Speed Network

How To : Easily Tweak, Mod, & Customize Windows 10

Every time Windows gets a significant update, the vast majority of existing tweaking utilities become obsolete. For every option that you fine-tuned with one of these tools on Windows 7 or 8, there's a change in the registry or system settings that cause your tweaks to now poi ...more

How To : Turbo Ping Sweeping with Python

Why did I write this when they're tons of scanning tools available. Let's start with a real world situation. I sometimes visit clients sites that I need to obtain a usable IP address for a server or whatever. Believe it or not, they are networks that are configured with class ...more

How To : Master Linux with This Extensive 12-Course Bundle

Regardless of whether you're an aspiring or established coding pro, knowing just one or two programming languages and platforms is no longer sufficient if you want to be truly competitive in an increasingly popular and lucrative field. But before you spend an excessive amount ...more

How To : Take a Deep Dive into AI with This 4-Course Bundle

No longer strictly relegated to the realm of science fiction shows and novels, artificial intelligence can be found behind important technologies that are driving innovation throughout the world. From space exploration and self-driving cars to data science and marketing algori ...more

How To : Protect Up to 10 Devices with This All-in-One VPN

With millions of people working from home as a result of the coronavirus outbreak, hacking is on the rise. Nefarious black hats are taking advantage of the fact that workers have been forced to abandon their secure office networks in favor of home wireless connections. And whi ...more

How To : Safeguard Your Data & Privacy with This Speedy VPN

It's a myth that regular users only need the protection of a virtual private network when on a public Wi-Fi connection. First, almost all network connections can be accessed without the proper permissions. Second, ethical hackers also need to think about using a VPN as one ste ...more

How To : 5 Major Privacy Concerns with 5G

For all the benefits 5G brings to cellular data, it isn't without weaknesses, the biggest being privacy. Yes, the latest standard comes with breakneck downloads speeds up to 4.3 Gbps, but at what cost? Like with all things on the internet, 5G devices open opportunities for bot ...more

How To : Use SecGen to Generate a Random Vulnerable Machine

Recently, I ran across SecGen, a project which allows a user to create random vulnerable machines. I absolutely love vulnerable machines, since a vulnerable VM is a safe and legal way to practice hacking tactics, test out new tools, and exercise your puzzle-solving skills. Wh ...more

DIY Repair : How to Fix Your Broken Smartphone Like a Pro

In my days as a hardware tech, I often came across motivated do-it-yourselfers who watched a video or two on how to repair a phone and thought that they'd give it a go. More often than not, they failed miserably and damaged their phones (and wallets) even more in the process. ...more

How To : 8 Free Must-Have Photo Apps for iPhone

The stock Camera and Photos apps are great for taking basic pictures and doing some quick edits, but if you're serious about making your iPhone photos the best they can be, you can't stop there. The iOS App Store is filled with tons of great third-party alternatives with adva ...more

How To : Make Your Mac Look & Feel More Like Your iPhone

Is your Mac starting to feel messy and sluggish after using iOS 8 on your iPhone every day? Even with all of the iOS-friendly features built in to Mac OS X Yosemite, your Mac can still feel kind of "old" in comparison to an iOS device—but it doesn't have to. Using the tips and ...more

How To : 5 Ways You're Making Yourself Dumber

No one wants to appear stupid. Whether you rely on lengthy, complicated vocabulary to show your smarts, or enjoy highlighting your speedy mental math skills, everyone prefers emphasizing intelligence over hiding it. Yet even the smallest, most normal behaviors in our day-to-d ...more

How To : Stay as Anonymous as Possible Online

There are lots of people who want to stay anonymous online, and lots of reasons they want to do this. Staying anonymous on the internet isn't easy, and it's probably possible to trace almost anyone with enough time and resources. A lot of people think that they're completely s ...more

How To : Pick an Antenna for Wi-Fi Hacking

When learning Wi-Fi hacking, picking a compatible Wi-Fi network adapter is the first step to learning to crack Wi-Fi passwords. Many compatible adapters have swappable antennas, and there are several different kinds of specialized antennas you can add to a network adapter to ...more

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