Sound Lights

News : A Theory of Holographic Music Synthesis

Are you ready for crazy, next-level music technology? I just completed a pretty fun introductory write-up on my new instrument called the Dub Cadet over at This is the first installment of a 3-Part series to explain how to build your own Dub Cadet or persona ...more

How To : Build a Laser Trip Wire Alarm System

Building a DIY Alarm System: The Concept So, you want to protect your property, or maybe a room, car, or even your backyard. The concept of an alarm system is to notify the "alarm administrator" that there is an intruder entering the previously designated boundaries. The trig ...more

News : Sound Terminology

In music production the producer have to know about sound waves. This are something they should know. This is also part of a big part of Physics. Frequency: The rate at which something occurs or is repeated over a particular period of time or in given samples Pitch: The qua ...more

How To : Teach your kids about music using GarageBand

In this tutorial, we learn how to teach your kids about music using GarageBand. GarageBand is a great way to help teach your kids about music and your favorite music! The kid can run the mouse over all the instruments on the stage and they will light up. The kid can play the n ...more

HowTo : Magical LED Tin Can Lantern

Instructables member mark-mark creates a beautiful effect with just a tin can lantern and an LED. It's as simple as it sounds: punch a decorative pattern into a tin can and insert your LED rig. Catch the impressive result here. You Will Need: Quart sized tin can with lid Pr ...more

How To : Adjust screen timeout on your Android phone

Mike Callahan will show you the tricky process of changing the screen timeout on your Android cell phone. While some people like their screen to black out right after they finish using it others prefer it to stay lit for a while. Mr. Callahan shows you how to change the settin ...more

How To : Use rear parking assist on a 2010 Toyota 4Runner

One of the many features that comes with the 2010 Toyota 4Runner is Rear Parking Assist. To use this feature, press the button to the left of the steering wheel that is marked P. The system will beep and the green LED will be lit, confirming that the feature is turned on. When ...more

How To : Record good audio with your video camera

Are you an aspiring filmmaker? If so, you might not have made it to Steven Spielberg status just yet, which means you could learn a thing or two. Eos Lighting has made this video to help teach you a little bit about sound on a video camera. Watch this video tutorial to see ho ...more

How To : Do a lymphatic drainage for body detox massage

Lymphatic drainage helps to detoxify your body, which has several functions: Removing free radicals, clearing up your skin, and giving your more energy and immunity to diseases and sickness. Sounds pretty good, right? Best of all, lymphatic drainage massage is a very pleasant ...more

How To : Set up a prop static ghost for Halloween

Check out this instructional video that shows how to set up a prop static ghost for Halloween. Most haunters make flying crank ghosts out of RIT bleached gauze, a pulley system and motor. This is a static variation on that idea using a K-mart ghost and a blacklight bolt to ad ...more

How To : Make a tunnel & animate a flythrough in Bryce 5

In this Bryce 5 video tutorial you will learn how to make a tunnel with a Boolean operation. Learn how to create a hallway from a boolean object, add a camera, and add a parent object. The video also shows you how to link a camera and light to the parent, and animate the proje ...more

How To : Create a dummy object in 3ds Max

In this 3ds Max video tutorial you will learn how to create a dummy object (an object that doesn't render). You'll also learn how to link the dummy object to a light and a camera for animating. Make sure to hit "play tutorial" in the top left corner of the video to start the v ...more

How To : 11 Ways to Make Your Living Space Look Bigger

Is your tiny city apartment or super modest house starting to feel a bit too cramped for comfort? While most of us don't have the luxury of hiring an architect to add on more kitchen space, or the money to live in a more spacious apartment, there are a number of simple things ...more

WTFoto News Scoop Sundays : Wrath of the Religious Roommate

The angry New Yorker stereotype sure doesn't miss anyone. A woman from New York is suing her former Catholic college for not doing 'enough' for her while her dorm roommate was having too much sex. We're not entirely sure if the college even handed out ties to hang on doorknobs ...more

News : What we see is Natural ... But also Fake

It is amazing that when you go out at night, the world is so full of colors and lights and everybody is dressed in certain way, also you can watch every big commercial image for 5 seconds, but in the end, you realize that your eyes can understand the fake and also the natural ...more

How To : Use a digital tuner to tune your guitar

Guitars will need to be tuned continuously to ensure that it is tuned for the correct scale and notes so your music makes sounds the way you intend. If you haven’t been playing forever, you will probably need the assistance of an electric tuner to find the note. This video wil ...more

How To : Install motion detector lights

Looking to take some safety precautions for the exterior of your home? Motion detector lights are a good way to ward off unwanted intruders. Installation of motion detector lights isn’t as difficult as it sounds, since most are pre-wired and preassembled. You Will Need: • A ...more

