To Craft Tin Foil

How To : Cook Rice in Casseroles for Less Cleanup Afterward

Often, the most frustrating part of crafting the perfect dinner is feeling like you have to clean every single pot and pan in your kitchen after cooking just one meal. With so many components, it can feel like each step of a single dish requires its very own pot. Yet there ar ...more

How To : 10 Ways to Take Grilled Cheese to the Extreme

I know I'm in the majority when I say that grilled cheese sandwiches are one of life's simplest and best pleasures: gooey, rich, melted cheese, sandwiched between two perfectly-buttered pieces of toast... perfection. Don't Miss: How to Make Amazing Grilled Cheese Sandwiches ...more

How To : 10 Insanely Delicious Pizza Dough Hacks

If I could survive on one food for the rest of my life, it would be pizza. The irresistible smell of baking pizza instantly makes me feel both comforted... and hungry! While frozen pizza can satisfy your cravings, using fresh dough to make your own pizza is definitely much mo ...more

How To : How & Why You Should Make Your Own Bacon

There's something magical about homemade foods, especially when they're items that most people don't make. Even the simplest bread tastes divine when you've mixed it yourself, kneaded it yourself, and gotten the dough stuck underneath your nails. So if a simple food tastes am ...more

How To : Easy DIY Gourmet Chocolate Bars

We've showed you how to make Butterfingers and Kit Kats, as well as custom-shaped chocolates, but have you ever thought about making your own gourmet chocolate bars? It's a fairly simple process, once you understand tempering, and there are endless flavor possibilities when y ...more

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