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How To : Melt Chocolate in Under 1 Minute Without a Stove

When I first moved to Los Angeles, I rented a bed in a tiny studio. I was too broke to afford my own place, so all I had was a mattress in someone else's apartment. Unfortunately, this person had no interest in cooking, and therefore no kitchen equipment whatsoever. To make ma ...more

From Beans to Your Cup : A Coffee Primer

To say we're a nation of coffee-lovers is putting it mildly. Americans consume 400 million cups of joe in one day alone, but how well do we actually know our morning BFF? We know it comes from a bean, and that more coffee drinks exist than there are ways to skin a pig, but wha ...more

How To : Dry Your Soaking Wet "Hand Wash Only" Clothes Faster

Let’s be honest: you’ve thrown a few delicate, "hand wash only" clothes into the wash with your jeans. Maybe you’ve even ruined a sweater or two. There are so many things to look out for when doing laundry, and they’re easily ignored or forgotten, especially when it comes to d ...more

How To : Make a Cream Cheese Pie

Video: . Want a quick pie to make for a get together? The Cream Cheese Pie is super easy to make and only has six ingredients. Ingredients 1-Cup of Sugar 8 oz of Cream Cheese (Whole Box) 8oz of Cool Whip (Small Container) 1 TSP of Vanilla (Optional) 1 Graham Cracker Pie Crus ...more

How To : Do Zip Nail Designs

Here I have used some very smart and easy to use nail art decals to create this lovely zip nail art design ! Video: . What I love about this nail art design is how much fun it is to do and how quickly you can create this look, and yet, how it always gives the look of having do ...more

News : Soba Noodle Champion Slurps 399 Bowls in 10 Minutes

Eat your heart out, Joey Chestnut. There's a new super-speed-eater in town, and she means business. 45-year-old Hatsuyo Sugawara downed an incredible number of 399 bowls of soba noodles in just ten minutes at the annual All-Japan Wanko Soba Eating Championship this past Sunda ...more

Halloween Food Hacks : Make an Icy-Cold, Bloody Hand

We at Food Hacks Daily freakin' love Halloween—it's the perfect time for weird and creepy food. The gruesomer, the better. One of our classic favorites is the image of a frozen white hand, reaching out from a macabre pool of bright red blood. (This one is literally reaching o ...more

How To : Make an Easy Amazing Peach Cobbler

I love it when peaches are in season! It means it is cobbler time. This simple peach cobbler recipe will sure to impress your friends and family, it is super easy to make, and it is pretty darn cheap as well. Let's get baking! Video: . Easy Amazing Peach Cobbler Recipe: 1 cup ...more

Food Tool : Jaccard Beats All Other Meat Tenderizers

Meat tenderizers are absolutely necessary when dealing with leaner, tougher cuts like flank or skirt steaks. And while fruit like papaya, kiwi, and pineapple contain enzymes that can tenderize meat, the results can be hit-or-miss, and impart a fruity flavor that you may not al ...more

How To : Make Ice Cream

There is nothing more refreshing than an ice cream in a hot summer day. And even though, here in Australia, summer is "just" a couple of months away, I still like to have a scoop or two every now and then. However, I like to make the ice cream on my own. In this way, you can m ...more

NR30 : The Augmented Reality Investment Leaders of 2018

People say that money makes the world go 'round. And it's no different in the world of augmented reality. If there are any doubts about the future of the AR industry, it doesn't seem like many venture capitalists or corporate investors share those doubts. According to Digi-Ca ...more

How To : Cooking Fish with Foil Is Fantastically Foolproof

Sometimes the idea of cooking fish, especially for a group of guests, can be intimidating. There's the fear of the fish not cooking right, or sticking to the pan or grill. And even if you cook it right and the fish doesn't stick, you're left with the inevitable fishy-smelling ...more

How To : Make Star Wars Death Star Popsicles

Hello, in this episode of In the Kitchen with Matt, we will continue with the Star Wars theme, last episode we made Star Wars Death Star Peanut Butter Cups, this episode we are making Star Wars Death Star Popsicles. So we are really getting great value out of our Death Star mo ...more

How To : 'Hot Chocolate' Balls = Next-Level Instant Cocoa

Winter—or any cold, gray day, for that matter—is the best time for a warm cup of something hot. For me, hot chocolate is my "warm cup" of choice: rich and milky, deliciously sweet, and oh-so-comforting. On super-cold days when I can't feel my face, a nice, large cup of hot ch ...more

How To : Cut a Perfect Bowl Full of Watermelon

Watermelons scream summer like no other fruit, and there's nothing like biting into a sweet one on a hot summer day. Although there's no exact right way to cut watermelon, there are many occasions when you might not want to cut it into wedges. It may be the classic cut, but th ...more

How To : Make Perfect Stovetop Popcorn

There are three huge benefits to microwave popcorn: it's quick, it's delicious, and it's cheap. But there's a way to make popcorn that's better, more delicious, and cheaper than the microwave variety. And oh yeah, quite a bit healthier. Like anyone who enjoys movies and salty ...more

News : Ditch Your Mandoline for a Handheld Slicer Instead

At first glance, mandolines seem like such a good idea. After all, who wouldn't want a tool that can create picture-perfect and paper-thin slices of fruits and vegetables that would put even the sharpest chef's knife to shame? Your French fry game would never be the same. Sala ...more

How To : 4 Easy Tweaks for Tastier Grains & Pasta

Cooking rice, pasta, and other grains in water is so boring. There is a much better way to guarantee they will have your mouth chewing something seriously tasty: cook them in something that isn't water. Alternative liquids such as stock, milk, juice, or even tea will give blan ...more

How To : The 2-Ingredient Chocolate Mousse of Your Dreams

As a self-proclaimed chocoholic, any day with chocolate mousse in it is a good day in my book. And thanks to prominent chemist Hervé This, one of the founding fathers of molecular gastronomy, chocolate mousse is not only easy to make every single day—but only requires two ingr ...more

How To : Hot Damn! These Homemade Popsicle Ideas Look Epic

The magic of an ice cold popsicle on a hot summer's day is undeniable, whether you're a child or a kid-at-heart. Neon-colored, store-bought popsicles may have a special place in your memory, but homemade popsicles are pretty hard to beat. Here's how to create delicious frozen ...more

Monkey Bread : Savory or Sweet, Always a Treat

Regardless of your culture or your age, eating with your hands is fun. Flouting social convention and just digging in with your fingers provides a whole other level of epicurean enjoyment. And one of the most entertaining hands-on foods is monkey bread. Food historian Tori Ave ...more

How To : 4 Healthier Whipped Cream Alternatives

Whipped cream is one of the most iconic dessert toppings around, but the full-fat version is not the most forgiving when it comes to fat content. With the holidays just around the corner, learn how to spare yourself a few calories—especially if you love the creamy texture of w ...more

How To : Make Halloween Brownie Cake Pops

Tired of the same old brownies? Instead of just making brownies, why not kick up the creativity a notch and make some halloween themed brownie pops. They are really easy to make, and sure to impress your family and friends. Not too mention they are delicious! Enjoy! Follow the ...more

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