Through the Dress

News : Hello hello!

Welcome, friends! This World has been created for people of all types who have a love of costuming - and a love of sewing! I collect patterns, catalogs and fabrics of all types, eager for my next project. I've done a 1940s era suit, a 1950s cocktail dress and several costume ...more

News : Zipline Pinata

Have all the guys take turns on the zipline while the others shoot at him with paintballs. The guy with the most of hits win!! Make a zipline close to the ground. Have Weeman dress up like a pinata so all the guys can whack him with wiffle ball bats as he zips by.

News : Girl Time

Dress up the Jackass guys like women, including high heels. Place them in a rodeo arena. Have the Jackass crew sit at a table in the middle of the rodeo. Act out a bad theatre play with the crew discussing random thing and drinking coffee. Release a bull into the arena to chas ...more

News : Save Me!

Dress yourself and friends as unique super heros and some evil villans. Go around saving random people from everyday things such as shoping bags and ice cream cones. also fight off you evil villan friends. It would be hilarious to watch If all else fails just take turns disc ...more

News : Gays against gay marriage

Dress everyone up as flaming homosexuals Attend a rally against gay marriage Hold up signs, and shout at people about how you hate gay marriage. Tips Bonus! Get a counter-group dressed up as rednecks that are for gay marriage. Film Reactions

News : Bum Fight

ok this is a good one what you do is get ryan dunn to dress up like a bum asking for spare change and have bam give him a burger and fries and drink and have the bum(Dunn) through the food at bam and have them start fighting and then have bam kidnahpe the bum (Dunn) and take o ...more

News : Donkey kong

Okay so everyone remembers the classic video game donkey kong right? Well we basically do something along the lines of that. Have a larger person dressed up or painted to look like a gorilla standing at the top of a hill or path that is on a hill, and then have someone else ru ...more

News : Dancing for boobs

Have Danger and Dave England in the middle of of a town (I suggest something like NYC in Times Square) with a sign that says "Will dance for boobs" on a piece of cardboard. They will need to dress like school girls with High Heels. Also have them say "We will dance for the che ...more

News : Sulfur Hexaflouride Voice Wakeup

Go to someones house while they are asleep and kill the house' s power. Dress in realistic werewolf costume. Acquire 30 ounce tank of sulfur hexa flouride and conceal it in costume. Attach an outlet tube from tank leading into werewolf's mouth Breathe in the dense gas and ...more

News : Traveling with Pets

Here's the prank... Dress wee man up as a cat, put him in a pet carrier, and have one of you try to get him through the baggage claim. When it doesn't work, release the "cat" and chase him around the airport.

How To : Stand out at a career fair

Watch as job candidates at a career fair discuss how they set themselves apart from the crowd. This is some great information. You'll learn that dress is important along with a few other tips.

News : Fake cop

someone dress up as a fake cop and then start arresting people and put like two in the cop car and make it seem like if you were chasing a rober and ten get off the car and some dude gets in and leves with the ar with the people in the car and his calling his buddies saying hi ...more

News : Run away baby!

Dress weeman up in a baby costume, put him in a buggy, and dress somebody up as an old lady ( maybe Spike? ) Walk around the town doing with the old lady having terrible accidents with the baby such as letting go of the buggy down a hill, smashing the buggy into certain things ...more

News : Poo wrestling

You dress up in poo suit ( like the sumo wrestling suit in the picture ) and stand on two podiums. Below and around the podiums is a pool of poo which you land on when you fall. When you are on the podiums, you wrestle until somebody falls. You could also use those stick thing ...more

News : Randomest Things Ever!!!

Materials Needed: Panda Costume, Robot Costume, Burrito (unwrapped)Okay, to tell the truth, i am not 18 or older, i am a 15 and a half year old teenager who has admired you guys for years and has been dying to meet you all. my idea (my best friend Steven Vaughan also helped wi ...more

News : Angry bum

Ok this idea is funny you get Ryan Dunn to dress like a bum on the streets askng for spare change and Bam gives the bum (Dunn) a burger with a drink and fries and the bum gets mad and says I wanted money, Bam turns around and says what? Then Ryan the bum starts pushing Bam and ...more

News : ASK ME ABOUT MY WEINER!!!!!!!!!

a crew member will dress as a giant hot dog and drive to random places in a giant weiner car. while holding a hot dog and walking a weiner dog which is also dressed as a hot dog he will ask random people if they love weiners. the redundancy is hiarious!!! also the member dress ...more

News : Faked Death

The Way I Did The Prank I prank my family every October and the best prank I ever pulled on them was 6 years ago. At that time I worked on campus at UCCS and I had their Public Safety call my dad. They said, "Are you Mr. _____?" x "Is your daughter Laura _____?" x "Well sir, ...more

News : The Bull from Hell across the corner....

Hey wuz up jackass. ok my idea is to be outin the desert while wearing a short dress. then have shopping carts. BE IN CORAL. then pair up wth smebody else. one of u gets in the cart and one of u has to pull te other one. heres the tricky part. then...... REALESE THE BULL!!!!!! ...more

News : drunk prego chick

have a guy/girl dress up like a prego chick go to the bars/clubs n jus act sloppy drunk tryin to get with every dude n jus throwin back shots and stuff...or maybe jus out in public with a flask fallin down stairs...i think any hink with a fake prego chick would b funny

News : Donkey Kong Re-enactment

Since other users have said to do stunts to do with Mario Video games i thought there should be one for Donkey Kong: Make scenery for Donkey Kong and dress (obviously Preston up as Donkey Kong) and other jackass guys as other characters and do funny stuff.

