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Hand typing on a smartphone keyboard.
08/12/2020 10:42 pm

Enable One-Handed Typing on Your iPhone's Stock Keyboard

Apple introduced third-party keyboards back in iOS 8, and swipe-input options like Gboard, SwiftKey, and Swype made typing on an iPhone one-handed much easier. Even better, apps like Word Flow moved the keyboard to the side of the iPhone, so there was less thumb-stretching. Well, ever since iOS 11, ...more

Smartphone keyboard with handwritten input feature displayed.
02/15/2019 7:20 pm

20 Tips to Help You Master Gboard for iPhone

Gboard is one of the best third-party keyboards available for iPhones, but you probably don't know everything you need to know about it to become a real Gboard pro and stop using Apple's stock keyboard for good. I've tried many third-party keyboards on my iPhone since they were introduced back in iO ...more

Mobile phone keyboard showing a text input mode.
10/12/2018 4:21 pm

How to Use Keyboard Shortcuts to Type Long Words & Phrases Faster on Your iPhone

While you're probably already used to the keyboard on your iPhone, you'll likely never be able to type on it as fast as you can on a computer keyboard. But that doesn't mean you can't get any faster at typing on your iPhone. By using keyboard shortcuts to auto-populate commonly used phrases, email a ...more

Samsung and iPhone smartphones side by side.
04/25/2018 12:00 pm

101 Features Android Phones Had Before iPhones

When it's all said and done, it doesn't really matter who did it first — the more important question is who did it best. Still, it's nice to know who's really responsible for groundbreaking innovations in the smartphone space. I always try to stay neutral and objective, but while I was researching i ...more

Close-up of smartphone screens displaying a keyboard interface.
02/20/2018 9:00 pm

This Is the Best Swype Alternative for iPhone & Android

We regret to inform you the former king of third-party keyboards, Swype, has officially retired on both Android and iOS. A few weeks ago, we noticed Swype's mysterious disappearance from the iOS App Store but had hoped it was just pulled temporarily, not gone forever. Unfortunately, Swype is no more ...more

Password entry interface on a smartphone.
02/20/2018 3:52 pm

How to Add, Switch, Reorder & Delete Keyboards on Your iPhone

Back in iOS 8, Apple introduced the option to use third-party keyboards on iPhone, and since then, there have been a ton of third-party keyboards available such as Gboard, AudioShot, SwiftKey, Slated, and many more. However, adding and even using these keyboards can be kind of tricky. If you've neve ...more

Collection of various application icons displayed on a digital screen.
12/23/2017 1:44 am

100+ Apps Android Users Need on Their Phones in 2018

Whether you're new to Android or you just haven't kept up on the app scene lately, we hand-picked over one hundred essential apps that are all designed to improve your experience. From custom launchers and icon packs to weather apps and file explorers, there's something for everyone in this list. Mo ...more

08/25/2017 4:01 pm

Social Media All-Star Chris Brogan Shares His Top Tips on Mastering Mobile

Chris Brogan is no stranger to using multiple social media platforms all from the comfort of his phone. In fact, not only does he have over 350,000 followers on Twitter, but he's also an avid YouTuber, Instagrammer, podcaster, and blogger. That's just his online world too. Chris provides strategy an ...more

Mobile phone displaying a music notation app interface.
02/10/2017 6:38 pm

How to Make Any Android Keyboard Play Sounds as You Type

Android is a highly customizable operating system. Sometimes, we use these capabilities to add core functionality or streamline the user experience, but there are other times when customization is just about having fun and making your smartphone's interface more enjoyable. The latter is the category ...more

Mobile keyboard interface with a red circular key.
09/17/2016 1:24 am

Undo. Redo. Find & Replace. Get Them for Your Android Keyboard Right Now

Even today, smartphone text input leaves a lot to be desired. It's difficult to select specific words, the cut/copy/paste menu isn't always accessible in every app, and we're lacking undo and redo options, even though it's as simple as pressing Ctrl + Z on computers. Don't Miss: The 5 Best Android K ...more