How To : Pick someone up in a bar

Think your stunning good looks are all the charm you need? Maybe, but having a plan of action doesn’t hurt. Learn how to pick someone up in a bar with this how to video. The dating world can be tough, so pay attention. You Will Need * Confidence * And the ability to improvise ...more

How To : Make a Gmail Notifier in Python

In this article, I'll show you how to make a simple Gmail notifier. Python can do various things in terms of notifications; sending commands to an Arduino unit, playing sounds, opening windows, etc. The code below simply plays some music, but the possibilities of notification ...more

How To : Play Music With Your Mind

Tired of getting calluses from incessantly strumming along to 'No Woman No Cry'? Just hook up to the brain-music system and use your brain power to play a tune instead. I'm not talking—humming along in your head. The machine, created by composer and computer-music specialist E ...more

News : Building a Bonafide Solar Death Ray Sounds Too Easy

Eric Jacqmain is one smart cookie. Borrowing from the same principles of Archimedes’ mythological death ray, the Indiana teenager used an ordinary fiberglass satellite dish and about 5,800 3/8" mirror tiles to create a solar weapon with the intensity of 5000x normal daylight. ...more

News : PSP2 (Next Generation Portable) or NGP

It looks like Sony is adding some cool features to their upcoming portable game system called NGP (Next Generation Portable). It will have a front and rear camera & Six-axis motion sensing system (three-axis gyroscope, three-axis accelerometer), Three-axis electronic compass. ...more

News : very hard to do prank

This is prank is a 'bit' complicated to do but if you manage to do it, it will be the best prank ever made for good. I think the best man for this prank should be Bam as his chances not to die during the fall down are the best : - Go to some scene shooting somewhere in the wo ...more

How To : Draw a guitar

In this how to video, you will learn how to draw a guitar. First draw the body of the guitar. This should have an hour glass shape with a rounded top and bottom. Next, draw the neck of the guitar from the top of the body. Next, add in the details of the body such as the sound ...more

How To : Awaken the sixth chakra or your third eye

Awakening the sixth chakra – known as the third eye – also awakens your sixth sense, and unlocks psychic potential. In this tutorial, learn how to harness your spirituality and get in touch with your third eye. You Will Need • Emotional stability • Water • Healthy food • Y ...more

How To : Use circuit bending

Circuit bending an audio device typically involves removing the rear panel of the device and connecting any two circuit locations with a "jumper" wire, sending current from one part of the circuit into another. Results are monitored through either the device's internal speaker ...more

How To : Use jumper cables to jump start a car

This video explains how to use jumper cables to jump start a car. First, determine that a dead battery is the reason your car is not starting. If the engine cranks when you turn the key, the problem is not the battery and jump-starting won't help. If the windshield wipers, lig ...more

How To : Awaken chakras

Interested in chakras? Boost the seven energy centers from the base of your spine to the top of your head for optimum health and vitality. Learn how to awaken chakras with help from this video. What you will need: • Controlled breathing • Knowledge of chakra properties • F ...more

How To : Appreciate the ballet

Got ballet tickets? Learn to appreciate and enjoy the performance with these steps. You Will Need * A ticket to a ballet performance * Internet access * A book on ballet (optional) * Binoculars (optional) Step 1 Prepare for the performance by learning about the ballet you wil ...more

How To : Protect your garden from the elements and animals

When protecting your garden, you can stay green with some environmentally sound solutions. You Will Need * 1 A tape measure * 2 Two lightweight polyester row covers * Work clothes * 1 Safety glasses * Garden gloves * 8 oz. 8 oz. Bt powder * Distilled water * 1 A spray bottle * ...more

How To : Draw a cartoon of a shy guy for a Valentine's card

Learn how to create your own Valentine's Day card with Bruce Blitz. All you'll need is a paper, pencil, marker, colored chalk or pencils, and an eraser. Using your pencil, draw 2 circles, one with curved guidelines to have the face turned to the left, and one with straight gui ...more

How To : Beatbox FaithSFX's "Stand By Me"

In this how to video you will learn to beatbox "Stand by Me" by FaithSFX. This tutorial is great for intermediate beatboxers. LYRICS (BASS) = humming (D/BASS) = just a variation of the humming bass with the letter "D", sound more like an upright bass than the "B" bass. (B) = k ...more

News : The Value and Worth of Daily Positive Affirmations

I've been dealing with emotional difficulty for many years. It started when I had surgery for the epilepsy I was dealing, and quite literally, dying with. Since the surgery on March 28, 1990 I have had no seizures, but I have had plenty of emotional difficulty. Along with that ...more

