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How To : Fix the "hal.dll is missing or corrupt" error

If you've received the "hal.dll is missing or corrupt" error message from your Windows machine, then you're in luck! This video will show you how to correct that problem with the Recovery Console tool that comes with the Windows 2000 and XP CDs. Using the Windows Recovery Cons ...more

How To : Use GPG4Win in Windows to Encrypt Files & Emails

I love cryptography. It is like a great gigantic puzzle for me to solve. However, it is more important than that. It is also how we keep secrets safe. Not just sorta safe either, but really safe. Until recently, if you wanted to use strong encryption you had to either learn d ...more

News : Make Apps for HoloLens in JavaScript with HoloJS

A new repository appeared in Microsoft's GitHub account a few months ago for a project called HoloJS. For those JavaScript developers out there that have been wanting to make HoloLens apps, this one's for you. Microsoft has been surprising the development world recently by fu ...more

How To : Create a Metasploit Exploit in Few Minutes

Today I will show you how to make a metasploit exploit really quickly. This tutorial is mainly applied to stack based buffer overflows and seh buffer overflows exploits .There is a simple way for rop exploits too but I will dedicate a special tutorial on this subject. I will ...more

News : Simple Man-in-the-Middle Script: For Script Kiddies

This Is for the Script Kiddies: This tutorial is about a script written for the How to Conduct a Simple Man-in-the-Middle Attack written by the one and only OTW. Hello script kiddies, Just running a script doesn't give you the understanding of what's going on under the hood. ...more

How To : The Essential Skills to Becoming a Master Hacker

Many of my aspiring hackers have written to me asking the same thing. "What skills do I need to be a good hacker?" As the hacker is among the most skilled information technology disciplines, it requires a wide knowledge of IT technologies and techniques. To truly be a great h ...more

How To : Brute-Force Nearly Any Website Login with Hatch

The tactic of brute-forcing a login, i.e., trying many passwords very quickly until the correct one is discovered, can be easy for services like SSH or Telnet. For something like a website login page, we must identify different elements of the page first. Thanks to a Python to ...more

News : The Right Linux Distro

As many of you Null Byters may know, I was planning on writing this article a week or two ago. Better late than never! So, let's get right to it then—choosing the right Linux distro for your needs. First off, you need a base for your search. Picking a Base Right now, there ...more

How To : Make Your Internet Run Faster in Windows 7

Warning If you don't trust that these steps are safe or that they won't work, than have your computer/laptop backed up so you can restore it if necessary. Update all Windows software Everything needs to be up-to-date in Windows 7, so update any software that needs it. Choo ...more

How To : Write Batch!

Right, So i've been asking alot of questions here on Null-Byte and everyone has been really helpful to me. So i thought i'd try and give back with one of the first Programing Lang i started with. I know many people of Null-Byte are most likely past the points i am going to ta ...more

How To : Steal Form Data from Your Fake Website

Though you can use the Social Engineering Toolkit to clone websites, this way is much more customisable. For example, you could send the credentials your victim enters to a script that mails you notifying you of new data someone's just entered, or automatically store them in ...more

How To : Boot Ubuntu on a Macbook From USB

For Windows laptops and PCs it's easy to install Linux. However for Macs, it's a different story. There are people installing Ubuntu on Macbooks and so far I've noticed that they are using 9.10. I've remastered my own Ubuntu 10.04 complete with playing flash videos and other a ...more

How to : Bomb Someone's Whatsapp with VBScript 2.0

Hello guys, I recently made a how to about whatsapp but the problem with that script is that it is way to long and you need to copy and paste it so many times so I made a new one that works just fine and is more easy to use lets get into it (Here Is How The Code Supposed To Lo ...more

Mac for Hackers : How to Install the Metasploit Framework

Metasploit is an extremely popular pentesting tool capable of enumeration, exploitation, and injecting shell code, and is a part of almost every hacking toolkit. So there's no way I could leave this out of our series on getting your Mac set up for hacking. Luckily for those o ...more

How To : Downgrade Your iPhone 4S or iPad 2 to iOS 6.1.3

If you've updated your iPhone 4S or iPad 2 to a version of iOS 7, iOS 8, or even iOS 9, you've probably noticed that its performance is a little more sluggish than it was back when it had iOS 6 and lower on it. Now, thanks to a tutorial from tihmstar, you can downgrade the op ...more

How To : Create Backdoor on OSX

Hello, ladies and gents! Today I will be discussing the fun and excitement of backdoor on an OSX system. Note: A lot of what I am going to say is directly based off of this article by Patrick Mosca. Please give him your gratitude and leave mine at the door! Step 1: Reverse S ...more

How To : Install Android L on Your Nexus (Fastboot Method)

Update, November 12, 2014: Android 5.0 Lollipop is officially out now. If you haven't gotten the OTA yet, check out our new guide on installing the official Lollipop builds on any Nexus for download links and instructions, for Mac or Windows. Google I/O 2014, the annual devel ...more

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