On-screen smartphone keyboard layout.
09/09/2016 10:40 pm

How to Get the Best One-Handed Swiping Keyboard for iPhone

Swipe keyboards such as GBoard, SwiftKey, TouchPal, and Swype are handy for quick one-thumbed typing on an iPhone, but Microsoft upped the game with its experimental Word Flow Keyboard. In short, the keyboard fans out to occupy the natural range of your thumb, where you can type or rely on predictiv ...more

Three iPhones displaying various apps and user interfaces.
08/29/2016 7:31 pm

Apple's iOS 8 Coming This Fall—Here's What's New

The new iOS 8 was just unveiled, and it looks pretty awesome. Apple showed off some of the enhancements and new features we can expect to receive in the fall at WWDC, and while not the huge facelift we saw with iOS 7, it does showcase what Apple does best—refinement. ContinuityOne of the bigger feat ...more

Various smartphone keyboard layouts displayed on a screen.
08/15/2016 10:15 pm

Android Keyboard Showdown: SwiftKey vs. Swype vs. Google vs. TouchPal vs. Fleksy

Google Now, Siri, and Cortana aside, the main way you interact with your smartphone is through the keyboard. Every app you use, every search you perform, every message you send—the most fundamental interface between you and your device is that handful of characters and those 26 letters on the bottom ...more

A smartphone displaying an app interface next to a five-dollar bill.
07/14/2016 9:45 pm

10 Great 99 Cent Apps You Need on Your Android Right Now

These days, there are Android apps for every budget—forgive me if that sounds like a car commercial, but that's just the way things are in the age of the smartphone and tablet. You've got apps that require monthly subscriptions, paid apps that will run you a $30 one-time installation fee, and even g ...more

Android mascot with sunglasses next to a puzzle piece and a smartphone outline.
11/18/2015 6:46 pm

The Complete List of Marshmallow-Compatible Xposed Modules

The Xposed Framework was just recently made available for Android Marshmallow, but everything isn't quite back to status quo just yet. Sure, some Xposed modules function properly, but others are a bit buggy, and several don't even work at all. This is mostly a result of changes to the Android system ...more

Smartphone screen displaying app settings and usage statistics.
11/18/2015 6:05 pm

The Complete List of Lollipop-Compatible Xposed Modules

Now that the Xposed Framework has finally been updated for Android Lollipop, we're starting to notice that some modules function properly, while others are a bit buggy or even worse—don't work at all. Most of this is a result of changes to elements of the Android system that KitKat modules relied up ...more

03/13/2015 4:30 pm

Get Rid of Emoji Suggestions in the New Version of Swype for Android

As the granddaddy of all gesture-based keyboards, Swype has seen quite a few updates in its day. A recent version bump, however, added a feature that has been universally panned by Swype users. In an attempt to integrate emojis into their gesture-based input method, Swype developers have added word ...more

Screenshots of mobile keyboards displaying different layouts and a weather app showing 64° in San Diego.
02/12/2015 2:13 am

Automatically Change Keyboards for Specific Apps on Android

There's no such thing as a perfect Android keyboard. Some, like Swype, have gesture typing down to a science, but lack in predictive technology. SwiftKey, on the other hand, boasts awesome next-word prediction, but less than stellar gesture typing. Many others are optimized for multiple languages, s ...more

Mobile device displaying images of a spacecraft and the Carina Nebula.
12/10/2014 12:42 am

Themeboard: Designer Themes for Your iPhone Packed into One Keyboard

Third-party keyboard support, introduced earlier this year by Apple with iOS 8, was initially pretty awesome. I loved playing around with all of the different options available in the iOS App Store, including SwiftKey, TouchPal, GIF Keyboard, and Swype. Regardless of all the new keyboards available, ...more

Diagram of a smartphone keyboard with highlighted letter 'A' on a sandy surface.
11/14/2014 9:39 pm

How to Set Up TouchPal & Other Third-Party Keyboards on Your iPhone in iOS 8

Rather than just use the stock Apple keyboard, iOS 8 now lets you use keyboards from TouchPal, Fleksy, SwiftKey, Swype, and more. I'll be showing you how to set up a third-party keyboard on your iPad, iPhone, or iPod touch, as well as giving you a firsthand look at TouchPal's keyboard for iOS 8. Set ...more

