Strike of the Sleeping Cobra

How To : Do self defense using a baton or baseball bat

In this video series, our expert Tres Tew will show you how to use a baton or bat for self defense. He will teach you about open and closed positions, how to draw the bat quickly and strike or block, and how to defang the cobra. Tres will also teach you how to defend against a ...more

How To : Stop Anxiety from Stealing Your Sleep

It's 3 a.m. and you're wide awake—your mind is running wild with worries, workplace stress, and panic about the day that lies ahead. How can you possibly slip back into sleep and snag a few more hours of rest when you're so anxious? Don't spend your nights fretting over the s ...more

How To : Dominate the New York Times Crossword Puzzle

First off, don't be frustrated. YOU CAN DO IT! Contrary to the message in the image above, it's NOT over. It's just beginning. And when it comes to solving the New York Times crossword puzzle, the old cliche does apply: practice makes perfect. I've read quite a few books and ...more

How To : Prepare a storm shelter

Depending on where you live, you will have to prepare for the hazards from different types of natural disasters. You can sleep easy if you have a secure location, stalked with food and supplied you might need if there is an emergency. Don’t panic when the skies turn dark – th ...more

How To : Hack Your Brain to Stop Motion Sickness

Many people deal with motion sickness on a daily basis, and if you're reading this, chances are you're one of them. Kinetosis can make your stomach roll, your entire body sweat, and make you feel fatigued and dizzy at even the slightest movement, whether it's related to carsic ...more

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