Upper Limb Dissection

How To : Dissect a human to see the upper limb joints

Take a look at this human anatomy video tutorial to see how to dissect the upper limb joints on a human cadaver. You'll go through dissecting the shoulder joint, containing the glenohumeral joint and the acromioclavicular joint. So, get out your human corpse and your scalpel ...more

How To : Grasp the brachial plexus in humans

The brachial plexus is a collection of nerves that supply the upper limb. It has three functions; motor innervation of skeletal muscles, sensory innervation of skin and muscles, and sympathetic innervation of the skin, specifically the sweat glands, and blood vessels. Sounds ...more

How To : Grasp the anatomy of human upper arm muscles

You thought you knew everything there was to know about the human body. Well, maybe, but probably not. Check out this science educational video series on the anatomy of the human upper arm muscles. These tutorials will cover the sites of muscle attachments, such as subscapula ...more

How To : Dissect a human to see the superficial limbs

This anatomical look of the human body will have you dissecting a cadaver to see the superficial limbs. This video tutorial is basically just skinning the upper and lower limbs. There are two things you need to be aware of when skinning a human corpse, and that is the cephali ...more

How To : Dissect a human to see the lower limb joints

To begin this anatomy lesson on dissecting a human cadaver, you'll need to remove the lower limb at the hip joint. Then, just watch this video tutorial to see how to cut up that corpse with your scalpel, the proper way. If you failed out of medical school, and you want to get ...more

How To : Dissect a human to see the axillary fossa (armpit)

The axillary fossa is classically known to most people as the armpit. Here, in this human anatomy video tutorial, you'll see how to dissect the axillary fossa, which in its technical definition is the hollow under the upper part of the arm below the shoulder joint, bounded by ...more

How To : Grasp the human skeleton structure

Want to know all you can about the human body and its skeleton? Well, this science video tutorial series about human anatomy is all you'll need. Education is just a click away. These videos will show you the general human skeleton and all of its bones, the vertebral column, t ...more

How To : Extricate your arm from a post-coital cuddle

Finding your arm going numb under partner? Can't him/her to MOVE! In the wild a wolf will gnaw its own leg off to escape a trap. This is not the wild and you are not a wolf. Get your arm back the human way. You Will Need: • A soundly sleeping partner • Forethought • Stealt ...more

How To : Draw Fred Flintstone from "The Flintstones"

In this video, we're shown how to draw Fred Flintstone from "The Flintstones". Start off by drawing the outline for Fred's body, drawing in his limbs and his upper/lower body. After this, use a darker pen to draw in the full outline and create a more 3D type of image. Next, yo ...more

How To : Draw the human figure

The video shows us a how to draw a human figure in a very simple manner. It is done using a pencil. First, you draw the axis lines both horizontal and vertical with a very light shade. Now start drawing the upper right part and lower left part simultaneously so that you can ge ...more

How To : Do an advance sun salutation yoga sequence

This instructional yoga how to video demonstrates how to do an advanced yoga sun salutation called sundance of koundinyasana. Follow the sequence below to learn the sundance of koundinyasana. art in Tadasana the mountain pose. Place the feet together and the big toes togethe ...more

News : Steampunk Bottle (a Red and Malevolent Glow)

Thought I would cross-post a piece I did a while ago. So here is a piece I made a while back. I found this brass and glass bottle at the thrift store. At the time of purchase it had a broken music box on the bottom. I actually was able to fix the music box and it plays "How D ...more

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