Smartphone showcasing both iOS and Android app icons against a background with Apple and Android logos.
10/30/2014 8:52 pm

iPhone 6 Tempting You to Switch? Here's What You'll Miss from Android

Apple just announced the iPhone 6, and no matter whether you've been with Android for a few months or few years, there's a good chance you're enticed by the idea of switching over to the other side. As a diehard Android user, I can't blame you. A bigger screen, better camera, new iOS 8 features, and ...more

Image of a smartphone displaying a selection of video thumbnails.
09/26/2014 8:38 pm

Messaging Just Got Way More Fun with GIF Keyboard for iOS 8

Third-party keyboards have become a game changer for iPhone owners since their integration in iOS 8. And while the major players from the Android realm—Fleksy, SwiftKey, Swype—already have their keyboards on the iOS App Store, their products are relatively standard fare. And while having the ability ...more

Mobile phone displaying a keyboard interface above a computer keyboard.
09/17/2014 2:25 am

TextExpander Brings Canned Responses & Macros to iOS 8

Say goodbye to your boring stock Apple keyboard, because when iOS 8 is finally released, you'll be able to use Fleksy, SwiftKey, Swype, TouchPal, and other third-party keyboards on your iPad, iPhone, and/or iPod touch. One of the new keyboards you'll be able to use in iOS 8 is called TextExpander Ke ...more

Smartphone camera lens close-up on sleek metallic surface.
07/11/2014 8:17 pm

The LG G3 Has Arrived: Here's Everything You Need to Know

After lots of anticipation and leaks, the LG G3 has been unveiled. Sporting a gorgeous 5.5" Quad HD display, the first of its class for smartphones, this flagship device is ready to put some scare into Samsung and HTC. It's currently available for purchase from AT&T and Sprint, and for preorder at T ...more

Smartphone keyboard with handwritten note feature.
07/03/2014 4:32 pm

How to Add Custom Colors & Google Voice Typing to Swype on Your Galaxy S5

Most variants of the Galaxy S5 come with the gesture-based Swype keyboard preinstalled. If you're into gesture typing, you probably already switched to this input method from the default Samsung keyboard (whose gesture service is nice, but it's no Swype). A couple of features in Swype leave a bit to ...more

A smartphone displaying a messaging app with text conversations.
07/01/2014 8:56 pm

How to Copy/Paste Multiple Items with Your Nexus 5's Clipboard

Text input on a touchscreen device is constantly evolving. From early beginnings of pecking out each individual character to today's predictive text and gesture keyboards, we've already come a long way. But text selection is still lacking. If you've ever tried to quote multiple sources while respond ...more

Smartphone keyboard with a gradient background.
06/11/2014 7:11 am

SwiftKey, the Smart Prediction Keyboard, Is Now Free and Better Than Ever

I'll freely admit that I'm a SwiftKey diehard. I've used the keyboard since its inception in 2010, and it was one of the first apps I ever paid for back in the days of my beloved Sprint Evo 4G. Since then, I've kept up with all its beta iterations, and have unabashedly installed it on various friend ...more

Cartoon-style robot character wielding a light saber, facing a spherical robotic creature.
06/09/2014 8:51 pm

Apple vs. Google: 9 New iOS 8 Features Android Already Had

When Apple recently unveiled iOS 8, many of the newly-added features in their mobile OS seemed eerily familiar to Android users. This is probably because the vast majority of these new features have been available in Android for quite some time. If imitation truly is the sincerest form of flattery, ...more

Login screen with keyboard displayed on a smartphone.
05/23/2014 6:32 pm

How to Enable Autocorrect & Predictions in Any Text Field on Your Galaxy Note 3

Autocorrect, a common feature available on most Android keyboards, helps fix fat-finger typos and even predicts the words you want to write. Without this feature, it'd take me about 5 minutes to write a sentence, and even then, it'd probably still be intelligible. Unfortunately, not all text fields ...more

09/28/2010 12:05 am

How to Get the Swype feature running on your Android phone

Swype is a function for the Android phones which lets you input words by dragging your fingers across the keyboard instead of tapping. While newer phones have this feature, some older phones may not. This tutorial shows you how to equip your Android phone with Swype. ...more

