
How To : Make a compressed air spit ball launcher

Ever had one of those days you were super bored at work? Love to tease your co-workers? Check out this awesome tutorial video on how to make a compressed air, spit ball launcher. Spend a few minutes following the instructions of this how-to video and you will become the cooles ...more

How To : Perform the classic card spitting trick

Isn't it great when magicians do that trick where they appear to be spitting a pile of cards out of their mouths? Have you ever wondered why they always have the hands right next to their mouths "catching" the cards? Well wonder no more. This video will show you how to do this ...more

How To : Gleek or lizard spit

Little boy demonstrate simple steps on how to gleek in three easy steps. As viewed on the video, the boy mention the use of a yellow string to help in his demonstration- First is to touch the tip of the tongue at the bottom of the mouth where the yellow string is placed- Touch ...more

HowTo : Roast a Pig on a Spit

Why settle on just pork chops or ribs when you can string up the entire pig? Serious Eats posts an great slide show on roasting a whole pig, from materials to the process to the perfect pig roastin' sauce. Warnings PETA members should probably exit this page right about now. ...more

News : Spooky Disembodied Lips, Tongues, and Spit Bubbles

Artist Julia Randall's photorealistic colored pencil drawings of disembodied lips, tongues, and spit bubbles kinda give me the creeps (in a perfectly good way, of course). Nicely done work. Makes me want to pick up a set of colored pencils and start drawing... Previously, Me ...more

News : Control a Video Game by Swapping Spit

Once there was Spin the Bottle. Then there was the embarrassing adult version of Spin the Bottle—on Wii. And then there was artist Hye Yeon Nam, who decided to skip all pretenses and go straight for the spit-swapping, no foreplay necessary. Hye Yeon Nam devised a method for co ...more

How To : Perform the holy spit card trick

Impress all of your friends with some card magic, or as others like to say, card manipulation or card trick. You don't need to be a magician to learn the illusion of magic with a deck of playing cards. See for yourself how easy it is to learn... watch this video tutorial to se ...more

How To : Play Spit

Spit, or speed, is a fun, fast-paced card game that will have your heart racing nearly as fast as your hands. Step 1: Set up cards Split the deck so each player has 26 cards. Set up your tableau opposite your opponent by dealing your cards face down into five piles. The first ...more

How To : Gain Control of WordPress by Exploiting XML-RPC

WordPress did not become what is arguably the most popular blogging and CMS platform on the planet because it was difficult to use. Rather, its user-friendly and rich feature set led to it finding a home on somewhere north of 70 million websites—and that's just counting blogs ...more

News : Nope, This Is NOT a Black and White Photograph

Paul Lung requires nothing but a 0.5 mm technical graphite pencil, plus one sheet of A2 paper to create a nearly perfectly hand drawn facsimile of a photograph. The 38-year-old graphic designer of Hong Kong spends up to 60 hours on each labor intensive drawing. Self Portrait o ...more

How To : Make a Simple Herbal Extract

Hello there, people. Today, I am going to show you how to extract the essence from a useful plant, using either alcohol or olive oil. This is how you take a plant and turn it into a useful (and preservable) medicine. For those of you who know nothing about herbal medicine, let ...more

Make Your Own Nitrous Oxide : Hilarious Science

If you've ever had teeth removed/minor surgery, you most likely received some laughing gas, or nitrous oxide. This gas creates a happy, lightened feeling, and causes instant laughter. In this article, I'll show you how to make some. BUT BE CAREFUL!!! DO NOT proceed in this exp ...more

How To : Eat Fire (And Look Damn Good Doin' It)

Eating fire is a guaranteed method of not only impressing an entire room, but also instantly settling any questions as to whether or not you're a complete and total stone cold BAD ASS. When you can casually whip this trick out in a bar, you're not only going to get your drinks ...more

How To : Remove stains from wood furniture

Learn how to remove stains from wood furniture. Make your wood furniture look like new again by getting out rings and spots. You Will Need * Clean, white cloths * Baking soda * Plain white toothpaste * White sponges or cloths * White vinegar * Hydrogen peroxide * A clean to ...more

How To : Make a cigarette vanish

Street magic at its simplest. It is magic and there is a Santa. Spit, cigarette, and a thumb is all you need to learn how to make an ordinary cigarette vanish. Make a cigarette vanish. Click through to watch this video on videojug.com

How To : Why You Should Enjoy Chocolate Milk Without Guilt

Editor's Note: The research described in the article below has been criticized and any conclusions based off this research should be examined with a skeptical eye. The article has been edited to reflect these issues. Chocolate milk tends to get a bad reputation for being less ...more

How To : Draw the word Real in graffiti bubble letters

Wizard is back to spit some knowledge on all you graffiti students out there. In this video he is demonstrating how to draw the word Real, his last name, in bubble letters with a pen. Practice this one on paper then get to tagging!

How To : Polish shoes

Learn how to polish shoes. You don't have to know how to get them Army-regulation shiny, but you should have some basic training. You Will Need * Newspaper * A shoe brush * Clean rags * Shoe polish that matches your shoes * And a lighter or matches * A mild cleanser, like s ...more

News : This Cow Tongue Looks Delicious

Here's another jewel from Serious Eats series, The Nasty Bits: yummy cow tongue, complete with that lovely texture we all know so well. Though most us likely have a negative visceral reaction to the idea of tongue, Serious Eats make a compelling argument that it is actually on ...more

Weird Ingredient Wednesday : The Alien Melon from Star Trek

Mother Nature's creativity is infinite, especially when it comes to fruit. We've got black sapote, which tastes like chocolate pudding, and Buddha's hand citron, which looks like Freddy Kreuger's digits merged with a lemon. How could she possibly top herself? Well, check out ...more

How To : Get Natural, Sparkling White Teeth on the Cheap

You Want White Teeth Without Expensive Over-The-Counter Products? Here's An Inexpensive, Effective Solution. Everywhere you look there are products for whitening teeth. You could spend a fortune on products you have to use everyday. This tutorial will show you a natural, inex ...more

How To : Draw a gangsta character

Graffiti master Wizard spit some more knowledge at us with only his hands, drawing a gangsta figure for a viewer named HQ in his signature style, working quickly in sharpie on graph paper to create something that the more clumsy-handed among us couldn't produce with a lifetime ...more

How To : Beatbox the Classic Snare Sound

If you've seen my basic sounds tutorial (and if you haven't, you should!) you'd know a rimshot sound instead of a snare. The classic snare, while considerably more tricky, is far more versatile. What's it sound like? The classic snare is similar to the word "poof" if said wi ...more

How To : Trick hot chicks with the 'do as i do' trick

This is to teach you how to trick hot chicks and win every time. It's a bar trick or scam of copycat nature. Get someone to copy your moves. This is get you either a pissed off hot girl or a girlfriend. Secret is in having your mouth filled with a little wine to spit into the ...more

How To : Decipher girl speak to see if a girl likes you

A guy learning to read girl talk is like learning Latin - only a select few (i.e. girls) know the grammar and rules, and everyone else just stares in confusion. Learn how to read between the lines - and playful punches, and verbal jousting - by watching this video by The Wing ...more

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