
Cook for Garlic & Onion Haters : Alternatives & Substitutes

Hard as it is to imagine, there are people out there who loathe garlic and onions. Some might have allergies or medical conditions like IBS, or are supertasters (i.e. people who carry a certain gene that makes them extremely sensitive to how certain foods taste). Others might ...more

How To : Make substitute origami paper

This video origami tutorial shows how to make a substitute for origami paper in case you ever run out or can't buy any. You can use construction paper, printer paper, magazine paper, and etc. Have Fun!

How To : Use INDIRECT, TEXT, and SUBSTITUTE in Excel

ExcelIsFun will show you how to use indirect text and substitute in Excel. Select any date and product and create an intersession. Use Vlookup to look up your columns. Use the match function to find the value range. To do the same thing with dates, highlight the dates and name ...more

How To : Use applesauce as a vegan substitute for eggs

Erin McKenna, founder of Babycakes NYC, shows consumers how to use applesauce as a substitute for recipes that call for eggs. To substitute eggs with applesauce, • Use 3 Tablespoons of applesauce per egg. The applesauce will bind the ingredients as well as add a little sweetne ...more

How To : Make a buttermilk substitute

Buttermilk is a great thing to have around in your kitchen. Unfortunately, most of us don't have buttermilk on our regular grocery list, so those buttermilk pancakes will have to wait for another day. Think again! You can easily make tasty buttermilk alternatives with common r ...more

How To : Find egg substitutes in vegan cooking recipes

When you're a vegan, meals must be pre-planned in order to ensure you're not using animal products of any kind. Make your next cookie recipe a little bit easier by learning what sorts of things you can use to substitute eggs. See how common household ingredients such as banan ...more

How To : Track Who Views Your Facebook Profile

Why can't I see who is stalking my Facebook profile? There are other social networks that do let you see who's viewed your profile, mainly LinkedIn and its "Who's Viewed Your Profile" feature. Regular users can see a recent list of who has been spying on you, along with some ...more

How To : What to Do When You Don't Have a Mortar & Pestle

We're all familiar with the sinking feeling that happens when you cruise through a recipe, only to arrive at an instruction that calls for a tool you don't have. Some of the best food hacks (and my personal favorites) exist to combat that problem. Why spend money on a kitchen ...more

DIY Blacksmithing : Forge Your Own Steel at Home!

Metal is a great material to work with. It's rigid, tough, malleable and conductive, but sometimes the part we need doesn't exist in any store. In order to create custom pieces, you need to either melt the metal and cast it in a mold, or heat it until it's soft enough to shape ...more

How To : Roll Sushi—The Ultimate Guide

Sushi rolls, known as makizushi in Japanese, are only limited by your imagination—and your ability to roll them neatly, of course. While it may seem like a lot of effort, rolling sushi is a snap if you have the right tools. If you plan on making sushi rolls a lot at home, a b ...more

How To : Make Cheese Fondue Without a Fondue Pot

Fall is the time for comfort foods—and what is more comforting than crusty bread slathered in melted cheese? Owning a fondue pot is both convenient and wonderful, but not all of us have the luxury of space for nonessential kitchen appliances. However, there are plenty of ways ...more

How To : Speed Up Your Mac in 2 Minutes Flat

If you've been around computers long enough, you've probably heard the phrase "have you tried turning it off and on again?" This trick usually works because it forces your computer to empty out the contents of its RAM and disk caches when you restart. When you run programs an ...more

How To : Naturally Deodorize a Stinky Garbage Disposal

Things smell, and whether or not those things smell good or not is up to you. For lingering food odors on your hands, try using stainless steel or coffee grounds to remove the stench. To de-stink smelly jars, use mustard and water. For cutting boards, use lemons and salt, and ...more

How To : Why You Should Never Throw Away Chicken Fat

Poor chickens. Bacon fat is revered (and justifiably so), and duck fat is a staple at most fine grocers. Marbles of fat make a steak divine, and goose fat is the holy grail of fatty goodness. Yet chicken fat is usually thrown away. If you're one of those people who roasts a c ...more

How To : Disable Your Spotlight Search History in iOS 10

If you've just finally updated to iOS 10, you'll notice that lots of things have changed, and while the vast majority of new features are useful and fun, some can be a bit annoying. One bothersome bit of functionality is how Spotlight Search keeps a running history of everythi ...more

How To : Gain Control of WordPress by Exploiting XML-RPC

WordPress did not become what is arguably the most popular blogging and CMS platform on the planet because it was difficult to use. Rather, its user-friendly and rich feature set led to it finding a home on somewhere north of 70 million websites—and that's just counting blogs ...more

How To : 13 Terminal Commands Every Mac User Should Know

When you think of Terminal, you probably imagine some hacker sitting in front of their computer in a dimly lit room trying to break into an FBI database. In reality, it's just a simple tool that can make using your Mac much easier. Now, I'm not saying that learning Terminal c ...more

How To : Fill in Ugly Bare Spots on Your Christmas Tree

You've found the perfect tree — or so you think. As hard as we try to display an ideal tree each year, both plastic and pine can disappoint, especially when you're shopping on the cheap. Whether you use an artificial or authentic Christmas tree, sometimes you discover gaping, ...more

How To : Phish Social Media Sites with SocialFish

Phishing is the easiest way to get your password stolen, as it only takes one mistake to log in to the wrong website. A convincing phishing site is key to a successful attempt, and tools to create them have become intuitive and more sophisticated. SocialFish allows a hacker to ...more

How To : The Perfect Formula for Making Any Cocktail

Like many others, I like a good cocktail every now and then, and I've always been impressed when my cocktail enthusiast friends would come up with a new drink or even just remember how to concoct a Clover Club (FYI, it's made with gin, raspberry syrup, lemon, and egg white). T ...more

How To : 4 Healthier Whipped Cream Alternatives

Whipped cream is one of the most iconic dessert toppings around, but the full-fat version is not the most forgiving when it comes to fat content. With the holidays just around the corner, learn how to spare yourself a few calories—especially if you love the creamy texture of w ...more

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