If you perform a lot of home lawn care, then don't neglect your lawn equipment during the winter months. It's important to keep your lawn edger and weed trimmer (or weed whacker) in shape to make sure your spring lawn maintenance runs smoothly. Lowe's has some great maintenanc ...more
Nothing sets off your garden beds like a nice, crisp edge. Here are four common tools for edging a garden bed. This video gives you a few options on how to edge your garden. Spade Edging a bed with a spade is pretty simple. Just line it up where you want your edge and step do ...more
A gas-powered edger will give your lawn a finished professional look with a well-manicured appearance, without taking a lot of time or effort. An edger helps cut away weeds and grass that grows over sidewalks, patios, driveways and curbs. Plus it can get nice sharp looking edg ...more
If you have a beautiful Annual flower bed or a formal bed with lawn on one side you'll want a clean edge between the two. It not only looks nice but keeps weeds from encroaching into the bed helping reduce maintenance. There are several ways to create a nice edge to your beds. ...more