News : Adopt-a-Kitty

This prank is a prank to pull on the public. What you do is two of the members of the Jackass crew dress in heavy gothic cloths, chains, leather, dyed hair anything that would definitely catch the publics eyes, and even powder your face white (a lot of makeup). Ok once this is ...more


I think that Ryann dunn should get some gorilla glue and spread it between his legs Dress up like a gorilla and walk out in the streets and even jump in the cage with a gorilla overnight. Lol

News : 70's Jackass

As everything is like modern maybe things should be taken back in time. So maybe the crew should dress up in the 70's style and like go around doing prank that would of been done in the 70's. Is pretty random but thought it would be awesome.

News : Old couple in dance club

Have an old couple go into a club that has a bunch of young people at it and have them drinkin then getting on the dance floor and have them grinding against eachother and stuff. Have the old lady dress slutty and you can see depends hanging out of her shorts. She can be using ...more

News : Intersection Mayhem

This prank will involve as many people as you can fit into one car, and you will need to have the majority of your buddies dressed in military outfits. The one exception is that you will need to have one person dress up as the military sergeant, which will be leading most of t ...more

News : theiving pirate

My idea was to dress like a pirate and pass out those chocolate coin candys to random people. then my friend would walk up behind me and ask for candy without talking. hand motions, i would say no and turn away. i forgot to add that the other person would have a bag with him. ...more

News : Fort Fight

Have the whole jackass gang dress-up like old men or women (their choice). Divide everyone into two teams and set-up two forts across the street from each other. Just have an all out war. Toss food or what ever you got and cuss like no tomorrow. Of course have permits so you d ...more

News : Geezer gets tazed!

We have Johnny Knoxville dress up as his old geezer persona and get into an argument with a fake cop (of course the people on the street don't know.) After a little bit the cop tazers johnny.

News : Bubba's Night Out

Johnny Knoxville should dress up like a hard-core redneck and go to the hardest gangster rap club in LA and try to blend. It would be hilarious if he tried to pick-up on pretty ladies and deliberately got out on the dance floor for a dance. A disguise of corse will be needed a ...more

News : The unwanted greeter

you dress up as a walmart greeter,, all decked out in greeter gear,, maybe even in the oldman makeup,,, then u go to a store where theres a greeter and tell them they got fired and that youre their replacement. Then u just stand there and greet everybody that comes in like its ...more

News : Bams Breakthrough

basically get bam to think his parents died in a terrible accident be all serious dress bams parents up all dead like and at the funeral have the coffin explode after bout 10 mins have his parents skateboard in and surprise bam...that should teach that short b****d....''

News : bams surprise

wee man will dress as a bird and hide in a tree. bams car will be conveniently parked under the tree.when bam gets into his lambo, wee man will drop a surprise crap on his windsheild

News : oddly beach girl

like my other one dress up like a girl in a bikini but dont shave your legs and were a bikini bottom so it shows the shape of your ding dong and everyone will be staring at you and point it will be funny

News : port-a-john

So I had a couple ideas. 1. Take a port-a-potty and when somebody goes in lock them in, then roll it around a lil bit let them get nice and dirty, then put it on a truck, drive them to a mall put the port-a-potty in the middle of a crowd and unlock it. 2. Wee man dresses up ...more

News : Throwing people

place two poles with wlastic ropes on the beach of a sea or lake and throw each other and everybody will dress like like a happy family that come for vacation

News : Driving Backwards

Dress up a car so that the front looks like the back and the back looks like the front and drive around town

News : Silly Rabbits

Split people in two teams, one team will dress like bunnies and run around the open feild while the other team will shoot paintball pellets at them :)

News : Traveling Fruitstand

Dress up as old people, put a bunch of fruit and vegetables in your pants, then give them to random people on the streets!

News : Ols man

Dress up like a old man and go behind kids and scare the hell out o them

News : 3 ideas for you!

1. Dress up as a knight and destroy Bam's Parent's house. 2. Fill a hole of disgusting liquids and camouflage it, then let someone walk into the trap. 3. Get some angry bulls, and let them hit you! Hope to see you soon, Garrett M.

News : Wedding Crash

The Jackass Crew crash a series of weddings! They will be trying to complete tasks to accumulate points. ie. make out with brides maids, drink the most, make a toast, steal the dance floor, blending in during family conversations, start a food fight etc. (land the bride and a ...more

How To : Make Garlic-Infused Olive Oil & Vinegar at Home

Garlic—it stinks so good! It's one of nature's most wondrous foods, being both delicious and incredibly healthy. What's not to love? Well, it is kind of a pain to prep, whether you're peeling a couple of cloves for a sauce or a whole head and trying to mince it finely. One way ...more

News : 2009's Wackiest Inventions

As 2009 comes to a close, the Telegraph presents a compilation of this past year's wackiest inventions. As always, here at WonderHowTo, we are inspired and impressed by ingenuity. The contraptions below range from utter silliness (engagement ring bra) to downright amazing (see ...more

How To : Create a Steampunk Persona

Before I really get into this article, it's important to note that you do not need a Steampunk persona (or "steamsona") in order to be a Steampunk, or wear Steampunk clothes. Some people like to pretend to be a different person when dressed up in Steampunk clothing, but that i ...more

News : Why Cold, Leftover Pizza Always Tastes So Damn Good

Cold pizza is the holy grail of leftovers. That's a statement that elicits a slew of impassioned feelings. Either you love the idea of biting into soft crust and cold, fatty cheese, or scowl at the idea of pizza that isn't hot, crisp, and melty. Yet if we were to stand by the ...more

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