
How To : All the Apps You Need to Make That Perfect Story

Stories are everywhere in social media today, but that wasn't always the case. In 2013, Snapchat introduced the world to these temporary windows into our daily lives. Since then, stories have infiltrated other popular apps. However, to stand out, you can't solely rely on the a ...more

How To : Replace Ball Joint on Grand Prix

Video: . This is how I replaced the warn ball joints on my 2000 Pontiac Grand Prix GTP. This should be similar for Buick Regals from 1997-2003, Grand Prix from 1997-2008, and Chevy Monte Carlos from 2000-2007. I originally intended to grind down the rivets holding the ball jo ...more

How To : Make Bacon Bourbon Brownies

Is dessert your deadliest vice? Try adding even more decadence to the equation—heavy, gooey chocolate with hints of crispy bacon and smokey bourbon, AKA the calorie-rich bacon bourbon brownie. Adapted from Slash Food, this after dinner treat isn't for the faint of heart. Baco ...more

News : This Is Why All Augmented Reality Startups Suck

People fundamentally distrust magicians. And they should. The illusions they proffer are just that, illusions meant to astound rather than tangible interactions and results that have weight and meaning in our real world. Our lizard brains know this, and, no matter what the out ...more

News : Giving Your Fridge a Mind of Its Own with RIFD Tags

What if your fridge knew your food and expiration dates? What if your fridge could tell you which ingredients are missing and where you can get them the cheapest? "In My Fridge" is a project designed to simplify the process of food management. Our focus was on the technical ...more

News : Shadow Brokers Leak Reveals NSA Compromised SWIFT

The Shadow Brokers, a hacker group known for its dump of NSA hacking tools in 2016, has just leaked their remaining set of data which implies that the NSA compromised SWIFT, the global provider of secure financial services, to spy on banks in the Middle East. The hackers have ...more

How To : Share Your Smartphone's Screen in Google Meet

Now that Google Meet is free for anyone with a Gmail address, you can expect to see invites from Google's service alongside Zoom calls. Meet is a very streamlined take on video conferencing that manages to provide all of the prerequisites that you'd need to host a video meeti ...more

How To : Drive a stick shift without stalling

This video gives a funny and down-to-earth tutorial on how to drive a stick shift without stalling it. Joseph, the teenaged narrator, demonstrates starting a jeep, shifting gears when in motion and stopping in two different ways, giving safety tips along the way. He makes sure ...more

News : What to Expect from Null Byte in 2015

Welcome back, my greenhorn hackers, and happy New Year! Now that your heads have recovered from your New Year's Eve regaling, I'd like to grab your attention for just a moment to preview 2015 here at Null Byte. I hope you will add your comments as to what you would like to se ...more

Game On : What STDs Look Like in the 8-Bit World

From the Leicestershire Teenage Pregnancy Partnership, a teen-friendly PSA uses 8-bit graphics to warn kids about the perils of unsafe sex: "Game On in 2011, Use a Condom Every Time! Have Fun Stay Safe." Previously, How Kids Are Having Sex: Condom Infographic Tells All.

How To : Protect Your Facebook Reputation with Reppler

Do you know how you are perceived by your peers? In real life and online? In the physical world, you could be seen as intelligent, thoughtful and hard-working, but on the Web you could be looked at as irrational, selfish and slothful. There's just something about the Internet ...more

How To : Fix bObi's Floor Detecting Sensors

bObi has four floor detection sensors on her underside that warn her not to drive over ledges and stop her from falling down stairs. For this replacement, you will need a Phillips head screwdriver and a new set of ground sensors for bObi. Video: . This repair may help if bObi ...more

How To : Sabotage a cruel and unnecessary fox hunt

Fox hunting has become illegal is some parts of the world, but there are still places where fox hunting is an acceptable activity, where people ride on horseback, following foxhounds and other scent dogs on their hunt for foxes, most likely a red foxes. But there are ways to ...more

News : 10 Accounts That Will Make You Sign Up for TikTok

Does TikTok scare you? Trust me, I get it. It's a strange, unfamiliar place to those of us not accustomed to its ways, populated by teenagers and college students with their own subcultures, memes, and humor. But here's the thing: TikTok has something for everyone, you include ...more

How To : Get rid of tent worms without insecticide

Talk about taking one for the team. If you're an eco-friendly earth muffin who refuses to use anything chemical-ridden on yourself and the environment around you, then there exists a gnarly - though effective - approach to killing a tent worm infestation that you may want to t ...more

News : Steampunk Bottle (a Red and Malevolent Glow)

Thought I would cross-post a piece I did a while ago. So here is a piece I made a while back. I found this brass and glass bottle at the thrift store. At the time of purchase it had a broken music box on the bottom. I actually was able to fix the music box and it plays "How D ...more

How To : Say "mineral water" in Polish

In some countries they warn you to not drink the water... In Poland? You're most likely fine, but it doesn't hurt to learn the Polish word for "mineral water" just in case. Learn how to say "mineral water" with help from this language tutorial. Ever wanted to learn Polish? Or ...more

News : Grid Studio Turns Old iPhones into Works of Art

Apple is known for its dedication to design, attention to detail, and for its apparent belief that its products are half device, half art. If you've ever felt similarly about that latter point, or had a desire to hang your iPhone on the wall, Grid Studio might just have the pi ...more

How To : Choose the rabbit that's best for children

Learn how to choose the rabbit that's best for children. There’s probably not a kid out there who wouldn’t love a pet bunny, but rabbits and children can be a tough combination. To make the match a happy one, follow these steps. You Will Need * A rabbit rescuer or breeder * ...more

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