Sound Tutorial

How To : Set up a wireless microphone for sound recording

Check out this film and theater video tutorial on how to set up a wireless microphone for sound recording. Confused about wireless and what's involved? Learn the proper set-up of a wireless microphone. Knowing these few tips will provide successful results and great audio rec ...more

How To : Animate to sound in 3ds Max 8

Attention: Digital 3D animators and modelers, watch this 3ds Max video tutorial to see how to add sound as reference to your scene for lip synch or animating to key events. Autodesk's 3D Studio Max is a customizable and scalable 3D modeling and rendering solution for games, f ...more

How To : Make Any Android Keyboard Play Sounds as You Type

Android is a highly customizable operating system. Sometimes, we use these capabilities to add core functionality or streamline the user experience, but there are other times when customization is just about having fun and making your smartphone's interface more enjoyable. Th ...more

How To : Reduce quality on audio tracks to sound like phone

Take a look at this instructional video and learn how to reduce quality on audio tracks to make it sound as if it's coming from a phone. This tutorial shows you how to produce this effect with two separate programs: Sony Vegas 6.0 Pro and Audacity. Whenever you are done creati ...more

How To : Get Dolby Digital Plus Sound on Your Nexus 4

You don't need to be a hardcore audiophile to know that Dolby is pretty much synonymous with rich and immersive sound. While we often associate them with home theater systems, Dolby has brought their surround sound processing to the mobile phone arena with Dolby Digital Plus b ...more

How To : Use Trapcode Sound Keys After Effects plugin

Sound Keys is a keyframe generator plug-in for Adobe After Effects. Learn how to visually select parts of an audio track and convert that audio into keyframes. TrapCode Sound Keys After Effects plugin is great for audio-intensive animations. See how to use it in this tutorial. ...more

How To : Pronounce the "th" sound in English language

This is a three part lesson, shows you how to pronounce the "th" sound correctly in the English language. Part 1 of 3 - How to Pronounce the "th" sound in English language. Part 2 of 3 - How to Pronounce the "th" sound in English language. Part 3 of 3 - How to Pronounce the ...more

How To : Make the AA sound in American English

Learn how to pronounce the AA sound in American English with this ESL lesson. The aa sound is a front vowel, which for me means it feels like it comes more from here, aa, than from here, ah. It's a bit difficult to explain, so I am going to explain it in terms of another vowe ...more

How To : Make a loud bang sound with a piece of paper

Do you like making loud noises? We do here at Wonderhowto, and this video will show you one easy way to do so using only a standard sheet of printer paper. You just have to fold in a certain way, slam it against a table or other hard surface, and bang! You've made a loud bangi ...more

How To : Mod your iPod and make the sound louder

It's believed that most iPods carry the Wolfson Microelectronics WM8975 codec and although it does a great job converting the digital audio on the iPod's drive into analog audio, the iPod's amplifiers don't make the sound loud enough to hear through your headphones. Take a loo ...more

How To : Pronounce the four click sounds in KhoeKhoegowab

KhoeKhoegowab is the most populous and widespread of the Khoisan languages. It belongs to the Khoe language family, and is spoken in Namibia, Botswana, and South Africa by the Namaqua, Damara, and Haillom, as well as smaller ethnic groups such as the #Khomani. In this video le ...more

How To : Sound like T-Pain with Antares Auto-Tune and Pro Tools 8

In this video tutorial, we learn how to achieve that now-classic T-Pain sound with Antares Auto-Tune and Pro Tools 8. Whether you're new to Digidesign's popular DAW (digital audio workstation) or simply new to Auto-Tune, you're sure to be well served by this video guide.

How To : Sound like Dave Murray from Iron Maiden

David Taub explains how to get the same tone as Dave Murray from Iron Maiden. Part 1 of 2 - How to Sound like Dave Murray from Iron Maiden. Part 2 of 2 - How to Sound like Dave Murray from Iron Maiden.

How To : Add sound in Flash

Adding sound in Flash is a simple process. Add sound files without even compressing them in the original import. You can import a .WAV file into a Flash. Check out this is a tutorial video from Sessions Online Schools of Art & Design's "Flash Basics" course. This is part of S ...more

How To : Work with sound in Flash CS4

Adobe Flash Creative Suite 4, or CS4, Professional software is the industry-leading authoring environment for creating engaging interactive experiences. It is ideal for interactive designers, graphic designers, and developers. But having the program isn't enough; you need to k ...more

How To : Turn Any Magazine into an iPhone Stereo Sound Dock

Coca-Cola has unleashed a brilliant marketing campaign to celebrate the one year anniversary of their online Coca-Cola.FM radio in South America. In the latest issue of the popular Brazilian magazine, Capricho, the Coca-Cola advertisement literally turns the magazine into an i ...more

How To : Add sound to an animation in Blender

In this short video tutorial, you will see how to add sound to an animation when working in Blender. Whether you're new to the Blender Foundation's popular open-source 3D computer graphics application or are a seasoned digital artist merely on the lookout for new tips and tric ...more

How To : Noice Adds Sounds to Emojis on Your iPhone

As messaging and texting have all but replaced the need to actually call someone, emojis have seemingly replaced our need to type out text. With a simple emoji, you can relay emotions like "I don't feel very well" or "I love you" quickly and easily, knowing that the other part ...more

How To : Transfer sound over a laser light

Check out this low cost project. This video will show you how to transfer sound over light! Yes, this is possible. You'll transfer a sound with a distance of 5 meters, but you may experiment on greater distances if you'd like. You'll need a laser (or an LED) for this audio pro ...more

How To : Sound like Slash from Guns N Roses

David Taub explains how to get the same tone as Slash from Guns N Roses on an electric guitar. Part 1 of 2 - How to Sound like Slash from Guns N Roses. Part 2 of 2 - How to Sound like Slash from Guns N Roses.

How To : Create a sound on/off button in Flash

Tasktutorial teaches you how to create a sound on/off button using Flash. Name the first layer Actionscript. Go to frame 1, then window - actions. Add stop(); Go to frame 2, then window - actions. Add stopallsounds(); Create a new layer and select the text tool. Write off on. ...more

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