Tattooing Tips

How To : Get tips for embellishing henna tattoo designs

Learn how to make henna embellished designs for wall hangings and door hangings to decorate your home with expert henna design tips in this free arts and crafts video series. Part 1 of 12 - How to Get tips for embellishing henna tattoo designs. Get tips for embellishing henna ...more

How To : Get tattoo advice and tips

Expert tattoo artist Rick Wyckoff offers a wealth of knowledge on the history of tattoos, explains how the tattoo machine works, and offers tips on how to care for a new tattoo, how to preserve the pigment, and how to deal with the pain that comes with being tattooed. Part 1 o ...more

How To : Add or remove tattoos in Photoshop

Want to separate a foreground object from its background? Whether you're new to Adobe's popular image editing software or simply looking to pick up a few new tips and tricks, you're sure to benefit from this free video tutorial from TutVids. For more information, including ste ...more

How To : Use the spot or regular healing brush in Photoshop

Do you love to edit your photos in Photoshop? Watch this quick video that contains some really neat tips on how to use the healing brushes and patch tools in Photoshop. The spot healing brush makes it easy to brush away blemishes or other marks on the skin. It's good for small ...more

HowTo : Henna Yourself

Let's face it. One day, you just might regret that tattoo you've been considering. If you're hesitant about making the commitment, try a less permanent solution. Craftzine posts a HowTo on creating your own temporary tattoos. Who knows? With a little practice, perhaps you can ...more

How To : Transfer a tattoo picture to skin

For really ornate tattoos, or for artists with limited skill, a transfer can be a life-saver. This how-to video shows how to transfer the desired image of a tattoo from a piece of paper that is easy to sketch on to the skin where it can then be traced with a tattoo gun. You wi ...more

How To : Dress appropriately for a job interview

This is a humorous video with tips for young people on how to dress and act to make a good impression in a job interview. Dressing inappropriately for the interview will make the interviewer wonder what you might wear to work. Be well groomed, remove any piercings and be sure ...more

How To : Apply glitter to makeup

If you are looking for dramatic makeup tips, learn how to apply glitter to your eyes, lips, cheeks, and tattoos in this free makeup video series from a professional makeup artist. Part 1 of 17 - How to Apply glitter to makeup. Apply glitter to makeup - Part 2 of 17. Click thro ...more

How To : Give henna tattoos

How to design and do henna tattoos; get professional tips and advice on methods, techniques and designs for henna body art in this free instructional video series. Part 1 of 14 - How to Give henna tattoos. Give henna tattoos - Part 2 of 14. Click through to watch this video on ...more

How To : Add fake tattoos in Photoshop

Open another canvas. It doesn't matter what size you make it, as long as it is the same size or bigger than the area you want it to cover on the image. Open a new canvas by going to "File" and clicking "New." Select your dimensions and click "Okay." Draw your tattoo design on ...more

How To : Get a tattoo to cover a scar or birthmark

Many people wrestle with their ugly scars and birthmarks every day. These are usually quite difficult and expensive to remove, but there is another solution: cover them with a tattoo! Watch this video for tips on getting some ink done to cover a scar or birthmark.

How To : Draw Chinese dragon tattoos

Drawing a Chinese dragon tattoo should include a lot of wavy movements and fluid action to the character. Use an "s" or a "c" shape as the basis of drawing a Chinese dragon tattoo with tips from a professional illustrator and graphic designer in this free video on drawing.

How To : Tattoo with henna

Kathleen Wrightis going to show you tips and techniques for a successful Henna Tattoo at home. She shows you how to mix the henna properly and prep, as well as how to practice designs, and then how to care for your completed tatoo so it lasts. Part 1 of 15 - How to Tattoo with ...more

News : Barber Buzzes 'Last Supper' onto Man's Head

The Last Supper, or L'Ultima Cena, is a mural painted by Leonardo da Vinci in 1498. It is considered one of the greatest paintings of all time, and if you live in the San Antonio, Texas area, or are willing to travel, you can get it shaved into the back of your head. Video: . ...more

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