Start a Fire with a Paper Clip and Battery

How To : Start a fire with steel wool & a 9vt battery

This video shows the viewer how to start a fire using a steel wool and a 9 volt battery. This is done by first selecting a charge battery and clean steel wool. The gently rub the battery terminals across the steel wool and blow gently. The wool should glow and become superheat ...more

News : How to Start a Fire with a Lemon

There's no doubt you've heard the old saying, "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade." The phrase was penned in an obituary to a dwarf actor in 1915 by an anarchist named Elbert Hubbard, who lost his life five months later aboard the RMS Lusitania when it was torpedoed by ...more

News : All the Latest Leaks & Rumors on the LG G8 ThinQ

Update: The LG G8 ThinQ has been announced. You can read all of the official specs at our full article on the new phone. 2018 was another rough year for LG. The mobile division lost over $700 million last year despite releasing four flagship-caliber phones. LG, however, remai ...more

How To : Start a fire with a battery

Strike a fire with a battery. "Sticks and stone may brake your bones, but they will take forever to start a fire!" This is a good video if you need to survive in the wild by creating a fire.

How To : Start a fire with steel wool and a battery

Forget the sticks and drop the matches, Joe Kelley shows you the easiest way to start a fire in the woods: steel wool and a battery. All you need to do is touch the volt battery to the steel wool. Watch this video camping tutorial and learn how to start a fire with steel wool ...more

How To : Make sparks without matches or a lighter

How to make sparks without matches or a lighter If you camp a lot there is a good trick for making sparks without matches or a lighter. The biggest key to making a fire is to be able to do it when stuff is damp and wet. Lighting a fire in damp circumstances can be hard. You ca ...more

How To : Make perfect BBQ ribs for summer with John Kass

John Kass from the Chicago Tribune and Gary Wiviott, author of Low & Slow, demonstrate how to make perfect ribs. The first step is to run them under cool water and rinse them with cider vinegar to clean them off. Second, coat them with mustard. This holds the rub on the rib. B ...more

How To : Make a survival fire from a battery and staple

Check out this how-to video to start a fire using an AA battery and a staple. You can do this while listening to the classical guitar piece, "Malaguena" if you feel like it. It could save your life! With your battery: start by cutting the plastic away from the negative termina ...more

How To : Make a remote control work with only one battery

Hack your remote control so you only need one battery to run it! All you need is one paper clip to let you complete the circuit between the battery and the hardware on your remote control. It'll run at a lower voltage, so you'll have to be closer to the TV, but it will still w ...more

How To : Start a fire with a flint and steel

Brush up on your survival skills with help from this video. In this outdoor training tutorial, learn how to correctly start a fire using a flint and steel using paper and tissue. In the wild, without paper and tissue, a leaf and dry grass would most likely be used. Get your fi ...more

How To : Make fire with just steel wool and a battery

This video tutorial will show you a detailed way to make fire with steel wool and a battery. This is a great way to start fires on camping trips or for emergency situations. Just makes sure you carry some steel wool and a 9V battery on you at all times, or maybe just in your r ...more

How To : Make a chain mail bracelet

You can learn to make a beautiful chain mail bracelet by watching this video. The bracelet is easy to make and affordable too. Start by sliding two silver jumper rings onto a paper clip. Two copper jumper rings are passed through the silver rings and twisted to complete the lo ...more

How To : Grill with wood for a tastier meal

BBQ season is just around the corner, so why not mix it up a bit this year? Instead of cooking on the same old boring grill, try out the steps in this tutorial. This video will show you how to cook using wood and add a unique, smokey taste to your meat. You Will Need • A wood ...more

How To : Fix a wet cell phone or a jammed ipod

Today's Tech shows you how to fix a cell phone or computer that has gotten wet or jammed. With a wet cell phone, you must act quickly or it may be permanently damaged. The first thing you should do after pulling it out of the water is to take the battery and SIM card out. Dry ...more