Hand holding a smartphone displaying a menu on the screen.
08/12/2010 6:17 pm

How to Set custom wallpapers and ringtones on a Motorola Droid 2 smartphone

Want to know how to set a custom wallpaper or ringtone on a Droid 2? Whether you're a proud owner of the Moto Droid 2 Google Android smartphone or are merely considering picking one up, you're sure to benefit from this video tutorial, which also takes a look at the Swype typing feature. For more inf ...more

Smartphone displaying a note-taking application with a QWERTY keyboard interface.
06/17/2010 9:22 pm

How to Use ShapeWriter for fast texting on your Android phone

In this tutorial, learn how to use the ShapeWriter app on your Android phone to increase the speed of your typing. ShapeWriter is similar to Swype and allows you to text and e-mail without ever taking your hand off the keyboard. Start texting at the speed of light with this cool app and this helpful ...more

Person typing on a smartphone keyboard.
06/17/2010 8:03 pm

How to Use ShapeWriter for iPhone to text extremely fast

ShapeWriter is the iPhone version of Swype. With this app you can type texts extremely fast without ever lifting your finger off the keypad! In this tutorial, learn all about how to type at the speed of light using ShapeWriter and send messages so fast you'll wonder why you ever bothered to type thi ...more

Swype keyboard tips on smartphone screen.
06/17/2010 7:28 pm

How to Quickly type 'double letter' words using Swype

Typing notes with Swype is as fast and easy as you can get and in this clip, learn how to tackle less common word combos like double letters. For example, how would you type "cool", "common", "letters" or "bubble"? In this quick tip tutorial from the makers of Swype, learn how to add these words to ...more

Trade accuracy for speed on a smartphone screen.
06/17/2010 7:25 pm

How to Increase your Swype speed and text faster than ever

Swype is already the fastest way to type on a mobile phone and in this tutorial you will learn how to practice so that you get even faster. Once you get the hang of it, you will be Swyping like crazy. Try these little exercises and work out your fingers so that you can beat the world record for text ...more

Email composition screen on a smartphone.
06/17/2010 7:22 pm

How to Add words to the Swype database for faster texting

If there are words that you use often but Swype doesn't know them yet, you can easily add them to the database of your texting program. In this clip, learn all about adding uncommon or unique words to your Skype dictionary so that you can text even faster. You can even add web addresses, e-mails, ni ...more

A finger pointing at a smartphone screen displaying the word "keeps."
06/17/2010 7:20 pm

How to Go back and correct a mistake while texting with Swype

We all make mistakes and in this tutorial, learn what to do if you decide to go back and change a word after you've already typed it. Fixing a word with Swype - the fastest way of text messaging - is super easy and won't slow you down at all. So, if you've typed that rambling, soul baring text messa ...more

Mobile device displaying a word selection interface with a virtual keyboard.
06/17/2010 7:16 pm

How to Use the "word choice window" when texting with Swype

Sometimes there is more than one option for a particular finger Swype. When this happens, Swype will give you a list to choose from so that you can pick whichever word you were hoping to use. Swype is the fastest way to send texts and e-mails available and with a bit of practice you will have it mas ...more

Welcome screen of an Android app with a text input field.
06/17/2010 7:00 pm

How to Access the Swype key to access dictionaries & help

In this clip, learn how to use the Swype Key while texting with Swype on your cell phone. The Swype key is where all of your options are like dictionaries, tips and tricks, help menus and everything else you may need. The powerful Swype key lets you add words and delete words from the user data base ...more

Text input on a smartphone screen displaying the word "put."
06/17/2010 6:58 pm

How to "Hop" in Swype for harder to recognize words

There are some words that Swype has trouble with. While Swype will still be able to recognize these words, it will make you choose from a list of options. For example, you will run into this problem with the words "put" "pit" and "pot" because on a QWERTY keypad the letters "TYUIOP" are all in a lin ...more

Text document displayed on a mobile phone with a keyboard interface.
06/17/2010 6:54 pm

