Teach Me How to Do Magic

News : Truly Impressive Fire Box Optical Illusion

Wow. Really fantastic fire illusion by WonderHowTo favorite, BrussPup. Hang in there, the magic starts to happen at 0:34. Previously, Jerry Andrus and His Impossible Box. Create Fake 3D Objects with Camera Illusions. Artist With Waaay Too Much Time and Money, Paints Pointless ...more

Scrabble Bingo of the Day : GRAMARYE

GRAMARYE n pl. -S occult learning; magic 64 points (14 points without the bingo) Simply put, GRAMARYE is MAGIC, SORCERY, and in some cases, NECROMANCY. But overall, there is very little distinction between the terms. Magic is best described as an OCCULT art that can manipula ...more

Green : The Color of Mana

GreenYou can tell a lot about a person's thought process by MTG color they favor: Red: aggressive, unsubtle, will surpass an obstacle by blowing it to bits with the largest explosives available (or Fireballs, as the case may be Black: vindictive, mean-spirited, will tie the o ...more

News : My deck sends all the boys to the graveyard

Here, ladies and gentlemen, is my main deck. The youngest card in it was printed in 2000. It makes me feel a little crusty and old for one of the first times in my life. But it does mob pretty well against all of the mostly pre-2000 decks I've played it against (none of my fri ...more

News : Elder Dragon Highlander, an awesome variant

Elder Dragon Highlander is apparently a MTG variant which emphasizes big decks, playing with a variety of cards, and gives you free Legends. I have never played it and I love it already. This website will teach you how it works. Post your thoughts in the forum.


How to make balloon animals the easy way. Anyone can learn how to make balloon models it's all in the hands,twisting and imagination. Be the hit at the party even make money out of it yoursel! Bernie's easy to follow balloon workshop videos on line on youtube at mujawooja bernie

News : Two dudes, throwing down

Is an MTG game fun to watch? Is it fun to watch Internet videos of? As an online video professional, I take an interest in what is fun or not fun to do online vs. in reality, and so will post some different types of MTG gameplay videos to see if ya'll like 'em. Stay tuned.

News : What $100 will get you nowadays

Some guy bought all this online for $100. How much did all these cost the seller to accumulate? I feel sorry for them, and profoundly jealous of the buyer Master Marf.

How To : Cheat on Facebook's Bejeweled Blitz (07/27/09)

Bejeweled Blitz is a Facebook game. Learn how to hack Bejeweled Blitz with tricks, cheats, hacks. Watch this video tutorial to learn how to cheat on facebook's Bejeweled Blitz (07/27/09). Get the HxD freeware hex editor and disk editor. Make sure you apply this cheat before y ...more

How To : Successfully Hack a Website in 2016!

Hello partners, first of all I would like to thank all those who have sent me positive feedback about my posts, to say that I'm always willing to learn and teach. I'm also open to answer the appropriate questions. Second i want to say sorry for the series i left in stand by m ...more

How To : 100+ Secret Dialer Codes for Your iPhone

There's a lot more to your iPhone's dialer screen than just entering phone numbers and hitting the green call button. It's not very obvious, but there are secret codes that you can enter on the dialer to find out information about your device, help troubleshoot issues, and mas ...more

How To : Make your fingers smoke

Are you so hot you're smokin'? Well you will be if you can pull the magic trick in this how-to video off! Watch this instructional video and see just how to make your fingers smoke. This trick can be tried out any time you've got a box of matches and a water faucet handy.

How To : Calculate Faster Than a Calculator

When you need to crunch numbers quickly — and I mean really quickly — there's a cool method you can use to multiply two numbers together in just a few seconds. This is great when you need to speed through multiplication homework, and is also good for impressing your math teac ...more

How To : Root Your Nexus 5—An Easy Guide for First-Timers

It's time. You've experimented with apps from the Play Store, you've switched your lock screen, and maybe you've taken different launchers out for a spin. If, throughout your tinkering, you've found yourself chanting, "More. More. Give me more!" then now is the time. It's time ...more

How To : Change Skin Tone in Photoshop

With Adobe Photoshop on your computer, it's super easy to change or adjust the skin tone of somebody in a digital photo. The process uses some basic selection and color adjustment tools, and it's a fun way to make a friend's face nauseously green or lessen the effects of overl ...more

How To : Rip a Penny in Half

No, we're not lying. But before you try and tear a plain old penny in half, you should probably watch this video first or you may hurt your fingers. While ordinary pennies are very, very difficult to rip, if you get rid of the zinc core you are left with only the thin copper s ...more

How To : Make Realistic-Looking Fake Blood

Store-bought fake blood isn't too expensive, but the consistency and color are always the same. Real blood varies, from bright red when oxygenated (arterial blood) to deep, dark red when deoxygenated (venous blood), and it can be either thick or thin. So to achieve the best sp ...more

How To : Translate Webpages in Safari on Your iPhone

Yes, there's a way for you to get translations of foreign language websites on your iPhone using the built-in Safari app. Problem is, it's not super obvious. Actually, you'd never know the option was there if someone didn't tell you. But with a little setup on your part, you c ...more

The Science of Frothing : How to Make Your Own Milk Foam

Once upon a time in America, there was coffee and there was decaf. That's it. No capuccinos. No espressos. And certainly no Starbucks. Coffee was just coffee, something that you bought at a gas station or donut shop. If you made it at home, it was either in a metal pot or inst ...more

How To : Root a Nexus 4 or Nexus 5 in Under a Minute

One of the best things about the Nexus line of devices is the ease with which one can achieve root. Plug your phone into your PC, download a couple files, type a few commands, and you can be rooted within 30 minutes. No muss, no fuss, no carrier-locked bootloaders. But it too ...more

Tutorial : DNS Spoofing

Greetings my fellow hackers. As you may have noticed by my lack of posts, I've been away for a while working on a big project with a team (which won't be finished anytime soon), and I have also been putting together a small side project for Null-Byte that I will be announcing ...more

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