
How To : Make a Homemade Bee & Wasp Trap (Kill or No-Kill)

Bees are the key to pollination and healthy vegetation, and wasps may help by assisting in pest control, but despite their benefits in the world, they're still a real pain in the ass if they're in your face. This would probably warrant an expression stronger than "pain in the ...more

How To : Build a wasp trap in under a minute

Annoyed by summertime wasps? This how-to video will show you how to assemble a humane wasp trap in under one minute using marmalade, water, a disused plastic bottle and a pair of scissors.

How To : Get rid of wasps and hornets without chemicals

In this tutorial, we learn how to get rid of wasps and hornets without using chemicals. Take a piece of bacon and wrap it around a stick. Then secure that stick by hanging it over a bowl of water with dish soap on it. The bacon will entice the bees to come towards it. Then, th ...more

How To : Dissect a wasp

If you find a dead wasp in your room (and it has been "un-living" for a while you may want to dissect it for pure science--even if you use a screwdriver.

How To : Get rid of a wasp problem as a homeowner

Having a wasp problem? Take action and get rid of them. This video guide from Mahalo will help you to determine how serious the problem is, whether you should take action at all, and what sort of action you should take if you do elect to do something.

News : How Beer Saved the World & Other Bizarre Food Facts

It's easy to take the food we eat for granted, but the truth is, there are a lot of bizarre, wonderful, and just plain weird things about what we eat and drink, the effects it has on our bodies, and vice-versa. Read on to learn how bugs provide food dye, the Japanese grow squa ...more

How To : Treat a bee sting

In this video, we learn how to treat a bee sting with Dr. Karen Sheehan. Wasps can sting you over and over, so make sure if you or your child is around one, you get away as quickly as possibly. A honeybee will only sting once but it will keep its stinger inside of your body, m ...more

How To : Understand the life cycles of a bee

The life cycle of a honey bee is presented as an example of complete metamorphosis, the development of an insect from egg to larva, then pupa, then adult. Moths, butterflies and wasps also develop with complete metamorphosis. Some aspects of beekeeping are also discussed. A re ...more

How To : Find and treat insect bites on your pets

When caring for your pet, finding and treating their insect bites which may cause allergic reaction in your pets. Bites from wasps, spider, bees, and other insects may cause an intense allergic effect. First, check if your pet is still breathing and check if there is a stinger ...more

News : News Clips - June 10

3,000 soldiers to serve in Africa next year A brigade will deploy to Africa next year in a pilot program that assigns brigades on a rotational basis to regions around the globe, the Army announced in May. Bilderberg Conference plots more turmoil in Russia This year’s Bilder ...more

How To : Control snails & aphids

In this video, Extension Horticulturalist Curtis Smith talks with Master Gardener Marsha groves about controlling harmful pests that are damaging to plants throughout the year in both outdoor garden and greenhouse environments. The first part of the video covers the issue of p ...more

FROM THE HUBBLE : Sun Devours Planet

Hubble Catches Star Consuming Its Planet Hubble Telescope has discovered a planet-eating star.  According to NASA, the star is currently consuming the planet Wasp-12b.  But don't worry about missing this phenemona. Scientists say the star could take 10 million years to swal ...more

How To : Cook lamb shoulder chops with apples & prunes

This video shows tips on how to use insects to benefit your garden. This will teach you ways to reduce the insect load in gardens without the use of chemicals. Rose aphids can be controlled with lady beetles, for example. Although these techniques have been used for agricultur ...more

How To : Remedy a sting with plantago

The plantain, or plantago major, is effective as a wasp sting remedy. The plantago lanceolata, the plantain herb is also great as a sting remedy. Watch this how to video and learn more about uses of plantain.

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