How To : Observe the Quadrantid Meteor Shower

Note: This shower is only visible in the Northern Hemisphere. The Quadrantid meteor shower is one of my personal favorites, mainly because of the amount of meteors it produces. You can sight more than 100 meteors per hour- that's more than 1 meter per minute. Even though that ...more

How To : Make Crab Salad with Savory Basil Sherbet

This is a refreshing and light crab salad with a savory basil lemon sherbet on top. I know it sounds weird, but it's perfect for summer and helps you cool off from the heat. For the salad: 1 corn on the cob, sliced off the cob after it's been grilled 1/2 of an avocado juice ...more

News : Rosalind’S Ethiopian Restaurant

I was mesmerized by the decoration in Rosalind’s. It has pictures of the Ethiopian people from tribes, the walls are painted bright yellow and covered with black nyala’s an endanger species found in Ethiopia, amazing hut roofs on top of the tables, Hi-Definition television pla ...more

News : Bullet-Proof Silk Sheets

Enjoy rolling around at night in the sleek luster of silk? Also afraid of a mobster finding out you're rolling around with his cousin's wife? Solution: bullet-proof silk sheets. All you need is the strongest biomaterial ever found--Darwin's bark spider silk. So, grab a loom an ...more

Metro 2033 : Eye Candy

Picked up Metro 2033 from the Steam Sale. Wow is it pretty. At 1080p with DX11 and gorgeously detailed, it's hard to not stop and stare at every single thing! I wish there was a way to somehow convey this feeling.. Something like that. Beside the amazingly detailed texture wo ...more

HowTo : Trigger Green Traffic Lights

Scenario: it's late at night, the roads are completely empty and you are stuck at the longest light ever. Solution: don't run a red- change it to green yourself. Avoid a ticket, save yourself some time (and perhaps a little gas). Many of you may have already seen Kipkay's ins ...more

News : Scott Pilgrim The Game First Impressions

Scott Pilgrim vs The World: The Video Game was released on Tuesday August 10th for the PS3 (Download only, $9.99). It will be released for the Xbox 360 on August 25th for 800 imaginary points. We spent a few hours yesterday on co-op and single player and here are our initial i ...more

Tweens 'n' Teens : Charlie St. Cloud

Hey editor Mike here from thesubstream and I would like to welcome our newest contributor to the site, our tweens 'n' teens cinema specialist, my little sister Amanda. We're going to make her go watch all the movies that we don't want to see ourselves and then make her tell us ...more

How To : Sprint HTC Evo 4G Impressions

Spent the weekend with Sprint's new phone, the HTC Evo G4. Specification wise, it's better than Verizon's Incredible and T-Mobile's HD2. Apple will be announcing the new version of their phone this week. If it's comparable to leaked phone shown over at Gizmodo, then to say whi ...more

News : Comics, Why Aren't You Reading Them?

Well, why aren't you? They're all the rage in pop culture right now, what with The Avengers blowing away audiences and the finale to the Batman trilogy coming out soon. Not to mention that Marvel is remaking Spider-Man! The original is only like, what, less than ten years old? ...more

Changing Positions : Flip Flopping

Politics(the Government) is built to accomplish a few things: maintaining order, providing necessities, operating businesses (stimulating the economy, trade), maintaining public relations and the most important of all, protecting the rights of the individuals it governs. It ha ...more

News : Three Days Without You Activity

Three Days without You Poem Description: This is a sequence poem that will help students transition from one setting and time into another. Pacing will also be another aspect to this poem. Comas will be used as pauses in the poem. Each setting will be divided into separate s ...more

How To : Make a Video Blog

Want to know how to start your own vlog? Starting a video blog is simple... Get a camera! It is a video blog, after all. Though you may see some people with very fancy (and expensive) cameras, don't be discouraged if all you have is your webcam. That is perfectly fine to sta ...more

News : XBox 360 Remake-O-Rama!

The aging and maturity of video games as a medium has lead to some unfortunate consequences. One of these, perhaps drawn from the film industry, is the spate of remakes that has overtaken the game market over the last few years. It hasn't been as bad as the remakeorama trend i ...more

How To : How The Internet Works

Sure, you go online to email and shop and do research. But have you ever been curious about how the internet actually works? Don't worry, you don't need a degree in computer science to get a handle on how your info gets from point A to point B. Learning the basics of the inter ...more

New Game by Hasbro : Electronic SCRABBLE Flash

Nope, this isn't a flash game version of SCRABBLE. There's already one of those (and a multitude of imitations) for the Apple iPhone, iPod, and Facebook. This is an electronic game, and it's not a "handheld" game like the SCRABBLE Pocket Pogo Touch Screen Game (pictured right) ...more

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