How To : Make an awesome match rocket

In this video we are shown how to make a match rocket. You will need a lighter, a paper clip, a pair of scissors, tinfoil and some matches. Start with two matches and with the scissors cut the heads off. Using the stick of the match measure a square of tinfoil. Place the stick ...more

How To : Make a paper crossbow

Learn how to make a paper crossbow with this instructional video. All you need is a couple sheets of paper, tape, large paper clip, scissors and a rubber band. Follow this simple visual demonstration to learn how to make your own. Basically you start off with paper tubes and c ...more

How To : Make a fire with an empty lighter

For the technique in this how-to video, you need: smoking papers, receipt or any thin paper and a hard surface like a cd case or book and a piece of paper on top for friction. If your lighter runs out of gas you can still start a fire with these items from your pocket. Watch t ...more

How To : Start a fire using flint and birch bark

If you're camping or stuck out in the middle of nowhere, chances are, you could be faced with dark and freezing cold nights. Learn how to make a simple camp fire out of flint and birch bark. This is for in case you do not have a lighter on you at any given time. To start the f ...more

Fire Texting : How to Write Secret Messages with Fire

Writing secret notes with lemon juice was one of my favorite pastimes as a child. All it took was a small flame to lightly scorch the paper and reveal the hidden message. Now that I'm tall and pay bills, lemon ink just isn't exciting enough anymore. Luckily, we can use another ...more

How To : Draw cartoon fire and flames

Need to set your cartoon on fire? No worries! In this tutorial, learn how to draw professional looking cartoon flames that will make any drawing hot and spicy! Follow along as Art Man Ed shows you his method of setting the paper on fire step by step. These flames won't take lo ...more

How To : Make a boring paper clip into a really fun spinner

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to make a plain paper clip into a spinner. The materials required for this spinner are a paper clip and a pair of pliers. Take the paper clip and straighten it. Now use the pliers to bend the tip of the clip at 90 degrees. Then bend it ...more

How To : Start a fire using a can and a chocolate bar

If you are stuck in the wild and run out of matches, dip into your food supply and start a fire that way. This handy tutorial will show you how to stay warm with nothing but a can and a chocolate bar. You Will Need • Aluminum can • Chocolate bar • Towel, cloth, or paper • ...more

How To : Make Wiccan New Year's spell bags

This video demonstrates how to make Wiccan New Year's spell bags or wish bags. Wiccans celebrate the New Year on the Winter Solstice. They like to stay up all night, playing drums round a bonfire. Wiccans also make a wish bag and at the New Year they whisper a wish into this b ...more

How To : Make a remote control work with just one battery

It’s late at night and your remote control runs out of batteries. When you go to replace them you realize you only have one batter left. Now you’ll have the quick fix knowledge to power your remote with just one battery until you can find another. A remote control usually tak ...more

How To : Start a fire without a lighter

In this how-to video, some children demonstrate one of the techniques for starting a fire when you don't have a lighter, matches, lighter fluid, or anything like that. Here we see how to start a fire using just a 9 volt battery and some steel wool. TO start a fire using just a ...more

How To : Start a fire without kindling

You don't need a stock pile of kindling to hold the flame and really get your fire started. There are a variety of creative yet effective substitutes. Leftover chips from lunch, an extra toilet paper roll, these are only a few ideas on how to start your next fire. Fire is ess ...more

News : Things to Do on WonderHowTo (07/11 - 07/17)

WonderHowTo is a how-to website made up of niche communities called Worlds, with topics ranging from Minecraft to science experiments to Scrabble and everything in-between. Check in every Wednesday evening for a roundup of user-run activities and how-to projects from the commu ...more

How To : Make a Swedish Torch (AKA Canadian Candle)

It's known that during the Thirty Years' War that took place in Europe between 1618 and 1648, soldiers used Swedish fire torches (also called Canadian candles) for heating, lighting, and cooking meals. Video: . Today, it's a really great way to cook food and boil water when yo ...more

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