Statistics Lottery Excel Sheet Chart

How To : Use the filter & sort feature in Excel

In this Software video tutorial you will learn how to use the filter & sort feature in Excel. First create a column chart on an excel sheet. In this example, it is a date and sales chart. Click alt+F1 and the chart is displayed. Then click and delete the legend and the horizon ...more

How To : Use Microsoft Excel 2007 for statistics

If you use Microsoft Excel on a regular basis, odds are you work with numbers. Put those numbers to work. Statistical analysis allows you to find patterns, trends and probabilities within your data. In this MS Excel tutorial from everyone's favorite Excel guru, YouTube's Excel ...more

How To : Create a simple line chart in Excel 2007

Namuoc demonstrates how to create a line chart in Excel. To create a simple line chart in Excel 2007, first highlight the cells in your worksheet that you would like to include in the chart. Then, select the insert tab on the top of the worksheet toolbar. Next, click on the li ...more

How To : Find outliers using the Z-score method

If you use Microsoft Excel on a regular basis, odds are you work with numbers. Put those numbers to work. Statistical analysis allows you to find patterns, trends and probabilities within your data. In this MS Excel tutorial from everyone's favorite Excel guru, YouTube's Excel ...more

How To : Create a histogram using data analysis in Excel

A histogram is a summary graph showing a count of data points that fall in various ranges. Histograms are used in statistics and other forms of mathematics. In this video, learn how to create your own histogram using data analysis on the computer. This tutorial will show you h ...more

How To : Create a column line graph in Microsoft Excel 2007

In this software video tutorial you will learn how to create a column line graph in Microsoft Excel 2007. First you type in the data in to the work sheet. Then highlight the data and click 'insert' on the menu bar. Here you select the 'column' option and go down and click on t ...more

How To : The Specs That Really Count When Buying a Phone

When shopping for a new smartphone, you'll encounter comparisons and spec sheets that are filled to the brim with values like mAh, GB, and GHz. To the average consumer, however, these values are meaningless, so we end up looking at which device has the specs with the highest a ...more

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