Tutu Bow Holder

How To : Craft a die cut gift card holder for Christmas

We thank and bow down to whoever invented gift cards. A great way to give your recipient what he/she wants without having to slave over whether the turquoise cashmere sweater or the navy blue cashmere sweater looks best, gift cards are the way to go for procrastinators. Wrap ...more

How To : Make a colonial flower bouquet

Get a vase and a bouquet holder with dry flower foam inside. Put the bouquet holder in the vase. Place one gardenia in the center hole of the dry flower foam. Then place three gardenias in the holes around the center(odd numbers are good in floral design), evenly spaced apart. ...more

How To : Wear scarves for the winter months

In this tutorial, we learn how to wear scarves for the winter months. For a thinner scarf, you can wrap it around your neck all the way, so it's just a round neck holder. In the summer, you can use this same scarf with a button up and make a bow with it in the middle of the ch ...more

How To : Make a paper Hershey Kiss holder for gifts

This tutorial describes how to make a Hershey Kiss holder. This is a quick and easy project that you can make to use as little gifts in your kids' lunches, for co-workers, party favors, place-holders at holiday meals and more. It requires just three to four things. To start o ...more

How To : Make a non-sew tutu

Making a tutu can be hard, but making a non-sew tutu is nothing but easy. Watch this video tutorial to learn the ins and outs of the non-sew tutu for young children. You can change it up all you want once you get the basics down, but for starting off, use the following supplie ...more

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