of the worldwide gaming market, besting console and PC. No wonder we've seen the rise of gaming smartphones, a class of phones ...more

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