How to Enter numbers and symbols when texting with Swype

Swyping is not just for letters anymore! In this tutorial, learn how to text numbers with super fast speed using your Swype app. Swype is a cool new way to send messages on your phone without ever taking your finger away from the screen. Check out this clip and Swype numbers, symbols, anything! ...more

06/17/2010 6:39 pm

How to Use quick apostrophes for common words in Swype

Swype is lightening fast, so don't let a little thing like an apostrophe slow you down! In this clip, learn how to add an apostrophe as quickly as you would add a letter and never slow down your texting speed. Send text messages with ease with the new Swype app for your smart phone. To Swype words w ...more

A person typing on a smartphone keyboard.
06/17/2010 6:32 pm

How to Change the language in your Swype texting app

Swyping is no longer limited to English. In this clip, learn how to wave that finger across the keyboard in any language. It is actually quite easy to swap between languages and dialects on your Swype enabled phone. Follow along with this tutorial and you can text at the speed of light in any langua ...more

06/17/2010 6:29 pm

How to Use Swype to text on an Android WVGA enabled phone

In this tutorial, learn all about Swype. Swype is a new program available for your Android phone that will allow you to text in half the time. By not ever taking your fingers off the keypad, you can type at lightening speeds. Swype is perfect for the lazy guy in a hurry. Check out this clip and get ...more

A finger tapping a touchscreen displaying a text correction interface.
06/17/2010 6:25 pm

How to Use Swype to text message on a Windows Mobile phone

In this clip, learn all about Swype. Swype is a cool new app that allows you to type at super fast speeds. If your phone has this capability and you are just in too much of a hurry to actually type a word - check it out. You don't even have to remove your finger from the screen! Just swipe your digi ...more

A person using a touchscreen keyboard on a mobile device.
06/17/2010 6:17 pm

How to Use Swype to text on your Omnia II cell phone

In this tutorial, learn all about Swype. Swype is an app that you can add to your cell phone to make texting and e-mailing lightening fast. Say goodbye to tap texting - with Swype you just let your finger glide on the keyboard until it creates your desired word. Check out this clip and learn how to ...more

Smartphone keyboard in use on a dark background.
06/17/2010 6:11 pm

How to Use punctuation when texting with Swype on your cell

You might be confused when using Swype and need to use punctuation marks. Have no fear! It is actually quite easy. Swype is a revolutionary new app that is available for lots of newer smartphones that allows you to type messages without ever lifting your finger from the keypad. You literally "swype" ...more

Text messaging interface on a smartphone displaying the word "Cool".
06/17/2010 1:50 am

How to Text words with double letters using Swype

Using Swype - the new lightening fast way to text message from your cell phone - and need to type a word like "juggle" or "bubble" or something else with a double letter? No problem! In this tutorial, from the creators of the Swype app, learn how to add words like these to your texts and e-mails wit ...more

06/17/2010 1:45 am

How to Fix a mistake or correct a word in a text using Swype

As good as Swype's word prediction software is, sometimes we all make mistakes. If you are wondering how to go back and fix something that isn't right in your text messages, check out this tutorial. Fixing words with Swype is just as fast as texting with this lightening fast application. To correct ...more

Typing on a smartphone screen.
06/17/2010 1:42 am

How to Capitalize your letters when texting with Swype

When using Swype to send faster than life text messages on your mobile phone, you may need to capitalize something once in a while. Luckily, it is just as quick to add proper caps to your messages as it is to type out a super speedy text. To capitalize a letter, start on the letter you wish to capit ...more

06/17/2010 1:38 am

How to Create an apostrophe when texting with Swype

Swype is a cool new app that you can use on tons of phones to improve your texting and e-mailing speed. In this tutorial, learn what to do when you hit a word that requires an apostrophe so that you don't slow down your typing! To Swype words with apostrophes in them, such as "I'm", you Swype to the ...more

Person typing on a smartphone keyboard.
06/17/2010 1:34 am

How to Use Swype to text message on your Android phone

Swype is a brand new way to send text messages and e-mails from your cell phone. In this clip, learn how to use this new tool to send the world's fastest messages. With Swype, your fingers will never leave the keypad so you can type in half the time. Check out this tutorial for some helpful tips you ...more